Angarak Yog in Pisces 2024 astrological effects

Pisces is currently seeing very turbulent energies. Rahu entering Pisces a few months ago, then these recent lunar and solar eclipses, especially the Phalgun Amavasya. And the Angarak yog is coming up to take the centerstage. As you know, the Pisces Virgo axis is the most sensitive one in the horoscope and anything affecting these signs has a disproportionate impact on the personality. (Youtube video here)

Mars will be entering Pisces soon and with Rahu already sitting there a very strong Angarak yog will be formed. Rahu conjoint Mars in Pisces. This cruel energy will be aspecting Ketu in Virgo. And also aspecting the signs of Gemini and Libra. This yog will be active from 24th April 2024 to 1st Jun 2024. In this, Venus will be with them for just one day. A retrograde/ forward Mercury will be with them in Pisces for about 2 weeks till 10th May. And in this time Sun will be combusting both the Gurus, Venus (25th Apr to 29th Jun) and Jupiter (7th May to 6th Jun). 

(We live in interesting times. Students of Jyotish should open their sample charts, make small predictions for these people and tally them with the events in their lives.)

Angarak yog occurs every two years and continues for about 1.5 months at a stretch. People born with this combination in their birth horoscopes tend to be a bit on the violent side. They have very high levels of fiery energies and if channelised properly can be quite the revolutionary leaders. If it is auspicious then such people can take any levels of risk and work extremely hard for a goal favourable for them and the society. If the planets are unfavourable then these people become radicals, terrorists and anti social elements of high levels. If you have this in your birth chart then you will feel quite mentally and physically active in the coming days. 

And for everyone, during this time Pisces and Virgo signs wherever they lie in the horoscope of the person/nation will cause extreme turbulence. Eg if they are in your 4/10 axis then the keywords of the 4th and 10th house will make you miserable. All that you have planned in these aspects of life will not happen. Expect sudden and generally unfavourable changes in your life here. 

However if you have a rare horoscope where Rahu is favourable, and Mars is also average to supportive then you are in for a sudden change for the better. In my Vedic New year predictions post, and Youtube video, I have repeatedly emphasised this. The sign wise results of new Hindu year Shri Krodhi 2024 – 25, revolves on the power of Rahu in your personal chart. Several will lose their fortunes in this year and the rare few will make stupendous levels of fortune in Shri Krodhi. 

Rahu is the energy of limitless desire, he does not think of consequences in his desire to devour experience of every sort and more. He wants to over reach, grab on to everything he can. He is not bothered about ethics, morals or legality. He just Wants! And Mars is initiative, power, cruelty, competition, courage and he does not stop at anything. These two together can be a dangerous combination. A person who has infinite energy, unstoppable in his desire to conquer, with no regard for rules, ethics, morals, law, is manipulative, does not have soft feelings for anyone and very passionate about his desires etc. Rahu works on the subjective level and Mars on the objective. Thus now for the next 40days or so, everyone’s energies of their astral bodies and their physical bodies are now aligned in this Angarak yog.

The Angarak yog is amplified by the fact that Sun will have evaporated the Gurus one after the other in this time frame. Selfishness, no regard for rules, self entitlement, ego filled actions etc which are a typical of the Sun will be evident everywhere. And without the Devguru and the Daityaguru to guide us, expect misbehaviour on very high levels from everyone. And added to this mix is the retrograde/forward Mercury in Pisces till 10th May. The thinking process will follow the directions of Rahu and Mars without giving a second thought. Mars and Rahu will be on the exact same point in Revati on 20th May 2024. Everyone must be very careful on this day. 


Generally expect fiery situations around you. First the weather, there will be a spike in the temperature as fiery energies are on the rise. But as this is a combination of fiery and airy energies in a water sign, so there is a good chance of severe rain, thunderstorms, cyclones etc in certain areas. For predicting location specific results, charts from Medini Jyotish should be used. 

