The Almost Kaal Sarpa

Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

I have written about Kaal Sarpa in my post here. Kaal Sarpa Yoga is when the 7 graha, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are hemmed in between Rahuand Ketu (the planets will be moving such that they will be exiting from the Rahu side of the axis, eg the planetary configuration on 15th Aug 2004).

Kaal Amrita Yoga is the other variant when the 7 graha, Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn are hemmed between Ketu and Rahu. (the planets will be moving in a direction so that they will get out of the hemming from the Ketu side. eg check the configuration on 25th Apr 2020) This is just a technical distinction as I have not seen much of a difference in both these types of kaal-sarpa yog.

A complete kaal sarpa yog, which gives the most intense results, is when there are no graha in the houses containing Rahu/ Ketu and the ascendant sign is also hemmed in between them. ie Rahu and Ketu will be alone in the houses/ rashi that they occupy. ie No other planet will be modulating their energies by closely conjucting with them. The rest of the planets, including the ascendant will be on one side of this axis. This gives them full scope to give their full results.

If there are any planets in close conjunction with Rahu/ Ketu then they will modulate the nature of these astral planets and the intensity of the kaal sarpa combination is reduced.

The Almost Kaal Sarpa

However there is still something called partial Kaal Sarpa. In this there will be one graha or the ascendant sign itself outside the Rahu/ Ketu hemming.

The current times are more conducive to the formation of Kaal Sarpa as the slowest moving planets, Jupiter and Saturn are close together and on the same side of the Rahu/ Ketu axis. Rahu/ Ketu axis is exactly 180 degrees apart. Thus when, during the year, the rest of the faster moving planets join up on this same side of this axis, expect a pure/ partial Kaal Sarpa in the charts of children born then.

A partial Kaal Sarpa confers a lot of advantages, but your astrologer can make you do remedies for this too! So just understand more about how this works before blindly going and spending money on the remedies. Doing remedies, pujas etc is never wasted. Any action performed with intention will give its results. But it is better to know why you are doing this remedy rather than doing it blindly.

In a partial Kaal Sarpa combination, all the planets except a single one is hemmed in between the Rahu/ Ketu axis. All except one are on one side of the axis. This one outside graha has an extra effect on you. If the other planets are placed in good houses/ signs and support the horoscope as a whole, you can even be a world leader. Your personal sufferings in the process are reduced or are manageable. But if these others are weakly placed, you will be the oppressor yourself using the same energies to adversely affect other people. Also you suffer more.

In such a horoscope pay special attention to the position of Rahu. He is the direction of ambition and indicates the direction in which your desires lie. Revise the keywords of the chart here. The owner of Rahu’s sign, his conjunct planets and planets which aspect him will be caught up in his drive for ambitions too. Find your target groups here. Eg. If Rahu in the 4th, you will deeply desire emotional comforts and security. Thus you can be the agent who gives emotional security to others or you can be a parasite on others using their energies to support your need for emotional comfort. You will decide on being a ‘giver’ or a ‘taker’ depending on the placement of other planets and your own Conscious decision.

If your horoscope has such a ‘partial’ Kaal sarpa combination check out your potential depending on the one planet which is outside the Rahu/ Ketu hemming. These descriptions below are the best possible positive use of your potential.

Ascendant sign alone outside the axis – here the Kaal sarpa is considered to be completely nullified. This is because the personality itself as defined by the first house is outside the axis. I have seen that these individuals perform better because of the combined synergistic effect of the other 7 planets from the other side of the axis. The Ascendant house outside the axis somehow acts as a focus point for the planets. This is a good placement for leadership and prominent roles in the society.

Sun alone outside the axis – gives a strong foundation of intelligence, leadership and creativity. You can channel the sources of divine information and are capable of passing it on to your target audience. You will be creative and confident about presenting yourself too. The position of Rahu, his sign/house and house owner will indicate your target. You can be a morally grounded celebrity, political or religious. Such a Sun can increase your ability to take decisions which will help your target group. You can lead with ambition.

