Dharma Trikon of the horoscope

Last Updated on March 27, 2024 by astrologerbydefault

Jyotish is a Vedang and very much a part of Sanatan Dharma. The 12 houses of the horoscope are divided into 4 categories. The Dharma Trikon, houses 1, 5 and 9. The Arth Trikon houses 2, 6 and 10. The Kama Trikon of houses 3, 7 and 11 and the Moksh Trikon houses 4, 8 and 12. These are the 4 Purusharth, ie the possible life objectives that you and I can choose to achieve in this life.

(Purush – the dweller of the pur/ body, ie the individual soul/jivatma. Arth – activities which can be chosen to be put into motion. Both are Sanskrit words.)

Every human needs these 4 categories of activities to live a reasonably comfortable and happy life. These are Sanskrit words so have layers of meanings and cannot be translated exactly. However, broadly Dharma is the foundation of your life, from the physical environments to the spiritual principles and the deepest understanding of these. Arth is all the hoards, the income, finances and wealth, all the assets and treasuries that you build up on ever level the physical, emotional spiritual etc, and also your understanding of these. Kama is the all the desires that you have, desires ranging from company of friends, interaction with the society, with the spouse and to being with your own Self. These desires also operate on all levels. And finally Moksh, the closure of every aspect of this life, the ultimate understanding of each aspect and also the foundations that you lay down in the astral which will serve as the seeds of your next life experience.

Dharm trikon/triangle is the three houses, 1, 5 and 9 and the aspects of your life that they indicate. Here you decide your personal dharma/Swadharma. (The universal Dharma is called Rita). You choose what is right for you, the right social context, the right creativity and the right philosophies.

The First House

The 1st natural house of the zodiac is Aries, and its ruler Mars, so Aries and Mars wherever they may be located will have a subtle influence on the matters of the 1st house, in addition the actual sign and its planetary ruler.

The 1st house is the house of your personality, the energy of your physical manifestation, the beauty of your face, your skin, complexion, the proportions of your body. Your physical appearance the muscle strength the vitalness, the competitive energies, basically the force of your personality expressed in every way possible. The energies of the Annamaya-kosha, the layer of your body which is visible to the eyes are the 1st house or the ascendant. The 1st house also has its say on how your body and mind can enjoy what is available to you. Do you permit yourself the capacity to enjoy pleasure or pain! Do you have significant personal integrity? Also are you honorable and dependable? This house lays the foundation of your physical life. This is the house of beginnings and the potential that you derive from your birth. Your birth circumstances, social status and the role you are expected to perform in the society. The experience of your early childhood. All of this is connected to the assets you have accumulated in your immediate past life.

How you feel about your social position? Do you actively work to improve it or damage it further? How do others treat you as a matter of routine? Is your voice heard in your social setting? Social ranking is also related to material accomplishment and contributes to your ego. Thus what society thinks of you, determines your quality of life experiences.

This house is counted 5th from the 9th house, thus is the expression of the guidance and philosophies that you have chosen for yourself and guided in this by your Guru, paternal figures, patrons and peers. It is the 9th from the 5th house so is the summation of the deeper understanding of your own creative forces and your active use of them.

Ultimately you desire social validation and use your physical attributes to compete, this lays the foundation of your social personality. The domain of the 1st house.

Dharma Trikon of the horoscope

The Fifth House

This is the house of your creative expressions. The natural zodiac sign here is Leo, ruled by the Sun. So Leo and Sun wherever they may be located will have a subtle influence on the matters of the 5th house.

You are known by your actions, you maybe famous or notorious, both are expressions of your personal creative actions. You will be made visible through your behaviour e.g. a leader with power or performing arts like dances, theatre, musical compositions. Or you will be made visible by your channelising of abstract divine intelligence, your scholarship, publications drawing, painting and writing. This is the house of being Visible, the natural ruler is the Sun!

The 5th also indicates your higher education. Training in skills, practice and preparation. guidance from parents and teachers, personal focus and also your confidence which comes from a secure childhood environment. And then the capacity to think and to convert what you been taught into new actions. All this provides you a platform for your accomplishments which will be then recognised socially.

Another function of the 5th is to create new ways of using information/intelligence and also drive the society as such to a newer understanding of civilisation. Also to create new children who will live in this newer version of civilisation.

(One point to be noted here. I have seen charts with auspicious placements concerning 5th house but having no children. The more powerful this house is, the more will you be inclined to use its energies for high art, high intellectual expression, superb performances, or great spiritual/political leaderships, rather than producing children from your own physical body. If you observe, genuine and great achievers in any field (artists/leaders/sadhus/etc) have no or limited physical children, if they have any they will engage nannies to take care of them.)

This house is the 5th from the 1st house, thus obviously is the creative expression of the personality. It is also the 9th from the 9th, thus is the foundation of auspiciousness and all sorts of fortune/Bhagya in the horoscope.

This is the house of your speculative creativity and its resultant fame. The Glory of your Ego.

The Ninth House

This is the theoretical basis of your life, here you choose the creed you live by here. The natural zodiac sign here is Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter. So Sagittarius and Jupiter wherever they may be located will have a subtle influence on the matters of the 9th house.

Your belief system which has developed out of your own creative processes and the religious system that you relate you.The paternal figures whom you choose and really respect as a father-figure (Biological father is the 10th house, you do not have a choice in this). This is the house of the Guru, the one who teaches you wisdom. (Modern education is not about wisdom, it is more the 3rd house). The help and support that the society will give you, your peers and patrons and the elders who help you further your place in society.

The philosophies which are your own (the ideas you were trained in are seen from the 4th house). The ancestral wisdom that derives from the ancestors of your current life and the wisdom you have garnered throughout your own past lives. This is the house of sustained study, deep contemplation and the intention of Dharma. You want to know the deepest possible in the domain of study here which may not have any direct practical application but is the foundation of all your mental processes. Your moral wisdom, your sense of humanity and your associations with similarly philosophical persons and institutions. Your understanding of the divine-human association is the 9th.

Your Bhagya/auspiciousness. The 9th house indicates the best of the best associations that you have created for yourself.

All the 4 types of trikons are based on creative expressions. Example, in the Dharma trikon, the 5th is the creative expression of the 1st, the 9th is the creative expression of the 5th and the 1st is again the creative expression of the 9th. Each house is counted 5th from the other. This is true for all the trikons. All the 4 types of trikons are also based on philosophies and deepest understandings. Example, the Dharma trikon, 9th is counted 9th from the 1st, the 5th is counted 9th from the 9th and the 1st is counted 9th from the 5th. Thus they are the deepest understanding and philosophical depths of each other.

In horoscope analysis this 5-9 axis is very important. For analysing every house do take into account the placement 5th and 9th from it. These represent the conversion of all the manifested/subtle assets of that house into new visible creative expressions. These visible actions are then again analysed with newer ways of thinking and converted to deep philosophies. And these deep philosophies are then manifested in the physical realm. This cycle is the cycle of evolution and growth for every house and thus the entire personality.

Dharma Trikon of the horoscope

I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

Sharing my experiences, on the way, through this Blog.

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