Saturn and his Sade Sati 

Last Updated on May 20, 2022 by astrologerbydefault

There have been several questions on Sade sati. So I have put this post together to help you analyse this scariest term in all of astrology. The 7.5yrs when Saturn transits through the 12th sign from the birth Moon, then over the birth Moon and finally over the 2nd sign from the birth Moon. Sade sati is basically an analysis of Saturn’s transits specifically his highly significant transit over the birth Moon sign.

Currently Saturn is in Capricorn. So if you are birth Moon Aquarius you are now in the 1st phase of the Sade sati. If you are birth Moon Capricorn, the second phase is going on for you. And if you are birth Moon Sagittarius this is the 3rd phase.

When Saturn enters Aquarius, it will be birth Moon Pisces, Aquarius and Capricorn in the Sade-sati energy. Saturn is stronger when he transits in his own signs, so expect stronger transit effects as he moves through Capricorn and Aquarius.

First analyse the power of Saturn in your chart and what you expect him to give you in your life.

To begin with he acts differently for different ascendant signs.

  • If you are a Taurus or Libra ascendant, Saturn is your Yogkarak. And if you are Capricorn or Aquarius ascendant then he is your ascendant lord. He cannot overtly harm you. Even if the Saturn linked things in life seem hopeless, you can use these as stepping stones to higher and better things.
  • If you are a Cancer, Virgo or Pisces ascendant, Saturn is a class one malefic for you. Always be aware of what Saturn is upto in your life and take remedial actions in time to avoid serious problems.
  • For the other ascendant signs, Saturn can be neutral to overtly malefic depending on his position in the chart.

Then depending on your level of study analyse Saturn in depth in your basic birth chart using the following points,

Which house and in which sign is he placed in? So which parts of your life is he controlling? Which houses does he own? Ie where are Capricorn and Aquarius signs placed in the chart? Which planets is he conjoint/ aspected by? So which other aspects of the personality is he influencing or being influenced by? If Saturn connected to the 2nd, 7th or 8th houses then you must check the longevity aspects, ie his Marak function. If the longevity is at an end, then he can indicate the timing or cause of physical death in his Sade sati. Is Saturn exalted/ debilitated? How comfortable is he in the sign he is occupying? Are there any modifying factors eg retrograde or combust? Has he matured? What kind of power does he have? Check his shadbala, avastha, ashtakvarga etc for more insights. You can go as deep as your level of study. Be clear on his karakatva, ie all that he stands for in your chart and then try predicting.

If Saturn is auspicious for you the here are some of his typical effects

  • You have the ability to focus deeply on a topic at a time and can take your projects to their logical conclusions. Disciplined and intelligent, you can sacrifice anything for your goals. You are not concerned about money, but are interested in achievements which can be of use to the society. You will be recognised for something by the society. Leadership qualities exist, you are a leader who comes up from the masses. Servants and subordinates will work for you willingly. You intensely dislike inequality, discrimination, corruption, injustice and will not indulge in these things. You are very conscious about Time and will not be late or tolerate others being late around you.

If Saturn is inauspicious for you then here are some typical effects.

  • The bones will be weak, some fracture or ligament tear, teeth will have problems etc. Your talents will not be fully available to you or you will use them for selfish activities or actions which are harmful for the general society. You will be denied recognition for your work even if you help others. Those whom you help may be selfish or jealous of you. Land deals never work in your favour. You may not be on cordial terms with your parents. You waste your time in unrealistic projects. You are generally attractive but will attract the wrong sort of friends. Life after middle age will be more successful than the first half. 


There are several ways to check the power of transits, remember Sade sati is essentially a transit.

1. Ashtak varga scores – check the score of Saturn in the three signs of the Sade sati. If he has scores of 4 or more then these times will go smoothly. Even if the total of that sign is more than 28 points then the keywords of that sign do not cause much distress and events remain at manageable levels. (Post here)

2. Janma navtara chakra – If you can draw this chart (post here) and track the movement of Saturn through the nakshatra-s during your Sade sati period you can get valuable pointers on how he is going to behave.

3. Ashtapadmadala chakra or the Kota chakra – if you can draw this chakra chart (post here), and track the movement of Saturn through the nakshatra during the Sade sati period it will help you in deciphering his results.

