Evolution of the Soul and the horoscope

Last Updated on May 16, 2021 by astrologerbydefault

These days anyone who wants to get into the divinatory professions calls himself an ‘old soul’. Btw, all our souls are the exact same age, we were all created at the instant this Universe was created. Some of these souls, at the moment of creation, vibrated with a higher intensity and some at a lower level. Starting point of every soul’s energy and consciousness was different. Thus some were born as humans and some as stones. Some souls have had to wait for eons before they could be born as stones! And some human souls were so evolved that they were well on the path of spiritual realisation while we were still living it out as plants!

When you see very many horoscopes, you start seeing patterns of ‘soul evolution’. The maturity of the soul is always reflected in the horoscope. Here is how you evolve in the astrological way.

If you get a plain and simple horoscope, with no outstanding feature, this would be a person who has just started on his human development. The horoscope is not bad but not exceptional either. A routine life. People who live a generic neutral and not a very happening life. The life events are not very intense and neither are the emotions. No shock therapy here. It’s like going to a fun-fair and not being sure which ride to try out, so you walk around seeing everything first. Here the person is trying out options, gingerly testing the waters. Learning and then developing himself. There are opportunities available to him, the planets in the bright half may be stronger giving him more options and more freedom to choose his path. The planets in the dark half would be more supportive in nature. Whatever he chooses will have its impact on his future lives. He is creating karma for himself. He has just started playing the Game consciously as a human. If you counsel him, do not talk about spiritual stuff, he will go blank. He is interested in the material stuff now, he wants to explore Creation in this phase.

The next type of horoscope would be where just one planetary force has more power than the rest. Now this person has chosen a path. One aspect of Creation has appealed to him and he is trying it out. This planet is the major force in his life. He is going to experience stuff related to this planet for this life. He might now get extreme experiences, happiness or shocks, from this planet’s keywords. The rest of the horoscope is still plain and easy, not much happening elsewhere.

Then you will get horoscopes where there will be a mix of planets, some powerful, some without power. Some giving benefits, some giving inauspicious results. This would be the experimental phase in the soul evolution. The person has experimented with single planets and their fruits in the previous step. Now he is being bolder. The person is obviously resolving karma as he does this. But is trying out different energies, different high/ lows in a ‘mix and match’ manner. Seeing what works best for him. There will be some minor but distinct patterns emerging in the chart now if you observe it carefully.

Till now the planets being ‘activated’ would be the Tara-graha, the 5, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, these are linked to the lower 5 chakras. They are in-charge of the tangible manifestation process itself. Till now the client would be interested only in knowing when he will get a job, not the karmic reasoning or the energy dynamics behind it. The life would be quite materialistic, food, shelter, basic enjoyments, rest etc. The higher faculties would not be accessible during this phase.

Evolution of the Soul and the horoscope

Then there will be some charts where there are distinct patterns, some exalted planets in the horoscope, not in their full power but definitely there. There is power but the Will to use it has not evolved yet. But now the Moon will also get involved in these patterns in some way. If you see the Moon in some crucial house or being influenced by heavy planetary influences then this chart is different. Now the person has reached a stage where he wants to involve the higher spiritualising energies in his inner evolution. The Moon is linked to the Ajnya chakra. He will start reflecting the power from the individual soul into the chart. This is an important event in evolution as now the person starts to realise that he is not just the tangible person but something very different. The lower consciousness now realises that it is more, dimly, but yes that first hint is here. The Mind is being ‘activated’.

In the next stages of evolution, the Mind is to be trained and the Moon will do it. The Moon will first work to pull the Mind more towards the higher self by reflecting to him the qualities of the individual soul. And he will cause a slow separation of the Mind from materialistic tendencies. The Mind will be trained by every way possible to remove the materialistic desires. It will be forced or enticed to dive deep into itself and search for its own deepest desire. You will see planetary combinations, Yog, involving the Moon in such horoscopes which cause powerful effects in the chart. There are several yog linked to the Moon, you will see at least 2-3 powerful yog-s in such charts. (Sunapha, Anapha, Adhi, Gaja-kesari, Dhurudhara, etc). Even if you do not know the names of these yog, the power of the Moon and the interconnected patterns he makes in the chart will be quite evident. Most important is an association of the Moon with Jupiter eg conjunction/ aspect/ Gajakesari, it does not let the Mind fall from the position it has attained, it strengthens it so as to better sustain the onslaught of the material desires. You might find Mind’s fickleness controlled by Saturn by his influence on the Moon. And conversely the Shakata yog too. ‘Negative’ Moon yogs are as important as the ‘positive’ yogs. They teach the Mind about the transient. These give him pain first and then the deepest disillusionment which detaches the Mind from the material world.

If you get such clients then they require different counselling. They will want to know when they will have their baby, but also why they were denied a child till now. And if you give an energy related remedy they will do it with some level of understanding.

