Quality of Life

Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

As an astrologer, I do get this question from my clients of ‘how long will I live”. It is indeed a very important question, most frequently in marriage chart matching. Most of us are interested in living as long as possible, perhaps living for ever, being immortal! But ‘life’ as well as ‘time’ is a matter of perception and is always relative. If you can change your perceptions you can change your Life!

In India, there are a few Brahmin families, who are the actual pure-bloods. They are required by karma to do perform private pujas in families or in our ancient temples. These few families are bound by very strict rules, eg on whom they can marry (to keep the genes pure), they are required to learn by-heart thousands of mantras and ritual procedures, with the correct way of pronouncing them. The boys are required to do Sandhya Gayatri puja 3 times a day. The women are required to do a specific set of daily pujas. They all have to follow very strict rules on food, dress, etc. They get married very early, have children early, work very hard, travelling, doing pujas for clients etc and die equally early, very rarely beyond their 50s. Now anyone may think that after doing so much pujas, mantras etc. why a relatively short life? The reason is this, birth in such families is to quickly finish a large chunk of karma in a targeted fashion. These men and women have chosen the fast track.

Quality of life matters always, never the length.

Quality of Life

One of my colleagues recently performed a puja using the mantras from the Devi Mahatmya to ensure the easy passing of an aged woman who was unable to leave her body. She was so ill that she could neither live and because of a karmic block, neither could she die! This was a rather extreme case because the family had to request Devi Mahamaya herself for help. This is a kindness in a very strange way. Modern medicine has also accepted that there are cases where recovery is not possible, especially in the very aged, thus they can just prescribe only palliatives to ease the pain.

When I get such horoscopes where recovery is not possible, e.g. a 80+yrs grandfather has been diagnosed with terminal cancer and the doctors cannot cure, and the state of the person/body is unbearable, I prescribe only one mantra, the Mahamrutunjai, “ॐ त्र्यम्बकं यजामहे सुगन्धिं पुष्टिवर्धनम्उर्वारुकमिव बन्धनान्  मृत्योर्मुक्षीय मामृतात् ॥ ॐ”, “Om Tryambakam Yajaamahe Sugandhim Pushti Vardhanam Urvaarukamiva Bandhanaat Mrtyor-Mukshiiya Maam Amrutaat Om”. This is to be recited in sets of 108 times, three times a day by any close male family member, sons/grandsons. The intention should be that the ‘Lord of Time’ help the soul leave the terminally sick body. If done with the proper intention, the soul will leave within 3 days. This mantra has innumerable uses. I have used it several times to help someone recover faster from illnesses, making protection amulets etc. The power of the mantra is the same, the direction/intention matters!

Now a bit of astrology. Calculation of life-span from the charts is done using several combinations which are all quite well known. These are related to

  • The ascendant sign and lord of ascendant, this is the manifested personality and its vitality. The planets conjoint and aspecting.
  • The 8th house is the house of forceful transformations of identity, death and the lord of the 8th. Planets aspecting and conjoint.
  • Timing of death will come from the lord of the 2nd and 7thhouses etc.

But these in themselves will always give an incomplete picture of ‘life’. To make this more understandable, you will have to analyse the quality of life too. E.g. Saturn in 8th house in certain cases gives extraordinarily long life, ‘the chart resists/constricts’ the act of death. (It may get difficult to leave the body!) But what are you going to do with this long life? Enjoying a long life needs good health, presence of loved ones, a community and friends, wealth, a spiritual practice and much much more. Alone and old does not give good vibes! We cannot live in isolation, we need every aspect of life in its proper balance to enjoy our life. So do a complete analysis of your horoscope

  1. The power of each planet and each house.
  2. The benefics, natural and also functional benefics and their aspects
  3. The malefics, natural and functional, and their aspects. Also check if their aspects are being countered/neutralized.
  4. Pay special attention to the 6th, 8th and 12th houses from the ascendant sign and the moon sign both. These are the sources of disease, debt, enemies, accidents, surgeries, death, loss of the manifested, turmoil, the three dushamsthana.
  5. And finally pay close attention to the foundations of your life, 1st, 5th and 9th houses from the ascendant sign and the birth moon sign. The Dharma, the deep philosophies on which your life is based on. These will determine how balanced a life you will lead and how will it affect you on the physical and emotional levels.