4. Moorti nirnay – There is a way of calculating the form or image of the planet on the day he enters a sign. This will indicate the overall nature of the results of Saturn in that sign. (post here)

Another way to gauge how your Saturn and Moon interact is to observe yourself and the things around you during the 2.25 days per month when the transit Moon passes over the birth Saturn. In fact, analysing the transits of the Moon is the first practical lesson that students of Jyotish must do.

eg if your birth Saturn is in Virgo, then observe how things unfold on the 2.25days when the Moon transits Virgo every month. You can use these observations to extrapolate what will happen during your Sade sati times.

  • Some of the possible things would be getting late for your meeting or missing the bus. In your office the boss is angry with you, you have to skip lunch, you quarrel with your team, no one agrees with what you have presented, office gossip and jealousy is targeted at you and you are overall upset. Or you forget your wallet or meet someone who seems potentially useful but later turns out to be a drain on your resources. Your kids create a fuss and you get into a argument with your spouse or parents. Perhaps you remember something which makes you unhappy. Or a sense of lethargy, minor health upsets etc. Observe yourself and see if these sort of results are more on these 2.25days. If so then its a good indicator that the Sade sati period will require some care.

Astrology is about observing, trying to find underlying patterns, discerning common links, looking for repeating energies. If you can do this, you will be a great astrologer.


Sade sati cycles

Generally everyone with a reasonable life span will go through 2 or 3 periods of Sade-sati in life. Obviously the Sade sati period occurs once every 30yrs and lasts for 7.5yrs. 

The first Sade sati period in life will occur when you are still young, below 30yrs. In this period, the effects of the Sade sati are not very severe. But illnesses related to childhood will occur and the health will be affected. As this happens in the childhood, one must be careful as lifetime impacts on health are possible. Especially be careful of injuries to the bones, ligaments ie fractures etc. In some cases, death of a parent is possible if there are other patterns in the charts. There will be difficulties in education, in getting a job or in getting married depending on the age of the person. But if Saturn is favourable for your chart then his effects may not be prominent and you might not even realise that you were going through a Sade sati period.

Do try to remember how this period was for you in your young age as you can get an idea of how troublesome or helpful Saturn is going to be for you overall in life.

The second Sade sati period will occur in the age of 30 – 60yrs. This is the main period of active life so the intensity of the trouble is higher. There are more avenues for stress to enter your life. Over-work, tiredness, ageing, ill-health etc is a common feature of this period. Arguments with relatives, siblings and friends is possible. Death of both parents is almost sure in this time frame. You will be performing all serious things during this time, ie working, raising a family, performing last rites of the parents and being responsible for so many things on several levels. The intensity of profession associated work will reach a high pitch during this period.

However if Saturn is favourable for you or capable of supportive results then this period though stressful will allow you to work, make contacts, network with important people, gain a positive social image and status. 

The third Sade sati period, for some people will occur in the age of 60 – 90yrs. Generally this period signifies the end of longevity and physical death. During this time frame, there is an increase in ill-health, age-related diseases will hit, mental faculties may be reduced, one has to witness the deaths of relatives and friends, loneliness and overall worry predominates.

But if Saturn is favourable, then this period can grant spiritual growth, an understanding of philosophy, acceptance of the inevitable and a desire for Realization. Death if occurs now, should be seen as a positive change as the person will most likely move on into a higher energy state.

A fourth Sade sati is also possible in life in case someone lives beyond 90yrs. This time inevitably brings physical death and can be a time of general misery and loneliness.

But if Saturn is auspicious for you, then spirituality and a gentle death event will be granted in this last Sade sati.

Analyse the three phases of the Sade sati. 

As you know Saturn is favourable when he transits the sign 11th from the birth Moon. And is favourable when he transits the 3rd sign from the birth Moon. Sandwiched in between these two highly favourable time frames, is the Sade sati.

First phase –  During these first 2.5yrs of the Sade sati, Saturn will be transiting in the 12th house from the birth Moon. So you will see a change, from Saturn’s helpful and positive face to his strict face. Things will gradually tighten around you, as the restriction and constriction linked to Saturn takes hold. Quarrels, lack of rest, confusion, ill-health, fear, rumours, gossip, humiliation, insults etc occur around you and more frequently. Unnecessary travelling, reduction in productive work, salary cuts, etc are also possible. The intensity of these things will slowly escalate and will reach a high pitch in the second phase.

