Chidra Dasha the closure part 2

Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

This is a continued post. I have written about the closing sub periods of the planets, Ketu, Venus and Sun in my previous post. This is now about the closure periods/chidra-dasha, i.e. the last sub period/antardasha of the Moon, Mars and Rahu main period/Mahadasha in the Vimshottari system.

The Moon mahadasha is for 10 yrs and takes off after the Sun’s main-period. Then the last sub-period of Moon mahadasha belongs to the Sun and this lasts for 6 months. In this chidradasha you will consolidate all that you experienced in your Moon mahadasha and cut off all the lessons you failed to learn. The moon is mind, emotions, the astral, sub-conscious, nurturing, security, comforts etc. In his period depending on what all he stands for in your chart, his karakatva, he will have given you opportunities to gain all those things which bring you emotional fulfilment. Maybe your relationship with your mother, maternal relatives, home culture, traditions, landed property etc will have increased. ‘Need’ based love relationships or nurturing relationships will have prospered. You may have acted as a caregiver or offered maternal love to others.

Now the last sub-period here belongs to the regal Sun. Sun is personal confidence, ego, entitlement and to quite an extent ‘selfishness’. Now he will, with his characteristic confidence, clean-out the Moon persona and prepare the foundation of the Mars persona which is to follow. He will prepare a dispassionate list of things which worked for you and which were more for the use of others in your life. If you have given of yourself to others during the Moon mahadasha, you might suddenly find these others being systematically cut off. Only the basic unavoidable relationships which you intellectually feel necessary will be sustained, e.g to the mother, own family, personal lands etc.

Thus during this Moon mahadasha, do not go with your emotions always, keep an intellectual leash on your feelings. This will help you consolidate when you reach the last sub-period ruled by the Sun. See you have tried to balance karma related to the position of the Moon in your chart and might have gone through an emotional period too perhaps. But now Sun will decisively end all those emotionally draining things which clearly did not work. And for those things which did work, he will ruthlessly remove their emotional components, leaving you with their intellectual appreciation.

e.g If the Moon actually signifies your mother in your chart, she might actually leave her body during this period. Or if he is the owner of the 10th house, profession, this might indicate an end of the career. However before jumping to conclusions do analyse the Karakatva of the planets and how their interactions with each other will modify results. Look for patterns in placements.

Chidra Dasha the closure part 2

After you are done with the Moon main-period, you start on your Mars mahadasha which lasts for 7yrs. The last sub-period here belongs to the Moon and lasts for 7 months.

Mars is the force of your personality in action. Depending on his position in your chart, you will challenge, pioneer, enter into new territories, compete and win. You might have been quite ruthless in achieving your goals, perhaps taken on more than you could manage. In the headlong rush of exploration and conquest perhaps you have used all your resources. Your personality may have changed, you may be more mentally ruthless and able to take calculated risks now.

So now in this final chidra dasha/sub period, belonging to the Moon, you will release all those unmet goals, unfulfilled aspirations and silently move away from the competition. You might get to enjoy a quiet domestic life in this period too. You will appreciate the emotional value of the things Mars has given you in his period. The Moon will grant you an understanding of what you have achieved for yourself. All the risks you took will finally mean something stable in your life. Maybe you protected something or someone, or maybe you created your own personal comforts and security. You will look back on your actions with a deeper intuitive emotional perspective. He will cut off disputes, legal cases, unsolved mysteries etc related to Mars. As the Moon cuts away needless aggression from your Mars persona, you will focus on those things you have actually achieved, and have the potential to sustain you in the future.

If, during your Mars main-period, you try to bring in intuition and emotional understanding, you will gain better. In the rush of competition, do keep in mind why? are you doing this. Ultimately everything we do is for internal comfort, security and happiness.

Chidra Dasha the closure part 2

Following Mars mahadasha, is the Rahu mahadasha period of 18yrs. His main period ends with the last chidra dasha sub-period of Mars which lasts for 12 months.

Before doing anything with your Rahu or Ketu, do understand that your karma will be in full force during this period. These 2 give results as per the houses they are placed in, their house owners, and the planets aspecting/conjunct them. So first analyse their karakatva carefully before analysing the dasha results. Ketu will detach and Rahu will desire.

Rahu’s main-period is quite long at 18yrs, and quite a lot of things happen in 18yrs of time. He obsessively desires, so as per his karakatva you will also desire. Rahu differs from Mars, in that Mars is fair and competes with confidence, Rahu is often sneaky and tries to grasp by any means possible. You will find ways and means to get what you desire. You will obsess about possessing things which cannot be legitimately yours. You might work hard, or find short-cuts, or even break rules. Your moral compass will be shaky and you will be willing to do anything and everything irrespective of the consequences. Rahu’s pattern is to fall on his face just as he is in grasp of his goal, he cannot enjoy his achievement. He cannot be satisfied. This is Rahu’s main-period, so you might get the impossible things that you desire, but you will not be able to enjoy them.

Rahu is in perpetual retrograde motion so rewinds and replays the experiences of your life so that you can extract the maximum learning from it. Rahu’s period is thus very intense on the psychological and inner spiritual levels.

Then comes the chidradasha, sub-period of Mars where he will clean up the Rahu persona and make you ready for the Jupiter’s main-period to come. Mars will decide and keep only those things which you have won fairly. Any stuff which you are not entitled to, he will cut away. And this period can get quite traumatic, as desires for things which you really do not deserve, and created by Rahu will be destroyed. You might be distraught mentally, emotionally and even may fall physically ill.

During Rahu’s mahadasha, do try to keep your moral compass intact as the law of karma always operates. 18yrs are a significant chunk of your life’s path. You will be doing a lot of things during such a long period. Try to work for your desires with a sporting and fair spirit. Running after unattainable goals and breaking rules will consume energy and have repercussions later. And because this is a very long period, you might think that this is life and Rahu is your personality. But remember that this persona will be vigorously dismantled by Mars at the end of these 18yrs.

Chidra Dasha the closure part 2

(Have continued with the closing sub periods of the Mahadashas of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury in my next post.)



2 responses to “Chidra Dasha the closure part 2”

  1. Dhiraj Avatar

    #astrolgoerbydefault – does this same principle applies between antardasha and pratyanardasha?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      The same principle applies throughout the entire dasha sub periods . The last section is always a separation phase.
      And while interpreting the scope of the sub sub lord will be with in the frame work of the sub lord . And the sub period lord will b within the main period lords framework.

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