Astrological tips to Improve your Love Relationships

Navigating relationships can be complex journey unless you have a ‘secret code’. And this secret code is the practical application of astrological principles. Your and your loved one’s nature is linked to the individual astrological signs, especially the Birth Moon sign. Each zodiac sign carries its own set of traits, strengths, and challenges that shape the way you interact and connect with others. Let’s use astrological principles for improving love relationships.

From the fiery Aries to the dreamy Pisces, let’s focus on their ‘make or break’ tendencies which control the love dynamics. These following analyses are for the Birth Moon sign. In case your ascendant sign is as strong as the birth Moon sign, (use the Ashtakvarga to determine this), then you can merge the two readings.

Birth Moon is in Aries sign, Mesh rashi

You are too impulsive and being in a relationship requires some level of stability. You try to impress your partner but after the first step you seem to lose interest. You need a partner who can manage your level of spontaneity and aggression. You always try to dominate your partner, pressurise them to do what you want and this is a turn off.  You cannot bear criticism but you expect your partner to follow you without question. You feel insecure if you feel that your partner is dominating you and immediately want to get out. Your partner might feel stressed out keeping up with your energy. If you change this mindset, your relationships will improve in the long run.

Birth Moon is in Taurus sign, Vrushabh rashi

You are traditional at heart. You have a very clear image of how your partner should be and do not settle for anything else. You like going out with your friends but in doing this you often ignore your partner. You need your freedom and do not compromise on this. Eventually your partner is left feeling alone at home while you enjoy an active social life. But you rarely take your partner’s genuine complaints seriously. Your overriding need is tradition and stability in your partner and feel insecure if this is denied. As you often tend to belittle and ignore your partner, this is the one thing which leads to heartbreak for both of you.

Birth Moon in Gemini, Mithun rashi

You are a complex mind. You pressurise your partner to contribute more on the emotional level but you try to remain emotionally aloof. You are generally insecure about your partner, not quite sure about their love for you. Your image is of an outgoing lively hyper active person and not everyone likes their partner to be so continuously on the move. You tend to lie with a straight face and with time this turns into insincerity. You want to be involved in every little thing in your partner’s life. And if they do not allow this, you start suspecting them of all sorts of nonsense. You want to always be in touch, be in communication with your partner and this is not practical. You overthink everything and ultimately this leads to break ups. So try to give your partner their space, else they will leave you. 

Birth Moon is in Cancer sign Karka rashi

You do not trust easily. You first test your partner in your own way. Your past relationship experiences is generally bittersweet so you are not confident about putting your faith in someone. But in case you find someone worthy of your confidence then you are a loyal and a loving partner. But you tend to make your partner feel guilty about everything and all the time. You dramatise your disappointments in your relationships to such an extent that your partner has no option but to surrender. And you do this even when you are at fault. Eventually this suffocates your partner and leads to break ups. You are also not sure if your partner loves you sufficiently and this distrust contributes to the end of your relationships. You feel intensely, love your partner but are scared to open up and speak. You pretend to be insensitive when in fact you crave expressions of love. You confuse your partner. Try to overcome your need for constant assurances of love from your partner and learn to appreciate them for their love.

Birth Moon is in Leo sign, Simha rashi

You are too regal for a relationship. Your personal ego, pride and selfishness often drives your partners away. You do not feel comfortable with another person, ie you cannot bring yourself to be normal around your partner. It is like you are always on a stage, pretending. You do search for love but you miss the real one who is sitting right next to you. You do not like opening up a dialogue with your partner. You tend to give them orders and if they do not listen you use cutting words which hurt. You try to act superior. And as you grow older you become insecure. You are scared of being ignored by your partner and then you become even more unbearable. Try to share the spotlight in your relationship, so that you and your partner both can be happier together. 