Second phase – during these 2.5yrs, Saturn will be transiting over the birth Moon. This is the worst phase of the Sade sati. Any association of Moon with Saturn is a restriction on nature, nurture and nutrition. Your needs will not satisfied, there will be an emotional restriction and overall constriction. Thought processes are affected and you tend to think the worst of everything, which is often correct. Mental agony, loss of reasoning ability, loneliness depression, misery, lack of rest, denial of comforts and an environment of fear around you. Whomsoever you rely on for support, emotional and mental, will cause you pain. Specifically your mother or maternal figures will cause you distress and be a source of stress. Your relatives, friends, family members will not support and you will have to find the necessary resources within yourself. You will be forced to become self reliant, to get by will little, budget and make use of all that you have as an resource crunch will exist. Physical disease and loss of health is also common. A possibility of starting on addictions, as increase in vaat creates a tendency to form bad habits bad habits. Saturn increases vaat, so ‘dryness’ is manifested in several ways which includes lack of love. The last part of this phase can be unbearable and one must take adequate care on all fronts.

Saturn transiting over the birth Moon means that his keywords and the aspects of life that he controls will always be in the forefront. Temporarily the lenses of your perception are going to be be colored with Saturn. This changes you on a very deep level. Whatever Saturn signifies in your chart, will overpower your entire existence for 2.5yrs.

  • eg Libra ascendant, Pisces birth Moon, Virgo birth Saturn. Here Saturn is Yogkarak, in 12th house from ascendant sign and in 7/7 axis with Moon. He will force you to get deeply into meditation, your dream/astral states will dominate your existence, guidance from spirits will be there, you will earn status and fame if you are in some profession which is cut off from normal society, he will separate you from self-ego, your spouse, material concerns, you might be cheated by others who take advantage of your this typical nature, he will untie you from all that is holding you back etc. Ultimately it will be a beneficial phase.

Here, do analyse the power of your birth Moon. A strong birth Moon will have some of the following characteristics, more the patterns more will be his strength. Exalted, in his Mooltrikon, in his own sign Cancer, or in Cancer or Taurus navamsha, aspected by benefics, placed in kendra or kona in your birth chart, having an ashtakvarga score of 4 or more, a high shadbala score, a high ishta phala score, favourable avastha, etc. If your birth Moon is powerful enough then the stress induced by close proximity to the transiting Saturn will be more bearable.

Third phase – during these 2.5yrs, Saturn will be transiting in the 2nd house from the birth Moon. Generally this period is more hard hitting on the emotional and mental levels. The effects of the second phase above continue in full force. The troubles of the past 5yrs are now unbearable for your mind and body resulting in loss of motivation, lethargy and inactivity. The real hidden nature of the people and events unfolding around you are shown to you in stark detail. This can be one of the most depressing periods in life. But towards the end of this 2.5yrs stretch, gradually things perk up and there are unforeseen opportunities for gains. 

As this period gets over, Saturn moves on to the sign 3rd from your birth Moon which is one of his exceptionally positive transits. 


The birth Moon sign and Saturn

Let’s examine the intensity of the results for each sign. If we rank the intensity of the negativity that Saturn will bring, as per the birth Moon signs,

  • Cancer, Leo and Scorpio birth Moons will face the highest intensity of Saturn’s constriction in their entire 7.5yrs of the Sade sati. So take due care for the full 7.5yrs. 
  • Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces birth Moon signs, the main 2nd phase of Saturn over the birth Moon will be severe. The remaining 5yrs will be easily manageable with remedies and conscious efforts.
  • For the other birth Moon signs, they must take special care for the 2.5yrs when the Saturn transits over their birth Moon as this time will be quite difficult. The remaining 5yrs will be problematic but can be managed with use of remedies and constant conscious efforts.

You can also do a generalised comparative of the three phases of the Sade sati depending on the planetary friendships. eg For birth Moon Aries, the 2nd phase will be the worst and quite traumatic, followed by the 1st phase which will be worse than the 3rd phase.

