Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

Rahu and Ketu are completely astral graha, They do not have any existence in the physical dimension. They have no material results on their own. They influence the material only through the other planets they are linked to. Their actual results are almost completely astral in nature, they are the ā€˜desire to experienceā€™ and ā€˜apathy to experienceā€™ and represent the flow of experience throughout your several lives. Any placement of Rahu and Ketu will be influenced by the nature of the sign he is in, the owner of this sign and his power to give results and the other planets who conjoin/aspect Rahu/Ketu. The lunar mansion/ Nakshatra occupied by them also gives valuable insights into their effects.

There are two ways of analysing Ketu. Of these, how he will manifest his energy in your life will depend on the other planets, signs and houses.

  • One is disconnection from the individual self, detachment from the sense of self. He just experiences without any judgement. eg no children
  • And the second is no limits. This Ketu energy can increase scope as it is unimpeded by barriers. eg lots of children and child-figures like students.

The 5th and 11th axis deals with your personal intelligence and interaction with the outside world. This is perhaps the most important axis when it comes to energy, an incredible amount of energy is generated and used in this axis. So if you want to be good you can be really be the best and if you takes a bad turn you can be the worst of the lot. The karmic axis of Rahu-Ketu in this 5th/ 11th axis can create the most excellent human beings at one end of the spectrum or the worst ones, nothing in between.


Ketu in the 5th house

A strong Ketu here can confer a lot. Formal education may be in breaks or strangely disjointed with you taking random courses without a clear direction. Education is generally affected. If the 5th lord and the ascendant is well placed the education would be extensive but the use and awareness of what has been learnt formally would be limited.

This placement of Ketu drives the mind and its mental capacity inwards and you would be generally involved in esoteric stuff. Astrologers, spiritualists, occultists, tantriks are quite to be expected with this Ketu. Your intellect is enormous, Ketu is diffuse and separative, a paradoxial state. So the intellect can spread over and yet be incisive. But what exactly should you do with this intellect will be resolved only after midlife. Till then you might be considered to be a bit eccentric. You have very original and quite shocking ideas. These ideas will not materialise into reality unless Ketu is influenced by other planets.

The self-ego also is strangely fluid, you will be ego-less But at the same time know who you are exactly internally. May not express it though. Ketu in the 5th means that you have experienced these keywords of the 5th completely in your past lives and you have the deepest learnings associated with this house with you. But you will not be aware of it, if you can consciously focus it will be made available. But ā€˜consciously focussingā€™ and ā€˜headless Ketuā€™ together can get a bit difficult.

With love affairs two extreme things may happen depending on the other placements. No affairs, no relationships with humans and the search for a non-physical sort of a relationship with a deity or the higher self. Or no affairs but a formal marriage with limited physical contact. Or the other extreme, mindlessly into several relationships /marriages/affairs which are never satisfying. These relationships would be karmic in nature and you are quite passive about these.

Ketu in 5th makes you the shadow of your more outgoing husband/wife. The spouse if often from a different social/ cultural background. You donā€™t know how to have fun, most avenues of entertainment lose their attraction very fast. Your spouse can be a politician or someone very well-known in public, very passionate and visible. He is quite conscious about social position, recognition, gains, wealth etc. You on the other hand are not bothered about all this material stuff. You understand its importance, you move about in such environments but you are not moved by all these things. You might have to face losses because of your disinterest. You are your spouseā€™s shadow here, always present but never really seen. And you donā€™t mind it!Ā 

Children will be few, pregnancy and childbirth (if female) will be especially difficult. The children will be highly intuitive themselves. The eldest child especially may show occult talents or may have special needs. However this is rarely a ā€˜disabilityā€™ as far as his behaviour in society is concerned. But you might sometimes feel discomfort caused by his behaviour. You rarely punish your children/students, you observe and think very differently, your parenting style is a bit eccentric but can be genius. However this can as easily turn to negligence.

If you choose to venture into the spiritual, you will have limited real students. However you are a good teacher and can teach students with special needs, handicapped children, or students of the esoteric.