Everyone will become a bit more rude and arrogant in this time. Aggression, temper, mindless rage related issues are all possible. Rash behaviour is very much expected along with negativity and possible violence. People will not be able to give their best in profession /business etc and this will lead to other issues. Everyone health will be affected by heat. So dehydration, rashes, allergies, pimples, digestive upsets etc are expected. 

If you bring your ill temper at home, your personal life too will suffer. If married, you should remain loyal to your spouse. If in a relationship, keep your mind under control else break ups, temporary or permanent are possible. There will be sleepless nights as you will feel too restless to really relax. Crazy dreams, nightmares, sleep paralysis, increased astral travel etc is possible in this time. Imagination, directionless thinking, thoughts caught in a loop, etc will be on a high because all this is happening in Pisces, which represents the infinite ocean of the Mind. Do not engage in alcohol or hallucinogenic drugs, as the effects will be severe. 

There is a distinct possibility of accidents, surgeries, sabotages, industrial accidents, etc in this time. National security agencies must be on an alert as terrorist activities are also possible. On the international front, all the war zones will remain active and things will escalate in a few of them. I personally hope not, but the chances of new fronts opening up is also possible.

It will be helpful if you can postpone all major actions /decisions in your life till the combination dissolves. Especially financial dealings should be reconsidered carefully as Mercury is involved. Cheating is possible. Or you might cheat others, misrepresent certain things for your own benefits. Love and marriage relations will be affected as Venus, Jupiter and Mars are all involved in some way or the other.

For the Birth Moon signs for this period, in brief, 

Aries birth Moons will feel the full effect of this energy. Losses are expected on different fronts. Sleeplessness and financial issues are possible. Traveling, remaking away from the home will be tiring but you might also get some gain.

If Taurus birth Moons can channelise this energy properly then it has the potential to grant them quite a lot of gains. Use your contacts, people from like minded groups etc to create something lasting in this time frame. Remain mindful of your personal self interests and pursue them seriously.

Gemini birth Moons should try to use this energy in their profession and start some new projects etc, which will give recognition and a possible pay hike. However lack of rest, ego clashes and conflicts at home are possible.

Cancer birth Moons will face pressure from the elders in the family regarding life goals and it is possible that you will take some rash decisions in this time. If you can use this time to focus on your studies and try to really understand your subjects, it will he helpful. 

Leo should be very careful, do not be rash in this time. There is a possibility of at least one serious situation. Be prepared for emergencies. Fear, anxiety and blood related issues are possible.

Virgo birth Moons will be getting the full brunt of this energy. Ketu, the other half of the Rahu Ketu axis, is in Virgo. So all the readings above will be applicable to this sign in full.

Libra birth Moons can utilise this fiery energy to decimate their enemies. But just be careful about overdoing things. Some chronic illness can be trigged in this time frame. Do not trust your subordinates and do not take on new loans in this time.

Scorpio birth Moons will be carried away by thoughts of personal ego, selfishness etc. You will feel over confident about everything and get yourself in tight situations. Your children, spouse and loves will cause you stress. 

Sagittarius birth Moons’ home life will be stressful. Or your residence, properties will have some issues. The mother and maternal relatives will cause anxiety. Ignoring office work now can have serious repercussions later. 

Capricorn birth Moons can use this fiery energy to take some bold life time decisions in this time. Just avoid over confidence and rashness, think things through carefully and go ahead. However your elders may require your attention. 

Aquarius birth Moons will also face pressure from the close family. Temper, selfishness and cheating might cause life time separations here. Budgeting is necessary, do not give your resources to anyone in this time.

For Pisces birth Moons, the Pisces sign is hosting these energies and this entire post above will be fully applicable to these birth Moons.