Birth Moon sign

Saturn in 

Generalisation for the phase compared to the other phases



Average to bad, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral


Very bad, Saturn is debilitated


Average, Saturn is friends with Venus



Very bad, Saturn is debilitated


Average, Saturn is friends with Venus


Average, Saturn is friends with Mercury



Average, Saturn is friends with Venus 


Average, Saturn is friends with Mercury


Very bad, Saturn is enemies with Moon



Average, Saturn is friends with Mercury


Very bad, Saturn is enemies with Moon


Very bad, Saturn is enemies with Sun



Very bad, Saturn is enemies with Moon


Very bad, Saturn is enemies with Sun


Average, Saturn is friends with Mercury



Very bad, Saturn is enemies with Sun


Average, Saturn is friends with Mercury


Average to good. Saturn is friends with Venus and exalted



Average, Saturn is friends with Mercury


Average to good. Saturn is friends with Venus and exalted


Very bad, Saturn in Scorpio can generate dangerous energies



Average to good. Saturn is friends with Venus and exalted


Very bad, Saturn in Scorpio can generate dangerous energies


Average to bad, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral



Very bad, Saturn in Scorpio can generate dangerous energies


Average to bad, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral


Average, Saturn owns this sign



Average to bad, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral


Average, Saturn owns this sign


Average, Saturn owns this sign and is his Mooltrikon



Average, Saturn owns this sign


Average, Saturn owns this sign and it is his Mooltrikon


Average to bad, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral



Average, Saturn owns this sign and it is his Mooltrikon


Average to bad, Saturn and Jupiter are neutral


Very bad, Saturn is debilitated


To fine-tune your Sade sati results.

First is to consider the effect of the Dasha. If in the Sade sati period you are undergoing the period of a strongly favourable benefic, eg your ascendant lord or yogkarak then the Sade sati though troublesome will not be able to cause significant damage in your life. But if you are undergoing the Dasha periods of the marak or dusham sthan owners, 6th 8th 12th house owners, then due care has to be taken.

  • Suppose you are going through a dasha of Saturn himself in this Sade-sati. Then it will be a double dose of Saturn energy acting on you. This period can be the best possible or the worst possible period of your life.
  • If Saturn is favourable for you, ie a ascendant lord, yogkarak, in-charge of auspicious houses etc then you will be elevated in life. There will be conflicts, but each of these issues will bring out some hidden ability from within you. You will realise that you have a lot of potential and this time will force you to utilise your potential. This will finally convert into gains, mainly on the social and professional fronts.
  • But if this Saturn is malefic and inauspicious for you then you have to be quite careful as he can hit on the physical, mental and emotional levels and also affect your spiritual progess.

Next is the transits. These play a very important role in the intensity of the Sade sati phase. Specifically pay attention to the transits of Rahu Ketu and Jupiter during this period as they stay in a sign for longer periods of time 1.5yr and 1yr respectively. 

Jupiter transiting 2nd 5th 7th 9th and 11th from the birth Moon sign is supportive and gives favourable results. Rahu and Ketu give pleasing results only when transiting in the 3rd 6th and 11th house from the birth Moon. Factor this influence on you as they will be able to significantly change the overall impact of Saturn on you. 

  • Eg if you are undergoing a favourable Jupiter or Rahu Ketu transit, then the unpleasant effects of the Sade sati will be reduced for 1yr and 1.5yr stretches a very significant thing indeed.
  • But if you are undergoing an unfavourable transit of these three during the Sade sati phase, then due care must be taken to avoid escalating the negative effects of Saturn.

Sade sati is considered to be a time of general troubles, illnesses, fear and misfortune. And all these problems do happen. It is after all Saturn, the karmic enforcer affecting your Moon in transit. This time temporarily affects the lenses of perception, the astral body and the summary of your entire personality. Even the link that one feels with the Divine is restricted for this time.

But then there are always modifying factors, the most important being the power of the birth chart. If your ascendant sign/ lord and your birth Moon are powerful then you will be able to tide over the issues presented by Saturn with the minimum stress. In such cases, this time grants a sense of maturity. You try to reconcile the situations you are put into. Your perspective will allow you to accept events as they happen around you. You clearly separate from the things, people, relationships, thoughts, emotions etc which are no more of use to you. You become more pragmatic, more patient, more serious in life, ie you grow up. You are shown the real face of the things you considered precious in life and as you realise them to be wanting, you release yourself from their ties. It can be a liberating period if you can sensibly navigate through it. One tip is to never hold on to anything too strongly. If it is destined to be with you, it will. But if it is of no use to you, Saturn will tear you away from it and it would be best to accept and let go. 