Evolution of the Soul and the horoscope

Next Rahu and Ketu will come in focus, they are the actual Kings of Karma, the reason for separation from the Eternal and the reason why we all will again regain the Non-Dual. Important yog-s involving Rahu/ Ketu, Guru-chandal yog or Kaal-sarpa can be seen now. Or if there is a single powerful Rahu or Ketu in pivotal houses. These ‘negative’ yog test the soul, the soul has requested these tests and it is tested in full. And if it passes, it gets the prize of increased awareness. These yog-s will not be present in the very ordinary charts. Karma, its reason, its existence, its negation etc will be taught to the soul in the deepest way. Every force in your chart will try to destroy the materialistic tendencies and pull the soul towards the spiritual. And the Mind’s materialistic tendencies will fight them, there will be deep unrest within. This turmoil will ultimately resolve all the doubts of the Mind, and make it constant and steady. Unless Rahu/ Ketu give their blessings the soul cannot progress. (I know someone who was doing intense Sadhana of Rahu/ Ketu. When he finished, they appeared before him, joined together as One Singular being and blessed him. An extraordinary event.)

Another important indicator of the soul’s evolution is the power of the ascendant lord. (Cancer ascendant and Leo ascendant people have a short cut here) In highly evolved charts, the ascendant lord will always show typical patterns, eg exalted, combust, vargottam, conjunct Sun/ Moon/ Rahu/ Ketu, in some astrological yog or conjunct a powerful Jupiter-Venus combination etc.

Finally at the very climax of the evolutionary process, the Sun takes the field. He is the light of the individual soul, the most powerful force of the chart. The very light of the divine. He will push the evolutionary process by illuminating the path from the individual soul to the Eternal. A powerful Sun is a pre-requisite for the soul’s evolution. The deciding factor. You will find yogs connected to the Sun in such horoscopes (vesi, vasi, ubhayachari, budh-aditya etc). The patterns which feed this Sun energy will be very clear in the horoscope.

These two luminaries and the two astral forces now take a firm hold on the lower 5 Tara-graha and their energies. And in the appropriate dasha/ transit combination propel the soul into the waiting arms of the Highest Consciousness, the Nirvishesh Brahma itself.

Now the individual soul has stopped existing, ie it has gone beyond the very concept of existence/ non-existence. What Is, Is the Nirvishesh Brahma. After this Self-realization, if the Singular Soul is required to, it in its infinite mercy and kindness, can become a Sat-guru to guide others towards Itself.

This is how the Soul evolves from a very ordinary plain human life to an extraordinary Realisation of its Self and how it can be sensed through Jyotish.



(Someone close to me has a truly unique chart. Shakata Yog, a partial Kaal-sarpa with Moon outside the axis, Guru-chandal yog, vargottam ascendant sign, vargottam ascendant lord, vargottam Venus, vargottam Jupiter, dark half of the chart dominant, Venus-Jupiter mutually aspecting on the exact degree, Rahu/Ketu in 5/11 axis, Moon aspected by Saturn and more typical combinations all at once. This person is definitely going to remain my life-long study subject!) 

13 responses to “Evolution of the Soul and the horoscope”

  1. Radha Avatar

    Hello Tejaswini,

    Thankyou for very informative post.
    Can you please write a post on kuldevatha in powerful bandhan?
    what combination of planets in a chart shows this type of situation-person could not get blessings of kuldevatha as it is bound by a force?
    what karma could have triggered such a situation in a persons life? Why wouldnt the god safe guard itself against such situations?
    What can be done to release bandhan?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      i have not heard of this kul-devata in bandhan or bound by force till now. so i cannot comment on it

      if someones 9th house is spoilt then there are issues related to ancestors or family gods

      for ancestors pitru tarpan is the remedy, the oldest man in the house is required to do it, i have written about it, but this is standard procedure, any brahmin who does tarpan vidhi-s can guide on this

      for kul-devata kop, anger of the ancestral gods.. there are caste/family specific rituals which are performed,
      this depends and varies very much,
      some families sacrifice animals, some do pujas, or some do ‘jagar’, where the kuldevata comes on some person and he tells that family what exactly is required to be done..

  2. timeya3 Avatar

    Greetings ma’am.
    My sincere admiration for the work you do. Huge work indeed.
    I discovered Vedic astrology about 4 years ago and have been studying this matter steadily ever since. And the more I study, the more I feel the vastness that is opening up before me.
    This article touched me very deeply.
    From the time I was a kid, I felt like I wasn’t doing enough, like I was in a state of lethargy. Unfortunately, I’ve never been active enough. Rather, I tend to wait.
    I know you no longer do astrology readings .
    But if you were interested, would you look at my data?
    December 2, 1961 1.33.30pm
    My name is Timeya
    I am from Sofia, Bulgaria.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      i dont do readings, but if you are learning yourself, then
      ascendant pisces improves with age,
      virgo moons have very typical anxieties, internal worrying about karma, proper actions to be performed, perfection is a need, etc
      the asc lord is with saturn and ketu in the 11th house,
      delay, restrictions, slowness, detachment etc keywords plus discipine, routine, incisive intelligence, extra senses etc

      things should have got better after your mid-40’s ? more assertive and more confident?
      ketu holding back maturity of jupiter and saturn till 48yrs of age
      asc lord in upchaya house, better results with age,
      sun has combusted mercury and mars so its effects on the things linked to mars, venus, the houses they own .. etc
      and 9th house, as 9th house lord is combust in his own house,
      the 1-5-9 dharma trikon should have more outgoing power for a assertive personality
      try to connect with the sun in any way you like, it will help (do not wear the rubies or stones, but the colors, fragrances etc, or just see him once a day in the skies with gratitude)
      all your planets are in the forward motion, none in retrograde, this means that the person looks forward always, review, repeat, re-do, re-thinking is not a part of the mentality.. its not bad, just an interesting point
      i have written posts on almost all these topics, maybe if you go through them