Now for the remedies. There are only the three, Mantra, Daana and intelligent behavioural changes. The best remedy is to control your mind. For this you can recite Soham the Ajapa mantra, with your breath. This will keep your mind stable. You can do mantra and pujas of your adored deity, Kuldevata, Ishtadevata, Bhagwan Ganpati with the intention that you get the help you need to support you in this time. You can also give the Daan for Mars and Rahu. Or do pujas of Shri Maruti. Daily pujas are a generic remedy for all issues so do these regularly in your home puja altar. On the behavioural front it is advisable to take a deep breath, think for a minute and then react to any life situation. Physical activities, like going to the gym etc can be helpful to channelise the extra fiery energy. 

The Angarak Yog in Pisces 2024 is an intense period. Rahu and Mars will be conjunct causing fiery effects on all the signs of the zodiac. Everyone must be careful and take decisons Financial dealings and relationships require careful navigation, while individual zodiac signs face specific challenges. Remedies such as mindfulness practices and physical activities will help for channelising these heightened energies. Jyotish is the Eye of the Ved, ie the lens of perception for True Knowledge. We must try to use its timeless wisdom to live a happier and more fulfilling life.

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25 responses to “Angarak Yog in Pisces 2024 astrological effects”

  1. Baxter Avatar

    Namaste, health issues for sure. Avian Flu virus has jumped to several species of mammals including humans. The virus has been detected in US cow and cattle. It has been detected in cows milk. Definitely going to be a major health concerns.
    Om Shanti Shanti Shantihi

  2. Ananya Avatar

    Thank you for another illuminating post🙏. I have three questions:

    1. How do you activate the power of Rahu in a good way and not end up activating its negative traits? Based on your posts on Yogkarak Rahu, I know mine isn’t. But it sits a degree away from my ascendant with the ascendant lord (Jupiter), moves to 10th house in moon chart, both my moon and mars are conjunct in Rahu’s Nakshatra. So I have an intuition that Rahu is trying to teach me something in this life, and how do I harness that?
    I do read Hanuman chalisa and Durga saptasathi shloka daily. Should I consider chanting Rahu Beej mantra too and request for it to guide me properly?

    2. Personally Rahu’s negative traits have always affected my career first and then spill to home. When you know you have tried/ and are still trying to make things better, but things are not working out the way you want, and you can’t change situation, is it okay to just step back and become dispassionate about it and look at career/home issues with a sense of Vairagya?

    3) This Yog lasts till June but I assume any action/inaction we do under its influence, will have much longer repercussions correct?

    Thank you again for all that you write and share with us through posts and videos.
    Sincerely , Ananya

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      1. i have written several posts on Rahu, read through them

      you are already doing so much
      so stop being so anxious. leave it to your deity. trust your deity to ‘activate’ whenever wahtever has to b ‘activated’ . develop that Ishwar samapan and prasad bhavana

      2. yes, you can internally
      but on the material levels you have to be involved

      3. yes

      1. Ankit Avatar

        Wonderful Article 🙏🏼
        My Question is not Related to this Article
        How to Get Rid Of Chronic Enemies??

      2. astrologerbydefault Avatar

        Hi there
        work on your 6th house. to understand its dynamics in your life

        recite the kavach of your adored deity, this will grant you protection

  3. Nagarathna Avatar

    I have a question. What do you mean by “potter emergencies”? I have not heard that expression before. Thank you for a great blog.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      it was a typo. thanks for pointing it out. edited it 🙂

  4. Phalguni Avatar

    Thank you Ma’am for your constant guidance!

  5. Cass W. Avatar
    Cass W.

    Do you think that wearing gemstones or a 9-gem astrological bangle might help during these difficult times? If so, which gemstones do you think would be good to wear?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      i do not think a 9 gem stone jewellery will suit everyone. if you want to wear gemstones do show your horoscope to your astrologer first

      as a generic remedy – everyone’s mind needs support, so if you want to wear gemstones, you can go with pearls.
      or at least do the mantra of the Moon on mondays.

      made a small video on this.

  6. Renu Avatar

    Namaste! Birth Moon conjunct Ketu in Pisces here with Natal Mars conjunct Rahu in Virgo. According to my understanding of your posts, Rahu is yogkarak.
    Life is going to get even more interesting😬Mantra and dhyana are daily practices. Will do extra Dana and attend to behavior carefully. Thank you for this post!