Any way you look at it, the middle phase ie the transit of Saturn over the birth Moon is going to be the most traumatic 2.5yrs and this period will repeat once in 30yrs. Best be prepared.

Finally to reduce the impact of the Sade sati, you can take corrective actions, ie perform the remedies, the Daan and Mantra for Shani-dev during your Sade sati periods.

33 responses to “Saturn and his Sade Sati ”

  1. Swaminathan Avatar

    Greetings .. i am an avid reader of your posts and the insights are beautiful and very very reader friendly . Have a question to ask .. you dont talk much about gemini as a star sign .. any reasons for this or am i missing out on the posts ?

  2. Quotesofacrab Avatar

    Namaste mam recently casted an iChing hexagram to seek guidance for a personal crisis have been going through. The serial no was 3 which represented victory over hardships through perseverance, the broken line at 3rd position meant great sorrow because of giving up in the initial phase, broken line at 6th place meant a fruitless pursuit… The changed hexagram was serial no 37 which talked about family dynamics and relationships ( which is true in my case as my upbringing and values given by my family are at loggerheads with my vision for my life..) . The path I am trying to pursue, I don’t know if it would end in happiness or sorrow but the consolation would be that for the first time I stood up for myself and expressed what I actually wanted out of my life. If possible kindly help me understand the meaning of broken lines.. that’s the part that’s confusing my whole interpretation .. Thank you.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      this you have to find for yourself
      iching as we use it today is more about strategising. to understand the energy dynamics and use them to get what we want in the optimal way possible.
      try to use the underlying philosophy in some practical manner. convert it into some concrete action. or change your mindset in the way indicated by the lines.
      as you have pulled out the hexagrams in the context of your own question you will be the best judge of what you can do about it.

  3. Sam Avatar

    This is one post I will be coming to again and again! Thank you so much for writing this…long awaited by everybody! I needed this to understand and the different ways of analysing will definitely help.

  4. ANAND Avatar

    Pranaam Madam,
    I would like to sincerely thank you for the post. Each post of yours is an eye opener. As a Virgo ascendant and Capricorn Moon, each word in this post resonated with me. I have read your precious posts on Virgo – Pisces axis, and I feel sincerely grateful for these very illuminating posts. I was and am able to reconcile so many of life experiences and yes, it has been extremely hard…All hardship is learning. Saturn , is an excellent teacher, so many of my illusions broke and brought me face to face with hard reality…..

    I understood the real faces of many people and I was pained by some that I trusted, I understood the true intentions only during the Sade sati which is a good thing … the only flip side is that now I have difficulty trusting people in general…. All I try is to better myself as a person continuously…. I hope Saturn will show the right way…

    My heartfelt thanks once again Madam…
    Best regards,

  5. parneetsachdev Avatar

    This is very interesting and detailed. A very nice blog.

  6. soni Avatar

    For some people the entire life is sade sati. When guru is in nice position, they wont even give good result. Life mysteris cannot be solved by astrology or prections, it is always depressing.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      so u have a damaged moon and mercury.
      and never attempted to change your perspective
      also never felt gratitude for what you have in your hands but always crying for what you do not have.
      am sure each and everyone has something to be grateful for in life.
      Obviously you never felt the need to change yourself.
      only you are responsible for what is happening to you

      i have no patience with people who enjoying this wallowing in self-pity .
      no one can help you, but you yourself.

      this will help you.

      and in future try to do some mantra or daana,
      Start with the gayatri mantra at least!
      else life will permanently remain a mystery for you. and cribbing on random blogs will not help you decipher it.

  7. madhurialita Avatar

    Hi Mam

    Thank you very much for this detailed post.

    And also , this helped me detect why my entire college life and studies went mediocre despite i had solid proactive plans for my higher education.
    I find out now…that my entire college duration was sade sati period 😐

  8. Manjunath Avatar

    Namaste Madam, Thanks much for the detailed post, this really helps to deepen our understanding around sade sati.

  9. maviswa Avatar

    Mam..Thanks for the post.