Birth Moon is in Virgo sign Kanya rashi

You are highly analytical and think all the time. You want a perfect partner and will wait patiently for them to magically appear. You fail to realise that this is unrealistic. You cannot accept flaws in your partner and also cannot see the flaws in yourself. You set impossibly high standards for your partner and when they fail you become rigid and blame them. Yet you are internally shy and do not express what you really want. You are scared of being judged for what you really want. Paradoxically you are afraid that your wishes will come true. So you try to project your wishes/ ideas on your partner. So that it seems that it was the partner’s idea. You keep changing your partners in search for the ‘perfect one’. This never happens and finally you are left alone. Try to change your expectations and behaviour by even a tiny bit, it will help both of you.


Birth Moon is in Libra sign, Tula rashi

You are a bit scared of getting into steady relationships. But you want a partner around to keep you company and to reassure you when things go wrong. You love new experiences and want to enjoy life. You want someone who thinks and behaves like you do. You are often compare your present relationship to your past ones. This stops you from actively enjoying the current moment. You do not openly express yourself, instead you try to subtly manipulate your partner to do what you want. You might pretend to not know how to do something and make your partner to do it for you. You are terrified of not being able to do something properly and your mistakes getting caught. This insecurity leads to arguments and break ups. You are either a hopeless romantic or a pragmatic unromantic person. Thus not being able to find a balance in relationships is the biggest reason for a Libra to choose to break up. 

Birth Moon is in Scorpio sign Vrushchik rashi

You have a complicated mind, prone to overthinking. Possessive, passionate, ruthless and you can also be manipulative. This mindset destroys your relationships. Being unpredictable and using threats to get things your way does not lead to a stable partnership. If your partner does not behave as you tell them, you stop communicating and then break up. You never open up to your partner but you expect them to tell you everything. You want instant and complete loyalty from them, but you do not commit yourself. You are internally scared of being judged, insulted, humiliated or betrayed in love so you behave like this. But this exact behaviour leads to rejection by the partner, pain and break ups. Try to you analyse yourself and mindfully change your mindset to be successful in love. 

Birth Moon is in Sagittarius sign Dhanu rashi

You are fun to be with. You like adventure and want your partner to share your activities. If your partner is a stay at home then you would prefer to break up. You do not like your partner to be dependant on you or demand your attention as this feels suffocating to you. You do not like talking about the past and prefer making plans for the future. If your partner tries to do something which you do not like then you will rake up past issues to make him feel guilty. You try to push your partner on the back foot this way you avoid sharing your real self. You are highly optimistic and want to wait for the perfect partner which does not really happen in practical life. Try to change yourself and also involve your partner in your activities so that you are both happy together.

Birth Moon is in Capricorn sign Makar rashi

You are too busy to fall in love or get into a serious relationship. You love your work, your social circle and your personal time far too much. You think you are defined by your successes and if you fail your partner will look down at you. You are especially into money, investments and financial security. You are practical, responsible etc but do not really want ‘love’. You basically want someone who is around you when you need something but otherwise you do not bother. You think you know more than your partner. You never listen to what they want and try to dominate them. Systemically, with time, your partner becomes essentially dependant on you and your view of life. And gradually the relationship become toxic for both. If you want a fair and balanced relationship with your partner then you have to work on this aspect of your personality. 


Birth Moon is in Aquarius sign Kumbh rashi

Your speech and behaviour can be like a knife. Especially when you are in a bad mood, you can be very sarcastic with your partner. You are kind at heart but cannot bring this kindness out in your interpersonal relationships. You are afraid of opening yourself up to your partner. You feel that doing so will affect your public image. Also you do not change. You may apologise if you really feel that you are wrong, but you cannot change your behaviour patterns. You want to be free to do what you want. Freedom is essential to you and due to this you are afraid to commit yourself to someone in a relationship. You are unable to differentiate between your public and private behaviour and this is the root of the problem. Try to understand this fundamental trait and work on it so that you can improve your love relationship.