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      you are welcome 🙂

      also wrote a lot on Rahu Ketu


    I have Rahu conjoint Mars exact in Capricorn 4th house natal. Hasta moon. I better hold on.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      You can use the energy in a so that you can gain in some way, now that you know.
      Capricorn Mars is exalted so is powerful.

  8. Sashank Avatar

    Hello Madam, I have a doubt based on one of your old articles about Bharatavarsha, in that you provide the description from Vishnu puran, which says only in the land of Bharathvarsha is it possible to attain swarg or Moksh and that no other land has this inherent power,
    Does the land have this power because of the devotion of the people who reside here, and there is nowhere else where people are this devoted?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      i do not say this, Maharishi Vedvyas says this
      i had answered this Q somewhere,

      its coz no other land as that level of continuous Dharmic activities performed with that level of sincerity.
      the land is not just the physical earth, it is also the astral dimensions linked with that part of the world.
      if you live in India then you will not appreciate the value of this land. if you live outside India, even then you will not. but if you have lived both in and out of Bharat, and have a sense of the energy then you will be able to understand the how important Bharat is.

  9. Dhiraj Avatar

    Thank you for your wisdom Tejaswini ji. Blessed to found your blog and videos.

    1. Could you elaborate on how Rahu and Mars can be beneficial in someone’s chart? Like what combination? (I have Rahu in 5th (Aquarius)) with Sun (1 deg apart) and Venus (my ascendant lord – libra)
    2. Also, one more question, I have Mars as Marak (owning 2nd & 7th house) situated in 7th house (Aries) but in mrit avastha in my chart (26.5 degrees) and also atmkarak, so how should this be interpreted? Should I consider mars as more positive or more negative?
    3. Also, do you consider avasthas while interpreting a chart?

    Thank you again! 🙏

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      your Rahu is a yogkarak level

      rahu with venus
      venus in 5th /Aquarius is combust?
      sun in 5th /Aquarius
      how far are they from each other?
      if your own chart then check the nakshatra levels too

      i have written several posts which can be useful for you
      also ref the index

      2. i do not consider the maraks as ‘totally bad’ , but yes they have to be handled with understanding

      blanket – positive and negative – does not work in Jyotish

      first – what is your question? think of a question and then analyse.
      – mrut avastha 7th lord is one reading, 2nd lord in 7th is another, 7th lord in 7th is one aspect. 7th lord mrut, Mars in swarashi, atmakrak in 7th etc. there are so many ways of looking at a position.

      3. of course!

      1. Dhiraj Avatar

        Thank you again!

        (I am Libra ascendant)
        1. Venus I believe is not combust (00 deg 01 min 29 sec Aquarius) – Dhanishtha 2nd pada, mars as nakshtra lord
        Sun (10 deg 19min 49 sec Acq) – Shatabhisha, 2nd pada, Rahu nakshatra lord
        Rahu (11 deg 17 min 01 sec Acq) very close to Sun, shatabhisha nakahatra, it’s own.

        i. Moon in 12th 02 deg 38’ 13” Virgo – Uttara falguni, 2nd
        ii. Saturn in 3rd 17 deg 29’ 25” Sagittarius – in Purva ashadha, 2nd, venus as nakshatra lord
        iii. Mercury in 4th 14 deg 14’ 02” Capricorn – shravana 2nd pada – chandra nakshatra lord
        iv. Mars in 7th 26 deg 13’ 27” Aries – bharani 4th pada, shukra as nakshatra lord
        v. Jupiter in 8th 04 deg 12’ 42” Taurus -Krittika 3rd pada, surya nakshatra lord

        2. From your post, the main thing I was trying to analyze is what will be the effect of rahu and mars according to their position in my chart so that I can be a bit more careful during this angarak yog. In what areas I should be extra careful in this time .