      1. Timeya3 Avatar

        Thank you ma’am. You helped me a lot. Your articles resonate with the questions I have been asking myself since childhood, on a very deep level. Such a noble and masterly work. God bless you!

  3. timeya3 Avatar

    Greetings ma’am.
    My sincere admiration for the work you do. Huge work indeed.
    I discovered Vedic astrology about 4 years ago and have been studying this matter steadily ever since. And the more I study, the more I feel the vastness that is opening up before me.
    This article touched me very deeply.
    From the time I was a kid, I felt like I wasn’t doing enough, like I was in a state of lethargy. Unfortunately, I’ve never been active enough. Rather, I tend to wait.
    I know you no longer do astrology readings .
    But if you were interested, would you look at my data?
    December 2, 1961 1.33.30pm
    My name is Timeya
    I am from Sofia, Bulgaria.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      i dont do readings, but if you are learning yourself, then
      ascendant pisces improves with age,
      virgo moons have very typical anxieties, internal worrying about karma, proper actions to be performed, perfection is a need, etc
      the asc lord is with saturn and ketu in the 11th house,
      delay, restrictions, slowness, detachment etc keywords plus discipine, routine, incisive intelligence, extra senses etc

      things should have got better after your mid-40’s ? more assertive and more confident?
      ketu holding back maturity of jupiter and saturn till 48yrs of age
      asc lord in upchaya house, better results with age,
      sun has combusted mercury and mars so its effects on the things linked to mars, venus, the houses they own .. etc
      and 9th house, as 9th house lord is combust in his own house,
      the 1-5-9 dharma trikon should have more outgoing power for a assertive personality
      try to connect with the sun in any way you like, it will help (do not wear the rubies or stones, but the colors, fragrances etc, or just see him once a day in the skies with gratitude)
      all your planets are in the forward motion, none in retrograde, this means that the person looks forward always, review, repeat, re-do, re-thinking is not a part of the mentality.. its not bad, just an interesting point
      i have written posts on almost all these topics, maybe if you go through them

  4. Radha Avatar

    Thankyou Tejaswini for your views and guidance. Love and gratitude.

  5. Jordan Hoggard Avatar

    I wonderfully resonate with this in your opening: “Btw, all our souls are the exact same age, we were all created at the instant this Universe was created. Some of these souls, at the moment of creation, vibrated with a higher intensity and some at a lower level. Starting point of every soul’s energy and consciousness was different.”

    I will enhance with… ALL NOT created equal, ALL created equally valuable, each soul’s place of prime importance. All similar, each unique. We’re all different, like everyone else.

    Thank you.

  6. Ayan Gupta Avatar
    Ayan Gupta

    Very nice article. I’ve been looking for spiritual side of the astrology and this article is definitely showing some light.

    Would you be able to explain how Rahu/Ketu in 12/6 axis helps evolving a soul and what focus it exerts and what Prarabdha it’s showing for a Virgo Asc where moon is in Lagna and Sun in 7th house? Interestingly, Venus is with Ketu in 6th Aquarius and Retro Saturn is in 12th Leo. Sun is in Pieces with Lagna lord Mercury.


    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      i have written about Rahu Ketu in the 6/12 axis here..


      i have written on
      virgo asc
      virgo moon
      ketu conjunct planets
      several posts on the 12th house
      do use the index to find these posts if u wish to read them ..

  7. gauri7 Avatar

    I have kumbha lagna with moon-ketu in ascendant, saturn-rahu in 7th, jupiter in cancer, sun and mars in Sagittarius and mercury-venus in Scorpio. I have very strong inclination towards sanyasa and feel vairagya and don’t want to be born again. Does this combination show moksha anytime soon?

    By the way, your articles show deep insight into jyotish. I am self-learner jyotish also. My dob is jan 2, 1979 at 10:53 am, Pune if its needed. ..

    I would really like to know your thoughts. .

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      i do not do readings anymore so refer to your regular astrologer
      if you feel inclined to spiritual practice do it regularly. just inclination or desire for moksh or combinations in horoscope does not grant it .. i have written several posts on spiritual practice moksh, dhyan, soham, etc
      also the posts on rahu/ketu might be useful..
      do use the index page or the search bar to locate them in case you feel like reading..

I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

Sharing my experiences, on the way, through this Blog.

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