Last Updated on January 7, 2021 by astrologerbydefault

I use crystals and gems in my work.  Though I generally do not prescribe gemstones for my clients, because I don’t think they can use them as they should be used. But I use crystals and gemstones, they take time and energy to set up but are quite reliable long-term option if you know what to do.

Gemstones as planetary remedies of course everyone knows about, Ruby-Sun, Emerald-Mercury, Diamond-Venus, Hessonite- North Node/Rahu, Chrysoberyl-Ketu, Red Coral-Mars, Yellow Sapphire-Jupiter, Blue-Sapphire- Saturn. They can be fantastic energy batteries. But you need guidance from a genuine astrologer, a genuine jeweller, get genuine stones and then charge them periodically. Else it just a waste of money and as nothing happens the client feels cheated and then loses faith in this tool in our hands, astrology!

But crystals are still affordable and can be used in a variety of ways. I had a client who would always travel astrally out of control. She wore a bracelet of amethysts to add stability to her as she slept. This definitely helped. Charging the bracelet with reiki, cleansing with sea-salt helped recharge the crystals. But today I want to write about energy grids using crystals. You can use tumbled crystals, these are quite cheap if you buy in bulk from a wholesale dealer. If you buy individual pieces it will be quite expensive though. These grids can be used for a variety of things.

Use your crystals, easy healing grids and more

A healing crystal grid. This is a crystal grid laid out yesterday to help one of his friends who is critically ill (waiting for a transplant). He has a collection of crystals and has laid this one out intuitively as he can actually see the energy radiating from the crystals. This grid is now on his friend’s bed at his home helping him as he battles it out in the hospital. Tumbled crystals of several types are linked to 2 clear quartz pyramids and a central quartz as a focus.

I prefer a multi-purpose grid based on the geometries of mandalas, yantras and sacred geometries. You can try these too if you have the time and inclination. The best possible grid that you can use is the Sri-yantra if you have that many crystals. This is how you do it. You don’t need to be extra-sensory, but you will need to focus on the objective, put your intention in it and believe.

shri yantra black and white

  1. First take a print of your chosen geometry on a large piece of paper. Set it where you think it is appropriate, because once you set it up it is going to be there undisturbed for a few days at least.
  2. Get your crystals, do a quick cleansing by leaving them for 10mins in warm sea-salt water, rinse and dry.
  3. Face east or North. Sit down in front of the paper and crystals and touch them with both hands/ fingertips. Breathe deeply and slowly relax. Say ‘Om’ thrice. Let the sound come from deep within you and drag the ‘mmmm’ part. Breathe some more, remember your stomach should move, not your chest, as you breathe in and out.
  4. Think of your favourite god /deity /reiki /mantra /force of nature /Guru /space /the universe /anything that inspires your faith! Intend your objective. “I am healthy and happy”, “I am working professionally and it is deeply satisfying’, ‘I am happily married to my partner of choice and we are happy together”, “xyz is happy and healthy and recovered”, etc. Visualize the completed scene in your minds eye. Feel the energy of the intention being fulfilled.
  5. Now first place your focus crystal, I always use a clear quartz pyramid as the focus crystal. And from the center outwards in a clockwise direction start laying out your crystals. Place the crystals on the points of intersection in the diagram. (Use clear quartz tumbled crystals. As you get more experienced you can experiment with others or a mix of several crystals.)
  6. When you finish you can continue sitting for sometime feeling your intention and the resonance from the energy matrix that you have laid out.
  7.  This method is suitable for everyone and for all sorts of positive energy-work. From getting a job, to money, wife/husband/child, to healing and finding lost objects. This is the geometry of the Universe expressed in 2 dimensions. It fulfils wishes.
  8. After you get what you have intended, you will want to dismantle the grid. To do this, first thank the the energies/universe/deity/god/reiki etc for helping you out. Then sprinkle sea-salt water on the grid. Shake it once with the intention of gratefulness and disconnection. Pick up the crystals and paper. Wash the crystals in sea-salt water rinse/dry, and leave the paper in the sunlight for a day. You can reuse them now.