        Again, many thanks for your wisdom, I consider myself just a naive student of Jyotishi so this clarification will be of great help.


  10. Anirvan Avatar

    Namaste Ma’am

    In this above link a person named —– claims that “Maximum astrologers have cancer these days, no one shares this fact, healers are also having cancer nowadays. Eczema, Cirrhosis, etc. are common among them.” He further gives a reason that, “You are playing with the person’s energy, you are interfering in someone else’s karma, wouldn’t that impact your body? Neither have you done ‘tapasyaa’ neither are you disciplined, nor do you live a disciplined life. You just kept on interfering with the energy, only because you wanted.” Later he moves to another topic.

    Note : The tone and context may have been lost in translation, so I urge you to please go to the link and watch on your own. Also this only an excerpt, I have not watched the full video, so obviously don’t know the full context.

    My question is that : (i) Do people who are not into daily spiritual practice, suffer if they read someone’s kundli/ give predictions(as in a learning stage, of course with their consent )?
    (ii) Even if (i) is true, then one has to suffer from Cancer, Eczema, etc. ?

    I am not forming assumptions, just wanted your opinion on whether these are misguiding fake videos, or there is really such a thing?

    I have no other motive with any person specifically, he is the first person I came across giving this idea, thus his video.

    2. Aliester Crowley’s D-1 Chart is not visible in any of your blogs Ma’am.

    Thank you Ma’am

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      do not send links on the blog, the comments get marked as spam.
      today i was randomly checking the spam folder and thus approved your comment

      i do not wish to listen to what other people say, i do not have the time nor the inclination.

      but as you have put it in your own words. i will base my answer on this much only.

      Jyotish is Vedang, a Vidya both para and apara, it is not for every random person to practice.

      people my family practice or used to practice. and for that we have to do a considerable amount of personal pujas daily. and the tithi specific pujas, festival day pujas, anushthans. pujas never stop. mantra never stop. all the time, linked with the breath it goes on. those family members who do not do pujas, do not practice, even if they have the strength.
      when i used to do readings, I would first mentally invoke Shri Ganpati, my Shri Guru, Devi Jagadamba, the Shri Vedpurush and then request the client’s Ishtadevata to help. only then touch the chart on their behalf. and after reading it completely disconnect. i have an extraordinary memory but i would actively forget the chart positions.

      if some ‘software astrologer’ is doing readings without the pujas, his 5th house will be drained. i have also written this in some posts.
      i wrote on mantra siddhi and purva punya in some post. check the 5th 9th houses, dharma trikon topics.

      earlier a person was taught Math, Ganit and astronomy Gol and had to know Sanskrit.
      only then could he be taught Jyotish. this meant that only those who had a exceptionally strong dharma trikon could even think of learning Jyotish.
      it is the Chakshu of the Ved, it is not child’s play!

      if you give readings to anyone then you are sharing your energy. this is a fact. and if you do not have a good energy balance and keep doing this, then you will be drained. and yes you will eventually fall ill. as the imbalance in the astral level percolates into the physical.
      this applies to all sorts of energy healing modalities, Tarot, Reiki, anything which manipulates energy.

      i do not want to write on which disease and all, as it is a distressing topic for genuinely suffering people.
      but only and only limited to this question – and only on the energy levels –
      – Mercury indicates skin diseases. the person has misused /overused his capacity to communicate on subjects he does not have the authority/ energy to do so
      – Jupiter is connected to cancer – the person has tried to provide guidance/ advice/ blessings /energy when he did not have the capacity / authority to do so.

      i wrote on Reiki somewhere, read that post on energy sharing.

      if you ever consult an astrologer, he or she should feel ‘pleasant’ to you.
      ie you should feel that ‘blessing’ component. the blessings, of course, come from your own 9th house. ie your purva punya/ Kuldevata/ Ishtadevata/ Gurudevata is willing to express himself through the Jyotishi sitting in front of you.
      if you cannot feel this positivity, then the words of this person will be of no use to you.