    I was sort of unable to understand the chart for every Moon sign and the Saturn moon sign is Pisces my nakshatra is utthrabhadra..and my Saturn is in the second house of Libra(Virgo ascendant).
    How will my sade sati be? Saturn is the ruler of utthrabhadra and my life started in Saturn dasha and I lost my mother in my three years..
    Going through the toughest ketu dasha will the sade sati be for me that will be starting in the next few years.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      if you compare the three phases, generally the 3rd phase will be the worst compared to the 2nd. and the 1st phase will be the easiest to go through.
      but naturally this will be modified by the individual chart patterns.

      1. maviswa Avatar

        No mam my Saturn mahadasha is over long back..
        My ketu is going to end this sept 2021 and my venus will start.

        I was wondering how my sade sati will be…me being a virgo ascendant and Saturn is exalted for me in my second house of Libra..and my nakshatra is utthrabhadrapada so my sade sati will be starting in next few years.

      2. astrologerbydefault Avatar

        Hi there
        Yes, i read what u had written the first time.
        But u did not read the Saturn mahadasha post, as i had written briefly in it about people who are born in it.
        Also its always enlightening to do an analysis of the birth mahadasha as it helps clear out a lot of hidden issues

        Fr ur current and upcoming ones i have written on both ketu and venus mahadasha. Do use the index page.
        Exalted saturn in 2 nd house will help in several ways as u have crossed 36yrs of life.
        He will b 6th frm lagna in aq so will help u in yr career, destroying enemies etc in the first phase, this time will b average to good. Pisces phase shud b bearable too, but physical health may also b affected. But take care during the aries phase.
        But u have to analyse ur sade sati fr urself or consult ur regular astrologer as i do not do detailed readings anymore.

      3. maviswa Avatar

        Ok mam thank you so much ..yes I read the Saturn mahadasha post and also on venus and ketu dashas mam.

        Thanks again mam🙏🙏🙏

  10. shandilyasandilya Avatar

    Hi Mam,

    Is it true for cancer ascendants that if the moon, mars, and Saturn, or any other malefic planet sits together in 3rd or 6h house, they have sade sati for life?


      1. Shandilya Avatar

        Thanks Mam

  11. aparnabkrishnan Avatar

    Hi ma’am,

    I went through my 1st sade sati phase from 2001 to 2009. It was traumatic, physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually abused. By the end of the phase I got legally divorced.

    I am dreading the next phase that comes in mid life. I have a cancer moon with Saturn (r). The worst possible combination.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      the ongoing dasha has a important role to play so first analyse this part and then the transits. that is why i wrote such a long and detailed post on sade sati, there are always exceptions and if you focus on the good and intend that good happens to you, good only will happen
      i think by the time you get into your 2nd sade sati you will have crossed 48yrs of age, your planets will have completely matured and you will be able to make more use of what events they put you in.
      and you still have a long time to go before the 2nd sade sati, so make good use of this, do your sadhana, or worship your favourite deity or kuldevata or at least recite the gayatri and the shri sukta, do something which will help you in life rather than worrying. put your shraddha to work.
      i know someone who has moon saturn ketu in the 12th house, cancer asc. this is quite a combination! this person after a rather traumatic episode in life, put full faith in Shri sukta and by own efforts and the blessings of the Devi is quite well settled in life.

      1. aparnabkrishnan Avatar

        Thank you ma’am.

        If I have to focus on the good things that I am grateful for,even though I was beaten black and blue during my pregnancy, I had a healthy boy in 2002. My ishta devata is Sriram, I used to pray to Hanuman too. My son lives with me and my daughter. I was going through Venus mahadasa (1999 -2019)

        2006 onwards I was employed by an MNC and got to work with Germans and Scotsmen. Picked up their work culture and ethics which helped me in my successive years. Discipline, organized and being on time. The Saturnian qualities. I am grateful for that and I did enjoy my work.

        After coming across your post on navakshari chanting, I have been diligently following it.

        Shall start Srisuktam.

        I’m a pisces ascendant, so my moon &Saturn (r) are in my 5th house.

        Thanks again for reminding me to look at the good side of the transit. For what I am grateful for.

