Booked an astrology session? Read this

Last Updated on October 19, 2022 by astrologerbydefault

I get this question from clients, “my sis-in-law does not know that I have come here with her birth details, can you tell me —- about her?”. In this privacy obsessed world, this question comes across as a bit off! I mean, why should anyone carry her sis-in-law’s chart to an astrologer and ask him whats going on in her life? But this happens a lot. ‘What is my ex-boyfriend doing’ to ‘who is my father-in-law going to leave his wealth to’. Astrology has deviated from its original form of Jyotish, and some astrologers will answer these questions quite easily and also charge quite a bit of money.

Booked an astrology session? Read this

There is no privacy in the Universe. We are all interconnected so very deeply that we can know everything about everyone if only we care to ask. You ‘see’ a lot about other persons in your daily life, you are just not aware that you do it. You ‘see’ extra things. Your sub-conscious is always at work, providing you background data about the persons/places you are interacting with. This is your ‘gut-feel’. We astrologers, Tarot readers etc, channelise this gut-feel actively and use it intentionally to ‘see’ more about the clients. I use about 75% from the charts in front of me and 25% from my intuition/sub-conscious. I can also use 100% from my intuition, but that would be very creepy for the client and tiring for me.

So when you visit an astrologer, card reader, aura reader, palm reader or anyone who can read/divine things about you, do understand that he will ‘see’ everything about you. There are no secrets. Your horoscope contains details on your present life/death, your past lives, your emotions, your finances, your likes/dislikes, everything. Your wife/husband may not know if you are cheating on her/him, but your astrologer will. A sensible astrologer will always be careful with what he says and how much information he shares. If he is unscrupulous, he will use your data to get you dependant on him. Knowing which buttons to push, he can use you. So first point, visit someone who is trustworthy. Get some details on him from your friends, or call him first to get an idea of what kind of a person he is, use your ‘gut-feel’. This has become just like any other profession now, so take care.

Another trend is astrology discussion groups. Discussions on combinations and planets and events anonymously is one thing, but posting complete birth details in public is something else altogether! I see this happening on Facebook so very often. Several posts on synastry and overlapping charts and “how is my relationship going to be with my new boyfriend”, with random strangers then commenting. Most likely the boyfriend does not know about this post in public! He might see it later and get angry with you. And the vibrations from such a large number of strangers dissecting both the charts and their good/bad/indifferent comments will disturb both you and your boyfriend on a deep level. Not a good idea.

Do no evil! It is such a cliche but it is so true. If you approach an energy worker to do something negative against your boss, remember that you too will be a victim of the same things sooner or later. There are people who use their talents to get money rather than genuinely help people.

Booked an astrology session? Read this

When you go to an astrologer, you are prepared to tell anything and everything. And are also looking forward to listen to all the ‘juicy secrets’ hidden in your chart. So go alone, even your husband/wife/best friend will act as a barrier to a really good session. You cannot go talk about your innermost secrets in front of your bff! Also do not go home and discuss what you learnt with your bff. Rather record the session, so that you can refer back to it later. Select your Reader and your questions carefully. You are sacrificing your privacy in a big way, so the outcomes should be worth it. Check out if your session has actually helped you. Did your astrologer give you some vague generic answers or did you relate to what was discussed there. Some questions to ponder.

  • How do you see yourself? Your moods, motivations, apathies, attractions, actions and behaviour.
    • Has the reading helped you understand yourself better?
  • How do you see things and other people around you? Do you get bogged down in details and lost in the whole or vice versa?
    • Has the reading helped you re-balance your perceptions, get a more balanced view?
  • You change, every day. You try to change your circumstances, but it often requires more resources than you may have. You try to change your husband/child but its realistically not possible. You can however change your world-view by working on yourself.
    • Has the Reader allowed you a chance to sit back, relax and gain wisdom from his analysis of your chart? Has this reading helped you change for the better?
  • Sometimes you are at cross-roads, not sure of your purpose in life and you have problems.
    • Has the Reader made you aware of your available assets, plus-points, and the new directions in life and possible solutions?
  • Finally, has the reading resonated with you? Have you felt it to be right? And can you use the suggestions and pointers to live a better adjusted and happier life?

An astrologer is someone just like you and me, a Doctor by another name. Not infallible. All they do is provide markers for your life journey, but you have to travel on your road yourself. They are on the same life journey themselves thus are encumbered by their own perceptions. Do not let them dictate to you, listen to them but choose your path and decide for yourself. You should visit them to get free of your bindings, do not allow them to create new bindings on your Will.

I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

Sharing my experiences, on the way, through this Blog.

My Youtube Channel
Astrology and Dharma

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