You are not bothered with expressing your creativity. There is no pride or no ego related to your creative output. (Should never gamble.)

There is one observation here, the 5th house indicates the physical heart. So there may be some medical conditions if aspected by malefics. Take care of your upper back too in such a case. (This in rare cases if there is support from the rest of the horoscope can allow the Kundalini to rise.) But as Ketu is completely astral his main effect is to create a sense of sadness, grief perhaps. You are psychically detached from divine love or perhaps the word is self-love? but you never know that you yearn for this sort of love. The essence of love? A sense of undefinable loneliness prevails over the Ketu of the 5th house.


Rahu in the 11th house

If Ketu is placed in the 5th house naturally Rahu would be in the opposite 11th house, 180degrees apart..

Rahu in the 11th house from the ascendant is a wish come true perhaps? Rahu in the 11thĀ the house of gain, would have created ambitions in the initial life but Rahu comes to his maturity only after 48yrs of life. And the 11th is an upchayaĀ  ą¤‰ą¤Ŗą¤šą¤Æ house, gives better results with age. The 11th is the house of gains, extended like-minded groups, markets, foreigners, luck, relationships with large groups, mostly impersonal type of relationships.

Rahu here desires social recognition, social mobility, often political power, a wide circle of friends, corporate networking, community participation, profits and gains, is very ambitious. Uses unconventional methods to rise but this rise can be sustained only if some benefic planet influences Rahu. Even if there are intermittent falls, Rahu uses them as opportunities and manages to rise again. He challenges the conventional always so in the 11th house he has infinite potential to showcase genius and also to manipulate. Rahu has the ability to merge in every group in a very fascinating manner. He accepts everyone into his circle, irrespective of class, creed or mind-sets.

But is important to remember that how-much-ever Rahu strives onwards the Ketu in the 5th house grants an unfocussed intelligence, an eccentric genius, there is detachment here. So if Ketu is more powerful than Rahu in your chart this factor can cause more falls in the material perspective than material gains. If your 5th house occupied by Ketu is not supported by other solidifying benefic aspects, you will not be able to make the most of Rahuā€™s capability. Rahu in the 11th makes one ruthless and grants a complete disregard for rules, conventions and regulations. Plus out-of-the-box thinking. You are actually a philosopher who also has the confidence and ruthlessness to act. You can strategise very well and also keep secrets. Can prosper in business, especially import/export related. Material earnings will be quite good in any case. There might be awards and prizes too.

If you try to gain using Rahuā€™s powers of illegality, breaking the rules, pretending, cheating and posing, your fortune will not last. So after a rather dissatisfied first half of life, the second half can fulfil desires. But what desires? The frustration of the first half of life and the maturation of all planets will have changed your mind-set. Spirituality would have set in and changed the type of desires which Rahu will then fulfil. This 5/11 Ketu-Rahu is considered exceptional for spiritual growth also. The personality tries to find its balance between the individual self-ego and the unlimited Consciousness. This combination can grant an outwardly simple ego-less plain personality, well-known in public life, a high social stature, is wealthy and also is involved in deep esoteric activities. (Something like a saint who is also a king, perhaps?)

The motherā€™s and fatherā€™s families are often a source of problems. Brothers and extended families are generally troublesome. Children display occult abilities or in rare cases can be specially abled. Spouse is a social climber, a politician or a successful businessman. Friends are also exotic, fascinating but not really life-time friends, they also are a bit odd, occultists and astrologer type, not really bff material! So there exists potential for invalidation from all relationships. ā€˜Validationā€™ is an important component of any relationship. This is always missing. Satisfaction is missing from every aspect of life, personal or the extended.

Sometimes complete destruction is necessary to rise again spectacularly. This placement sometimes reflects this as the first half of the life goes in a haze. The second half is more vivid and happy. Things will move after Rahu and Ketu attain maturity. You will see a marked change in your life during the age of 42-47yrs.