  12. Viju Avatar

    Dearest Tejaswiniji,

    Many thanks for this post🙏🏻♥️ I will face Sade sati again after 11 years. Everything you have written about Sade sati is true. I faced Sade sati starting 2002. To sum it in one word, it was hell. I lost my dad, all my savings in his hospitalization, no peace. I was put through a ringer physically, mentally, emotionally. Sleep was bad, relatives gave me a bad time, my own mother hurt me. I stopped reiki, meditation and my prayers which I had been doing regularly – I couldn’t find the time or energy and whatever I did seemed to have no effect. I have always valued my spiritual connection since childhood, but for the first time in my life it was missing. It was unbearably traumatic. I felt suicidal. It took me years to heal my emotions, still some of the memories hurt me a lot even now.

    Despite all this, my beloved Kuldevata in His sweet, mysterious way guided me to listen to Hanuman Chalisa♥️ I hung onto it like a drowning man clutching a straw. Hanuman Chalisa played in my mind all day and night – I was listening to it at every free moment or saying it in my mind. In few days I felt different, I no longer felt suicidal and situation got a bit better.

    Now things are different. I observe vrats and chant mantras. I have a good relationship with my Kuldevata. Still I dread Sade Sati.

    Sorry for the rambling. My question is should I start fasting/ mantra Jaap a year before the Sade sati begins or just in the beginning of the Sade sati? Beej mantra for Shani need to be chanted only on Saturdays or can it be chanted everyday?

    Lots of love and gratitude

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      If u r doing hanuman chalisa paath then do it regularly. It will help u overcome Saturns issues in ur regular life too. And its a sadhana by itself.

      In case u want to do more. U can do daan of saturn related items or light a sesame oil lamp on Saturday with his mantra. Do this the day ur nxt sade sati starts

      1. Viju Avatar

        🙏🏻Heartfelt thanks Tejaswiniji – for your reply and also for your this perfect post on Sade Sati🙏🏻🙂♥️

        Lots of love and gratitude

  13. Shala Avatar

    Ma’am what is the significance of pravrajya yoga and tapaswi yoga in a chart ? Obviously most people who have these yogas don’t become actual ascetics or anything close to it. ( I have it too supposedly). Does that just signify a more inward searching and introsceptive personality ? That only material growth cannot fill up one’s inner hunger applies for all anyway irrespective of presence or absence of these yogas. What else do these yogas add to personality on a broad perspective?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      Might write some more on this as people with partial or weak combinations are generally depressed or maladjusted personalities. U will meet several of this type in ur practice

      1. Shala Avatar

        Thanks ma’ an online horoscope I had generated for me along with 4 dozen other yogas even tapaswi yoga had been mentioned ( was not sure after seeing list; if it was there for inclusion purpose 😀)
        but horoscope hand calculated and written by my grand father way back has no mention of it.
        Out of curiosity I did check birth details of 4 people known to me. 2 showed tapaswi yoga and 2 more showed pravrajya yoga.
        Was not expecting that because I know their personalities over 15 years.
        Hence was wondering if they manifest properly in any chart at all since they seem so common like the myriad raja yogas which every chart I have seen has.
        Like you’s always about recurring patterns and strength of planets involved to see actual manifestation.
        Anyway trying to learn to hand calculate my chart in the meantime…,😀

  14. Hayls Avatar

    In your experience, do you think that recitation of the navarna mantra can help as a remedy during sade sati or even in general with unbalanced planets? Or is it best to stick with the planet’s beej mantra?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      U can recite the navavarna if u feel like it. It will help as a remedy

  15. Abk81571 Avatar

    Thank you so much for such an informational insightful inspiring post🙏

    Just wanted to confirm if the yogakarak aspect holds good for birth moon as well (besides asc degree)… for someone who’s born during the second phase of Sade-sati ie. Saturn conjoint birth moon in natal chart. Here Saturn happens to be the asc lord, can we also say for a Taurus moon, this Saturn is yogakarak?

    Another question on the same topic, if Saturn nakshatra is ‘ati mitra’ to birth moon nakshatra (according to janma nava tara, moon nakshatra will be ‘sampat’ for Saturn), is it reasonable to assume Sade-sati will be bearable?

    Many thanks Tejaswini ji🙏

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      yogkarak are as per the asc signs.
      i have seen that saturn gives more material results for taurus and libra moon signs, he can help but its not not the yogkarak level

      yes, to your nakshatra related Q

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