Moon alone outside the axis and acting as a focal point for the other grahas, will allow you to link up on an emotional and compassionate way to your targets. This will make you want more experiences on the emotional level. You desire to give protection and stability to your target group. You will have the patience to listen and help. If you have the supporting planets, you can be a care-giver to the emotionally tortured, a psychologist, a counsellor, maybe an astrologer!

The Almost Kaal Sarpa

Mercury alone outside the axis gives super analytical skills and qualities of database management. You can calculate almost anything from the data provided to you. If other aspects permit you can be a mastermind for planning and and accounting, it will be your drive, your ambition. Maybe a banking sector, or in large organisations, or in the government or the military. Large scale resource management and planning will be child’s play to you. You have critical thinking skills and excel in communications you can be a famous reporter/journalist. You can use these talents to be a speaker to the masses, helping them with your sharp incisive perceptions.

Mars alone outside the axis will amplify your presence, your social status and how society perceives you. Your physical and vital bodies will be strong enough for you to lead others. People will follow you, thus you can fight for good causes and justice. You can motivate your target groups to do extraordinary work for the public good. You can be a good politician, army-man, government official or an athlete.

Jupiter alone outside the axis grants a deep understanding of the human life and philosophy. You can be a religious leader or a renown humanist, a philosopher. You know why people are in trouble and you know how to pull them out of their miseries. And you care enough to use your energies for them. You can use your wisdom and knowledge to understand and heal depending on the position of Rahu and the other planets.

Venus alone outside the axis gives allows you a sense of beauty and balance. Depending on your target ambition you can be a really good lawyer, musician, singer, or any of the creative arts. You also are a good homemaker, a good partner and if planets permit it a teacher of the esoteric too. Venus is a very deceptive planet, he is the tantrik, gives you all the pleasures of life till you are saturated and if you can understand that you have had enough he can offer you the privilege of the Ultimate relation with your own Self, Moksh!

Saturn alone outside the axis This will ensure endurance and the capacity to work, however you will be quite careful about your physical body and the societal norms. You will be aware of oppressions and restrictions on your own self and on the society and will work towards freeing yourself and others. You can be a good social worker, legal activist, working with non-governmental organizations etc. Revolutions are not your way, you will work patiently and steadily allowing stability and logn-term gains for everyone.

So Kaal Sarpa or even partial Kaal Sarpa can be a very good thing, very empowering if you know what the energies are saying to you. The horoscope charts out the energies you chose for yourself at the time of birth. It is up to you to use these energies in the best possible manner. While using these energies always remember your inner Conscience/Antaratma is always judging you. Always do things which being you satisfaction, that deep inner satisfaction when you know that by your actions your own Karma is being balanced beautifully!


The Almost Kaal Sarpa


3 responses to “The Almost Kaal Sarpa”

  1. P Avatar

    Namaste mam. Having planets in the same houses of rahu- ketu axis, i.e moon at 12 n ketu at 15 while at other end venus, jupite at more than 20 degree with rahu at 15 degree with Saturn as the only planet at one side of rahu-ketu axis qualify for partial Kaal sarp yog?

    How is being hemmed between rahu-ketu is different from ketu-rahu in case of Kaal sarp and kaal amrit yog? Is it about all the planets being conjuct with rahu in one case and with ketu in another!

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      i think i have made it very clear,

      if all the planets including the asc sign is on one side of the axis it is the kaal sarpa, this is called being ‘hemmed in’

      even if one planet or even if the asc sign is on the other side of the hemming then its a partial one

      there is not much of a difference seen in practice in the kal amrit combination , i mentioned it as back then someone had asked me about it

      Conjunction with rahu and ketu is very different from being hemming in.

  2. P Avatar

    Thanks mam for patiently replying. Will try not to ask such half baked questions further. Just too naive n too many questions!

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