If you have Ketu placed 5th from the birth Moon and thus the Rahu 11th from Moon, the results will be as per the above except the context will be exclusively on the emotional planes.

Ketu Mahdasha and Rahu Mahadasha as per the Vimshottari system, will be quite happening periods.Ā Especially Rahu-Ketu sub-period and Ketu-Rahu antardasha will be quite karmically heavy-duty. Their sub-periods in the other planetā€™s Mahadasha-s also will burn karma fast. Their transits are also quite slow with 1.5yrs in each sign, (right now they are in Capricorn /Cancer) so keep a look out here too. Periods heavy with Rahu/ Ketu energy will grant profits and gains but after their periods are complete these gains too may erode.Ā 

Doing mantra -jaap of Rahu and Ketu on Tuesdays/Saturdays and especially during eclipses is very beneficial. In fact you should aggressively use every eclipse which occurs, not let even one single event pass by.

Rahu is the engine which drives your chart and Ketu is the last guard-cabin. The desire to experience and apathy to experience. In energy-terms these are the influences which push your perfect internal energy -geometry out of shape. Life is all about experience and energy, so analyse these two astral tendencies, Rahu-Ketu carefully in your chart, they reveal your deepest motivations.



Have written about Rahu in the 5th and Ketu in the 11th house in this post.

10 responses to “Rahu Ketu analysis, if placed in the 5 /11 axis”

  1. Shiyam Marooz Avatar

    Amazing stuffs. Not sure how I missed reading this one. Thanks a ton for sharing this in depth analysis

  2. Charu Avatar

    Deep gratitude for such extensive insight , it is so me with rahu in saggi 11th and ketu in 5th gemini. Blessed be

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      am glad you liked it,
      all the best to you in learning more about your own self!

  3. Dee Avatar

    You wrote my biography without having met me! I have Ketu with Saturn in the 5th House. Thank you for your insight, incredibly accurate.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      thank you šŸ˜Š

      1. Dee Avatar


        Question: when you say

        ā€œIf you have Ketu placed 5th from the birth Moon and thus the Rahu 11th from Moon, the results will be as per the above except the context will be exclusively on the emotional planes.ā€

        My moon is in the 1st house so is this relevant for me? I donā€™t really understand how is can be exclusively emotional and not also physically or spiritual.

        Thank you in advance for your time and thoughts, I appreciate it.

        Kind Regards,


      2. astrologerbydefault Avatar

        Hi there,

        There are several ways of looking at the basic birth horoscope itself.

        If we want to see the physical overall and the environment we start by counting the ascendant sign as the first house, this is what we normally do.

        But sometimes a person has everything but is not satisfied. Or has nothing but is still very happy. ie the physical/material and the emotional/astral things do not match.

        So if we want to see how a person feels about stuff we have to analyse the Moon in depth.
        We reorient the same chart so that the sign containing the Moon is now counted as the first house.
        Here the system remains the same, eg 4th house is what one feels about the mother or the 7th house from the Moon is how one feels about the spouse etc.

        In your case, your Moon is in the ascendant sign itself so your emotional/astral etc self exactly matches the physical events and the material stuff. So do not worry about this line, it is not applicable to your chart.

        But if the Moon were eg in the 6th house in the birth chart now the emotional/astral stuff and the physical stuff would not match perfectly. Now the Ketu would be placed in the 12th house in relation to the Moon and the Rahu would be placed in the 6th house counted from the Moon. So these Rahu/Ketu would give the physical/material results as per the 5/10 axis but the emotional context would operate more like a 6/12 axis.

  4. Dee Avatar


    Fantastic, thank you for the explanation! I appreciate it!

    Kind Regards, Dee šŸ™‚

  5. ritu Avatar

    this is so wonderful. reading this has helped me in understanding whats happening with me. the conflict of wanting and not wanting at the same time is so tiring. thankfully i am running 41 and as u wrote lot of things are getting clearer about myself. its the planets only which led me to circumstances that i had to look into astrology and i got here to learn what i am at 41. šŸ™‚ thank u.

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