Birth Moon is in Pisces sign Meen rashi

You live in your own world and do not feel the urge to get into a relationship in the first place. You are non judgemental, resilient and easy going. You are helpful, kind and all that is good, but you run away at the first sign of trouble. You are at ease with a partner as dreamy as you are. You rarely get angry, but jealousy is your weak point. Also you cannot bear being criticised or misunderstood. This is because you rarely think evil for others. If you feel that you have hurt your partner, then too, you disappear from their life. If you are upset with your partner, you do not communicate. You do not give your partner a chance to talk to you. You remain silent until your partner has no option to give you what you want. You have to work on these traits to improve your relationship so that you can your love can have a happy life together. 

Astrology provides a powerful lens through which we gain deeper insights into the human mind. Everything that we see is within our Minds. That is why the birth Moon sign is more important when evaluating relationships. If we can use our unique qualities and capitalise on our inherent strengths we can be more successful in life. Learn to use astrology for more meaningful relationships and a happier life.

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25 responses to “Astrological tips to Improve your Love Relationships”

  1. Alice Avatar

    Thank you ma’am for the post!

    I have one question: using the bhava chalit chart, if one’s Chandra Rasi is in one house while changing to the other house, would the person also feels the sign of the bhava it sits in?

    Random example: Mesh lagna, Vrushabh Chandra sits in 3rd bhava Mithuna. Which situation happens:

    1. The person perceives the world with a mix of majorly Vrushabh, minorly Mithuna


    2. The person perceives ONLY as Vrushabh.

    Thank you! I look forward to your posts 🙂

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      the bhavmadhya rashi is the major influence
      the other rashis also contribute to that extent.
      but the bhavmadhya is the main thing
      you can also check the bhavmadhya degree in the D9 to see the power of the bhav.

      1. Alice Avatar

        Thank you!

  2. Surbi Avatar

    Very insightful article focusing on both sides of the coin for every zodiac. Thank you.

    A hypothetical question, if both moon and ascendant signs are on the lower side of ashtakvarga points (say, 18 and 20), does it affect the qualities you’ve written about or the result of that quality or both? (eg: Aries moon can be impulsive but that creates unfavorable situations with the partner and results in no support of this quality)
    Like my brother likes to be chatty and my SIL likes to listen patiently. It just works because both qualities support each other.

    What if both moon sign and ascendent sign have low Ishta phal points too? (It may mean getting less happiness/satisfaction from these qualities right?)

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      if both have very low ashtakvarga scores then the person better do some daily pujas / daan/ mantra
      added to that low ishta phal then they will have a rather difficult life.

      read this.

  3. shwetalawj Avatar

    Wonderful post and very apt.

    One question and though it may appear fo be very stupid but then I am only human. For me , Divine Mother is one and every feminine energy is her manifestation. Yet it questions. Sri Vidya’s presiding deity is Ma Lalitha yet some say it’s Mahalakhsmi. In essence they are one and same then why do we divide them or is it true..are they different. If possible ma’am, please write a post on deities.. sometimes I feel they are pushing me towards’s so so subtle that I can’t explain it all here and I must not as well. But I also feel that it’s my ego making me think like this. How can Divine beings have time for us who are just small than even a dot. Human beings as I have understood are full of ego. Please shed some light on deities. I know they listen and how can I deepen this bond and nit do things which are wrong

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      they are all the same.
      there is no duality ever

      You are shwetalawj – you are mother to your child, wife to your husband, daughter to your parents, granddaughter to your grandparents, niece to your aunt, aunt to your neice, sister to your brother, sister in law to your husband’s brother, officer to your subordinate, junior to your boss, grandmother to your grandchildren etc. but you are just the one shwetalawj.
      Similarly there is only one Intelligence, it is called Shri, Devi, shwetalawj, tejaswini, amit, neha, kalika, lalita, laxmi, shivah, vishnu, asur, sur, danav, daitya, rakshas, picshachya, vetal, kinnar, yaksha, dog, cat, worm, insect, mountain, water, fire……
      names – forms are different, substance is same.
      Naamroop are different Vastu is the same.

      do your daily pujas.

      i have written so much in this blog. do use the resource

  4. Phalguni Avatar

    Thanks a lot for the article Ma’am!