      2. thnx for pointing it out. will check the links .

  11. Sahasra Avatar

    Mam, in Kaliyuga the number of Satgurus, spiritual aspirants, the ones who chase moksha through tantra, etc. decrease. Mam which path do people take up to reach moksha in kaliyuga? There will be devils play everywhere. Won’t the scope of moksha decrease. Second question is, Mam Kunti Devi achieved moksha by being extremely sad. Which moksha did she reach Mam? Jivan mukt or Videh mukt? Third question is, Mam when some Satgurus say that there are some disdain realized souls, what does it mean? Mam what is the play of truth in the path of chasing of moksha? Mam at first I thought there is no good and bad and started believing it completely and chased it fully later realized another truth. Is this Maya? Mam is it necessary to know the truth? Mam I am born in ashlesha Nakshatra, an astrologer predicted that my mother in law would die because of me. Are there any pujas to reverse this? Mam can you write about nagas in your blogs? Please. I have some inclination towards them. Some say I walk like a snake. Mam, I have a lot of karma to clear in this life, I’m having very terrifying dreams at night everyday. I wake up daily a lot energy drained. I can be seen physically too. Mam right now purvauttarapada Nakshatra is influencing me. The lord of the Nakshatra, ekapada wants me to go ascetic. I am not able to stay near my parents because of this. I know what they are thinking and their subconscious thoughts too. When ever something not positive takes place or a word or a thought in me or my surroundings upto good distance takes place it is affecting me. It is just like hell. I’m chanting his name everytime possible to take me to spiritual side. Pls give some suggestions in facing this. I really need it. Whenever in effected by this energy I’m getting a lot angry and destroying things. I’m destroying and making karma again. This is a lot painful and hurtful.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      What do I know about the path which others take? And why should I bother? I don’t.
      I can only walk my own path.

      I don’t know what level of Moksh Kunti Devi reached. That is her own thing.
      In the book, she was not in Swarg when the Pandavs and Draupadi Devi reached there.
      When you reach the limit of an emotion, experience it to the fullest you reach the Self. so possibly she reached the extent of sadness and thus reached the Infinite Self.

      I do not understand this ‘Disdain realised souls’.

      What is truth /Satya?
      This is a question which every aspirant has asked. And the Guru has always answered.

      That which cannot ever be falsified is the Satya.. Jnyan, Anant, Brahma, Advitiya, Astitva.

      There is no duality. As existence / astitva cannot be dual. We worship Astitva/ existence. We are all the non dual – astitva.

      But when we interact at the vyavharik / material levels we have to interact with apparent duality.

      As long as you are under the control of Kaal, you are not qualified to say that there is no good and no bad. you cannot live by this truth when you are still in the grip of Kaal.

      Once you have expanded yourself beyond Kaal , ie become Mahakaal yourself only then can you say this line with full understanding.

      This is nonsense. These sort of ‘astrologers’ have hurt so many clients!
      If someone has to die, it is because of their own karma. you are not so powerful that others will die just because you marry someone.
      Not even Ishwar himself is responsible for someone’s death. every person is responsible for his or her own karmic events including death.

      I have written a bit about the Nag in some posts here and there. Maybe in the Yoni, children, ancestors etc posts. You will have to check the index.

      No-one wants you to go ascetic. Only you can decide for yourself.

      Everyone has a lot of karma to settle and thus are born here. Not just you.

      Wrote about astral travel, dream and sleep states.
      Use the index.

      There is no “purvauttarapada Nakshatra”

      So why are you focusing on listening to their thoughts? Let then flow away from you.

      If you are so sensitive it will cause you energy loss.

      Recite some kavach of your adored deity.

      And talk to a qualified medical professional for your physical symptoms for getting relief. When the disturbance percolates into the physical level, medical help is often necessary.

  12. S Avatar

    I have 7 planets in pi vi signs, times are tough and don’t seem to be getting any better anytime soon!

I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

Sharing my experiences, on the way, through this Blog.

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