Quality of Life

You have analysed your horoscope, so let us go about changing the quality of your life. You can improve the quality of your life with your Intention and Will focussing your energies. To generate more energy we use Mantras. (Mantras are only in Sanskrit, not any another language.)

  1. If you come across any problems in your chart, use the powers of the beej mantras of the weak planets/house owner/rashi owner planets to balance and regulate their energies. This is a very simple. Will take about 5 mins of your time.
  2. You can Intentionally re-direct energies. Do charity and help someone who really deserves your help. Maybe if you want children and unable to conceive, you can help out at a local orphanage, perhaps buy sweets for the children there. If you are having problems due to malefic influence of Saturn, help out in some way in an old-age home? Thoughts and intentions matter and can change the flow of your future.
  3. Practice being grateful and happy, this will reinforce your Will. There must be someone in your life who must have helped you, been kind to you, something must have touched your heart, brought tears of joy in your eyes? Your mom, dad, teacher, grandparent, brother, sister, a random stranger? Or Nature, a beautiful flower, a sunrise? Or even a beautiful dress, or the color of someone’s eyes, anything! Remember how you felt, how your heart burst with feeling and try to bring this same feeling in your heart again and again. Be grateful to your own Self too for being able to experience this joy.

And finally you will need to introduce a spiritual base to your life. This is a very minor routine that you can adopt every morning. We Indians do it and also teach our children, but I think most of us have forgotten, thus this reminder.

  1. When you open your eyes first thing in the morning, cup your palms so that both the heart lines match up. Look into your cupped palms and recite this mantra “Om Karagre vasate Laxmi Karamadhye Saraswati, Karamoole tu Govinda Prabhate Karadarshanam Om”. Then run your cupped palms over your face. This energises the hands, gives you confidence. Your hands are your primary tools for working, cooking, writing, holding and everything.
  2. When you get out of bed, put your right foot on the ground first, then your left. Express your gratitude, love and respect to the Mother Earth, “Om Samudravasane Devi, Parvatastanamandale, Vishnupatni Namastubhyam, Paadsparsha Kshamasva mey. Om”. This will ensure that you receive, ‘support’ in all its various forms throughout your day.
  3. And then remember your parents/your Guru/favourite deity/Universe with gratitude. “Om Guruh Brahma Guruh Vishnu Guruh devo Maheshwara, Guru Sakshat Parabrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namah. Om”.

(If you cannot say the mantras for any reason, you can skip them, but do try to feel the energy of your palms/the Mother Earth and your source of Faith.)

Take a photo of the lines of your hands before you start doing this and recheck after 21 days. The crosses and negative lines on the palms will visibly reduce, see you are visibly changing your future here!

As you slowly and steadily start re-writing the script of every single day with these 3 small steps, you start changing your entire life. The butterfly effect!


Quality of Life

3 responses to “Quality of Life”

  1. BHARTI Avatar

    Greetings ma’am!

    As you have stated that saturn in 8th provides extraordinary longevity. What if saturn being the 7th lord is in 8th house of aquarius in navamsa, does it indicate longevity of the partner or of the person whose D-9 holds saturn in 8th?

    Thank you!

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      first analyse the D1 carefully, it is the most important chart

      the navamsha analysis is here , only if you have the exact birth tiem, most birth times are off by 5-10 mins.. so then D9 is not accurate..

      saturn in 8th house of D1 will give longevity but small small illnesses for the person whose chart it is,

      fr the spouse it can give continuous illnesses and sometimes early death too, of course depending on his/her chart..

      if in D9 then the D1 will first decide things, the D9 does not override the D1

  2. Sharmila M Avatar
    Sharmila M

    Namaste and Thank You Tejaswini!
    I’m trying to include certain advice from your posts into my day and I feel better for it.

I’m Tejaswini

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I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

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