  5. Stephen Leroy Hughes Avatar
    Stephen Leroy Hughes

    I literally love reading this, due your your keen insight. This post was spot on for me as a Virgo Moon. Thank you for sharing.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      you are welcome 🙂

  6. artimaheshwari Avatar

    hi Mam, I am a student of astrology and always read your article , it gives me better understanding of the subject. Thank you so much for your blog, students like me are truly grateful to you.

    Best Regards
    Arti Maheshwari

  7. Saz Avatar

    Hi Tejaswini ji,

    I hope all is well with you!

    Suddenly one day I woke up and felt a strong desire that I should be strengthening my Ketu. I have no idea where I got this inkling from. Ketu is alone in the 10th house of my D1 and with Jupiter in the 10th house of my D9 chart. Currently, Ketu is transitioning through my 12th house. I tried searching for Ketu Beej Mantra online but found conflicting results. When you get a chance, could you kindly advise on the most suitable day for reciting the Ketu Beej Mantra, as well as provide guidance on the specific Beej mantra to be recited 108 times? Please do accept my apologies if you have already written about this in the past. I tried searching through your index bar, but couldn’t locate anything on the Ketu Beej Mantra.

    Kind Regards,

      1. Jinesh k Avatar
        Jinesh k


        What are the indications in a chart showing that you have the potential to be an astrologer or your predictions/intutions might come true?


      2. astrologerbydefault Avatar

        Hi there
        i hope you are not asking about my horoscope postions..

        but here are a few combinations..

        the dharma trikon has to be powerful
        5th house has to be extremely strong
        rahu ketu have to be very powerful , to have that intuition
        then Moon and Sun have to be strong, else the person will use his vidyas for immoral activities.

        in fact all planets have to contribute in some way else the extra burden of seeing into others lives can cause a collapse of the personal life.

  8. Jinesh k Avatar
    Jinesh k

    Not at all 🙂. I was asking in general. I think the word “you” caused the issue.
    Thank you.

  9. sharshala Avatar

    Namaste mam,
    I have a request, in the section “about me” you have mentioned that you are a Reiki teacher. So, what pre requisites should I have to become your student. Can you humbly consider my request to take class online (if the studies and your discretion allows).

    And mam, how do you manage to create so many appropriate links to many many many words of one post! To get an understanding of one post, I will have to scroll to so many relevant post through the links indicated there. How do you remember that for a particular word, you should provide a appropriate hyperlink! After writing more than 7 century posts. How do you do that.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      i have already written on how to channelise the universal energy, chi energy, or reiki energy..

      everyone can do this. this is an inbuilt part of being a human.

      reiki simply builds on this.

      if u are already doing mantra pujas/ personal pujas then you are already channeling a significant quantum of energy.

      online classes are not very effective when it comes to these energy type of topics. and i do not do long distance reiki initiations.
      so you will have to find someone else to initiate you into reiki if you want to.

      Unfortunately or fortunately, i can perfectly recall what i have written /done /said or even seen. it is like the mind has different reference sections, something like a library, which it opens when it needs to 🙂
      it is a typical virgo trait.

      1. Harshala Avatar

        Thank you for the reply mam. I do Pooja, I also have been reading Ramayana and Bhagavad-Gita, but am not aware of energy that’s built for me. I know that I don’t have manah sayyam and prone to anger and harsh words usage and prone to frequent evil eye and get exhausted soon and I’m impulsive. I have realised that I have lots of errors and shortcomings. May be because my Aeris ascendant lord is with ketu and my second house has Rahu. They don’t have benifit conjunct to them. Also I’m in Sade sati. Mid phases…..I feel I’m chaotic now, may be some day I will earn Rama’s blessings 🙂

  10. Alice Avatar

    Hi ma’am!

    Hope everything is good for you. Will you be doing anything special for the upcoming solar eclipse on April 8th?