So here is the basic method of making and using energy grids which will work for everything. This energy grid will work for everything and clear quartz will also work for all types of energy grids.

And the easiest method I have found is this. I write out whatever it is that I want on a paper, ‘I am healthy’, ‘I am happy’ etc and just place this paper under my Maha-Meru that I use in my daily pujas. As the Maha Meru is the geometry of the Universe and I energise it every day by my mantras, the wish/intention kept under it also gets charged and eventually fulfilled. This is the easiest and simplest ‘healing crystal grid’.

Use your crystals, easy healing grids and more

Now you may want to work in more specific details, as you get more experience. You can explore more geometries and more crystal types if you want to.

Geometries – which you can use as grids are the geometries of the 7 chakras/energy vertices. You will need to know where your problem is coming from. Basically from an energy point of view there are only 6 types of problems.

  • Muladhar chakra diagram – for any problem related to physical or material insecurity. Here use a red colored crystal as the focus
  • Swadhisthana chakra grid – for any imbalance related to the emotions, use a orange colored focus crystal
  • Manipur chakra grid – for any issues with self confidence and expression of the self, use a yellow focus crystal
  • Anahata chakra grid – for any problems in ‘giving’, use green focus crystal
  • Vishuddhi chakra grid – for any problems in ‘communication’ of any type, use a blue focus crystal
  • Anjya chakra grid – for any problems in perceptions and receiving. use an indigo focus crystal

The chakras are also associated with body parts too, so you can make a targeted health grid of that chakra, instead of an overall energy grid for the entire body (sriyantra above). This is just as an indicative list. As you get more confident in your energy-work your own sub-conscious will guide you. As always the crystals are to be placed on the points of intersections and a focus crystal in the exact center. In some of the grids there are curved lines, you can place additional crystals on these so that the lines look curved.

Even more crystals – If you have a gemstone, you can use it as a focus stone to heal planet-specific problems. But these are expensive. So crystals are used more commonly. There are thousands of crystals in the market, all tagged with some complex tiny meanings that really make no sense in practical energy-work. And you don’t find them in the shops, or they will be selling at ridiculously high prices. But there are a few important crystals that are easily available and at reasonable prices that you can consider experimenting with.

  1. clear quartz – your work-horse, do everything with it
  2. purple amethyst – helps in clarity stability grounding
  3. rose quartz – pinkish – balances the emotions related stuff
  4. tiger eye – gets rid of unnecessary baggage you are holding on to
  5. citrine – removes negative influences from aura and sub-conscious

Now crystal shapes, the commercial spiritual market has a big thing on shapes too! I use only tumbled stones (they are rounded have no sharp edges) and the Pyramids for focus.

But just a word of experience, always the simplest works the best. I have not felt the need to use more than these 7 grids (6 chakra+1 Sri-yantra). Often the universal Sri-yantra works the best. And in crystals I have listed out just the ones I have used and which have worked. Energy-work is very simple and intuitive. Sometimes I work with just my hands or mind no tools needed at all. But I have realised that working through a tool is a bit easier and helps me keep a suitable distance from my clients and students auras. You never know what might be in them which may affect you negatively.

So do try this sometime, and see if you can manifest your wishes into reality!

Use your crystals, easy healing grids and more

2 responses to “Use your crystals, easy healing grids and more”

  1. Sunny Avatar

    Is it possible to identify whether clear quartz is original or not?
    Also how to check if the Sri yantra is proper or not? All triangles must be equilateral…. Different pieces are available in stores

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      the clear quartz is so easily available that generally no one will fake it,
      a plastic or glass fake is easy to make out
      For the 2D Shri yantra, i have already mentioned it in some post, if the central triangle is equilateral then the rest of the geometry is ok

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