Work with Astrology or Reiki, it is easy

Last Updated on March 17, 2021 by astrologerbydefault

I have been a Vedic astrologer all my life, in fact perhaps several lives. I have experimented with several divination systems and they have always worked for me. Divination or Reading is seeing patterns and matching with past experiences and examples with theory. The more you practice and study the better you get at this. It takes interest, time and effort. Intuition also plays a very important role and some spiritual practice is essential where you can rest your active mind and allow the sub-conscious to take over.

However in the past 10-15 years, ever since the Internet, social groups and Internet driven consumerism took off, divination and tools of divination are being sold and traded around as a lifestyle! Someone ‘does’ Reiki, someone is taking online classes on becoming a shaman, or someone is discussing his stellium, or chiron quintile with lilith or persephone biquintile with hades! And all in a course designed to teach you in 3 months! How is it even possible to learn in 3 months? When you decide to Read, you should realise that sooner or later, some one is going to make his life-decision based on what you told him. So you need to be serious and responsible about how you study.

Then again , why complicate your divination tools, with chirons and liliths? The tools are just that tools! These systems have been designed and put in place by seers, and have worked perfectly for thousands of years. The Indian astronomy mathematics is still from the Sanskrit book “Surya Siddhanta”, written by Mayadanav who lived millenia ago.

So today let’s put a critical lens on the energy tools and divination systems consumer market and see how we are purposely making it more difficult for ourselves.

Work with Astrology or Reiki, it is easy

Yesterday someone on Facebook was commenting that Indian/Vedic astrology is garbage because it does not consider planets beyond Saturn. So in one statement this guy has negated the work of millennia! And possibly influenced a few genuinely interested Western students against attempting to learn it.

Indian/Vedic astrologers use Uranus, Neptune and Pluto, their names are Shwet, Shyam and Teevra, in determining the destinies of nations as nations survive for hundreds of years. But now this branch of astrology is practically dead as no one practices it anymore. Our modern nation’s governments do not have a post called “Raj-Jyotishi”, (astrologer to the Kings) anymore. In human horoscopes, these 3 planets are simply too slow moving to have any discernible impact on our tiny lives of about 60yrs. For us humans, with just the 9 graha and 12 houses, we can predict everything about a person, accurate to the year, month and date! In case the client does not know his birth time, but has both his palms intact, we can calculate his birth time upto the exact second, from the lines on his 10 fingers.

Vedic is sidereal mathematics, the ayanamsha is used as a correction factor to account for the movement of the Earth the calculations are corrected every year. The Indian system does this calculation, for the maths to remain accurate. Thus the position of the celestial bodies in the sky and their calculated position in the horoscope is exact.

Western tropical system does not consider the earth to be tilted! Their calculations are hopelessly wrong and stuck in the astronomy of the past about 2000yrs ago, since then no corrections in the mathematics. There are such posts on FB, “I am a Cap, but I don’t feel like one!”. So the answer is, “Do you feel like Sagittarius ? Because western Capricorn, if less than 24°, will be Vedic Sagittarius!”. Now, for some cryptic reason, they have added about 10 asteroids to this mess, hades, chiron, persephone, lilith etc! And complain that astrology has f$%^ed up their lives!

And then there are oodles of new software available in the market, progressed charts, synastry, name it and there is a software creating it. But why? Why create complicated charts which have no value for analysis and prediction. So stick to Indian/Vedic, stick to simple, avoid the asteriods. Learn the keywords of the 9 planets, 12 houses/signs. Gradually build up the keywords till you can analyse the chart and get a perfect overview of the personality. Then learn the combinations and stuff you need for predictions. Find a good teacher. And practice.

Work with Astrology or Reiki, it is easy

Reiki – a very easy to use and effective energy tool

I am a Reiki teacher. FB groups are again flooded with requests for Reiki. Of course some of them are quite genuine, but the majority are like, “I have bad memories please send me Reiki”. This sounds like laziness to me. To cope with such issues what is needed is cleansing and grounding. The person has to work on himself. Only then will the inner sub-conscious receive Reiki for further healing! Mikao Usui discovered Reiki about a humdred years ago, and his basic advice was that everyone should learn Reiki and do their own healings! After his death, his students and later practitioners tweaked with his system. But Reiki is primarily a tool for self healing.

And I realised the wisdom of Mikao Usui’s statement recently. One of my acquaintances is ill, I felt for her and tried distance healing. To my utter surprise, the Reiki sent did not ‘hook’ into her. There was nothing in her which was latching on the beam of energy, it was just washing over her. So I asked someone else to help her. His words were that the sent Reiki was moving through her like through a sieve, not actually going in. Quite concerned, we visited her in hospital, turns out she was so busy blaming her (perfectly innocent) mother-in-law for her auto-immune disease that she was not bothered with her own health. She was in fact wishing for her MIL’s death! No wonder the Reiki did not stick on her, with her terribly hateful and negative mindset!

There is another problem with sending healing energy to others, possibly practitioners do not appreciate it. You get connected to the energy body of the other person while sending reiki. And the channel is open, if you are not careful and alert during the process you may pick up something unwanted from the aura of the recipient. This happened to me once during an initiation process where I saw something potentially distasteful in the student. But I quickly raised by guards and avoided the worst, but still fell ill for a few days after that.

So if anyone is ‘into’ Reiki, instead of sending healing, do offer to initiate others so that everyone gets empowered and does their own healing. (Unless it is a request to help small children or the elderly. Heal only those ill, who actually want to get better). And when you are doing the initiation, do be careful.

As with other energy tools, Reiki also has developed new streams! Just like the asteroids of Western astrology, new branches coming up, Karuna, Rainbow, Kundalini etc. These in my opinion are just new ways for Reiki teachers to make even more money from initiations! Last I heard, they were charging Rs 80,000/- for ‘level one Karuna Reiki’ initiation.

And it is so easy to tap into the Universal energy without any symbols or initiation (post here). Reiki is a short-cut.

Stick with the original, Usui Reiki. You can do anything and everything with these symbols. Dig deep into them, meditate on them, use them. Develop a spiritual practice to power on your intentions. Reiki is not an ice-cream shop with flavours! Some of the things that you can do with Reiki; get a flight delayed so that you can catch it, clear the traffic off the roads, heal pre-mature birth related body problems even at the age of 25yrs, get your boss to change his mind, make it rain, heal plants and animals, get nice produce from your kitchen garden, quiet your crying baby, remove evil eye, charge and cleanse other energy tools, increase the efficacy of medicines, make food tastier, get your child to eat his dinner.. anything that requires energy and intention you can do it with Reiki!

The spiritual merchandise market is booming these days and genuine aspirants can get easily caught spending their time and money on things which may be of no use and even discourage them from learning. But of course, if you have learnt and experienced everything possible with your current system, then you should explore more. There are three things that should always guide you;

  1. This thing you are doing should be described in an authoritative reference book.
  2. Your Teacher, who is an authority should have recommended it.
  3. And most importantly, over-riding clause, you should be really convinced that you need to do it.

Work with Astrology or Reiki, it is easy

I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

Sharing my experiences, on the way, through this Blog.

My Youtube Channel
Astrology and Dharma

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