    It also happens very very close to my birthday (+-2 days) so do you also have any advice on making the best out of this?

    Super excited because this will be the first time I get to do spiritual practice intentionally on an eventful astrological day.

    Thank you.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      the eclipse is not visible from where i live. so no special pujas needed to balance the energy release for me at least.

      but i always do pujas on every amavasya and purnima. in fact more on the amavasyas. so yes as a normal routine, there will be pujas 🙂

      if you live in a region where it will be visible – then i wrote a post

      and some tips for analysing the event

      if its your birthday then the best thing to do is to go to the temple of your adored deity, give some daan / offerings to the deity. wish for removal of negativity and addition of positivity.

      if this is not possible, then offer some kumkum/ vermillion, unbroken raw rice grains/ akshata, flowers, etc to the Sun in the skies. hold everything in your cupped hands, intend whatever it is you wish for, take a few deep breaths, invoke the Sun in your mind and toss everything into the sky.

      if you live in India, then you can get a Homa for longevity, Ayur-homa, or for peace, Graha shanti, etc by asking a Brahmin.

      or if you want to do something solo it at home and you have the kit/ ingredients then a simplified Mahamrutyunjai mantra homa.

      or if you cannot do anything at all then do your 108 repeats of your chosen mantra in front of your puja altar and request your deity to grant you your wishes.

      if you do not have much time, then even 5mins of pure intention is sufficient to trigger the positivity.

      and as it is your special day, do what ever makes you happy

      1. Alice Avatar

        Hi ma’am,

        There isn’t a temple nearby my place, but very fortunately I do live nearby a lake and rice grain at home. Look forward to make use of this event.

        I do have another question, whenever you have time:

        When a person deviates from what was planned for them in the birth chart because of spiritual practices, to what extent does their life plan change?

        Example: a person make life decisions consciously with full awareness that satisfy their Conscience. If their birth chart is “destined” to be of struggles (e.g. poverty, abuse, neglect, humiliation, etc.), then how much free will come into play to change their destiny? 25%, 50% or 99%?

        Thank you!

      2. astrologerbydefault Avatar

        Hi there
        if you were to get your wrist fractured
        then it might reduce to a sprain
        or if you are really serious and it works then the max reduction in intensity is that you experience this in a dream and its over.

        free will depends on the level of the chart.

        but all have some level of free will. it may be minuscule but it does exist

  11. GVR Avatar

    Hello Tejaswini ji,

    I want to ask how can we choose the right pulse while exiting? As you said one should follow dharma and concentrate fully at the moment of death….but my question is how can we be alert at the time of death because we don’t know the exact time i.e. it is sudden. Also aging or illness can cause people to lose self-control and focus.

    Will spirituality be useful even in that state?

    Thank you for your guidance and knowledge that you share with us.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      read these posts if you want to know more.

      if you think of your adored deity and exit with his image in your mind, you will get sagun moksh

      at the last breath, if you can maintain the soham, ie when you exit in the silence after the hummmm……. you will get videha moksh. ie you will automatically exit the shell thru the bramharandhra.
      but this can happen only when you are used to reciting the soham with the breath thruout your life time.
      else you will get scared and lose focus.
      if you get more scared, you will exit at a lower energy nadi.
      all depends on the level of your fear.
      if you are fearless, then nirgun moksh

      if you work on your mantra, the Mind will resonate with the mantra,
      generally people know the moment of exit, approx 6 mths in advance, most are scared to acknowledge / prepare for it.

      if you control the mind, the body automatically remains in sync.

      i do not know what you mean by ‘spirituality’

      for me it is ‘Manah sayyam’ channelising the power of the Mind, this will allow access to the Buddhi/ Vijnyan and onwards..

      Pitamah Bhishma was lying on a bed of arrows for days, yet he did not lose his focus. he narrated the entire chapter on how to govern a kingdom to Yudhishtir in this state…
      its all in the Mind.

I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

Sharing my experiences, on the way, through this Blog.

My Youtube Channel
Astrology and Dharma

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