Last Updated on February 16, 2022 by astrologerbydefault

People born with Moon in the watery signs, Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces pride themselves on being psychic, sensitive, intuitive and that they ‘channelise’ energy. Which is quite true, but the real thing is completely different. There is always a heavy price to be paid for this ‘sensitivity’. If you are more sensitive to the astral you lose the vitality of the physical.

Water is connected to the Moon in so many ways. The tides of the sea, the movement of blood in our bodies and the sap movements in trees are all connected to the movements of the Moon. Water is the source of all life. From the instant of our real birth as a fertilised egg within our mother’s womb we float in liquid. Our physical death and the Anteyshti, the last correct action, is not complete till the cremation ashes/asti are immersed in flowing river/sea.

Birth Moon in the watery signs, Cancer Scorpio Pisces.jpg

We always flow. Life is series of inter-connected flowing events through space and time. When the body reaches its full potential, it is discarded. The soul then takes a brief rest and again occupies a new one. This intervening period is also under the control of the Moon, as the soul moves to a dimension called Chandra-lok (realm of the Moon) for a time before taking its new birth.

And then what is life without ‘emotions’? Moon is the agent of the mind. The mind is the tattva which feels emotions. The cycles of happiness and sadness, hope and despair are all of the Moon. Water gets agitated and flows out in ripples, then again stills and is peaceful. Unknown depths and secrets within. The sun total of your existence throughout numerous lives.

The Moon is always present as the link between opposites, spirit-material, reality-illusion, birth-death and death-rebirth. He connects everything.

The three watery signs make up the natural Moksh trikon.

You plant a seed. It takes in the power of the Sun through the Moon. A seed without water will not germinate. Moon’s reflection of the Sun’s energy is life-giving. The Sun by himself is a natural malefic! Moon is the most important determinant in a chart. If he is strong and well balanced he can draw in energy from the Sun more effectively. He tempers the dry destructive heat of the Sun and makes it more amenable to Life. We Indian astrologers give prime importance to the Moon sign not the Sun sign. The Sun’s power cannot be used directly. The Sun is self-identity, self-ego, sense of individuality, the soul. The Moon is in-charge of building the mind and the body as an appropriate house for the soul. It is very personal. He makes the mind/body capable of handling and channeling the soul’s power. In the chart the Moon represents the alchemical power of the body/mind to accept and use the energy derived of the Sun and the other planets.

Now if the Moon can construct, he can also destroy. If he is is trouble, under malefic influence, debilitated, in challenging placements, in the dusham-sthan, houses 6th, the 8th and the 12th (to some extent the 3rd also), the other face of the Moon will occasionally be seen. He will cause trouble, he can deny nutrition, deny nurture, deny roots, deny the comfort of a home, deny the security of a mother’s love and cause the emotions to dominate the mental process/intelligence. The Moon represents your emotional security issues.

If your Moon is placed in a watery sign you will definitely be a psychic, sensitive to energy but you will also be highly vulnerable. Unless your chart has support from other planets who protect such a Moon. The energies of such a Moon are stronger when they can flow. What he does with this strength at his command depends on your entire horoscope. If he is in trouble, you will face problems which disturb your emotional stability and also your physical structure. You will be extra-sensitive to emotions often from unseen forces. You tend to take things ‘personally’. Eg You will pick up nuances in the speech, in actions, in the behaviour of others, the unseen cues which they give away and feel intense emotional hurt. You will pick up the information from the aura which never lies. Other’s will think this to be your ‘fancy’ and wild imagination. Eg if you are infatuated with someone and you pick up indifference from his aura you will be traumatised for a few days. High level of sensitivity to certain things can be problematic. There is a reason why ‘other’ senses are normally absent. If you cannot make intelligent use of these extrasensory cues it is better that you do not ‘see’ them in the first place.

Birth Moon in the watery signs, Cancer Scorpio Pisces

Now for those sensitive ones, there is another problem. The Moon controls emotional and behavioural responses. He moves very rapidly, crossing one sign in 2.25days. His nature changes as per the sign /house he is transiting at the moment. And also as per the changing aspects of other planets on him. Fast moving planets give fast changeable results. So sensitive ‘watery’ Moon people are always under the influence of varying emotions, prone to ‘mood swings’.

Moon placed in the three watery signs are Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces works differently but perhaps in the same way essentially. These three signs are watery movement and they are different aspects of flow. Cancer is a moveable sign, Moon himself rules it, it is his swa-kshetra. Scorpio is a still sign owned by Mars and the sign of debilitation for the Moon. Pisces is Jupiter’s sign, dual-natured, two fishes moving in equal opposite directions. All three are deeply connected to emotions and the astral self. Common traits are that they are mysterious, even to themselves. They are emotionally insecure in some way or the other. Water needs the support of a jug, else it just spreads out any way! Deep sleep is often denied to them as they work out their karma in the dream state. They may look healthy and robust but often are not. Deeply sensitive and terrible in their own ways, because they are themselves not aware of what they might do, to what extent they might go to. They have great astral /spiritual strength. There will be diseases which will drag on long-term and have slow recovery times. The Moon Mahadasha will be generally difficult and cause health problems.

If you have watery Moons in your friend-circle observe them, they make good subjects as the rate of change is high. Or you are one yourself, do pay attention to your spiritual, emotional and physical health.

Birth Moon in the watery signs, Cancer Scorpio Pisces

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