Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

Virgo is the manifested and Pisces is its dissolution.

These two signs make up the most sensitive axis of the zodiac. They are the most beneficial signs and represent ‘endings’ in different ways. Each is the ending of one half of the zodiac. Pisces is 7th from Virgo and likewise. The first half of the zodiac is where you are creating your reality and your karma. Virgo represents the point where you realise what you have gone and created for yourself. Here you understand the problem statement and work out the best method to solve it. At this point you have had enough of creation and want to rebalance everything that Virgo represents in your chart. So the second half of the zodiac unfolds till you reach Pisces where you finally reach completion.

A Pisces needs the qualities of a Virgo and a Virgo requires traits from a Pisces to complete their personalities. Both are mirror images of each other and on a spiritual level they complete each other.

Virgo and Pisces, the most sensitive axis - Part 3

A Pisces may be outwardly whatever as per his chart, but in his innermost heart he desires to be of help, he is kind, not just to humanity, but to all the beings living in all the dimensions he has access to! The scope of a Pisces is infinite. He is created from the infinite of Aquarius and he uses this infinite resource available to him. He wants the cycle to complete and he knows that with this completion, his existence will be subsumed by the greater Reality. He is driven by experience, he wants to Experience it all and thus transcend it.

Pisces represents the sum total of everything while Virgo represents that part you are aware of and are actively working on. Virgo keeps accurate track of which karma, how much and when to be repaid. Pisces feels his way through. In this axis, when Pisces acts, he feels the joy of liberation as Virgo guides where to act. Pisces is abstract while Virgo is his rational pragmatic mate. A Virgo acts with precision, Pisces goes with the flow. Together they work beautifully, the iron fist in a velvet glove, completing karma, experiencing the understanding and joy of completion.

Virgo means imbalance and is required by karma to serve. He is a product of self-ego, personal intelligence. (Self-ego is produced from Divine Intelligence.) Thus Virgo is, the One who Experiences. Virgo desires to serve for completing his karma, he does not act out of not love/kindness. He is quite materialistic and individual in this way. In Pisces he gets infinite scope to serve. Realisation of imbalance and balance of karma drives him. He wants to subsume the self-ego and scatter it into the vastness of the Divine Self. He is created from a brilliant single pointed focus and his partner Pisces is the diffused infinite. Both together are the two sides of the same coin.

During the wake/Jagruti state a Pisces is a clumsy confused individual. But in the other 2 states of existence, dream/ Swapna and deep sleep/ Sushupti he is formidable. He respects no limits, he can traverse dimensions and link up with any sort of beings, he can act as a bridge between dimensions and do things with his energy which cannot be imagined in the waking state. This however drains him, as he never really sleeps, and he seems hazed out in the awake state. If he does his spiritual practice, he can reach the ultimate prize, the 4th state of existence/Turiya/Om and then he will act as a guide/Guru for others too.

Virgo is awareness. He is very analytical, precise. He can put his emotions aside and think his way out. A very private individual just like his mirror, Pisces. Pisces is completion and the self-reflection but these individuals do not have very defined boundaries of the self. Often they get into trouble, because out of the kindness and love for others they take on other’s burdens. This can and does overwhelm them sapping them of precious spiritual energy. Virgo however clearly knows the demarcations, of personal karma and other’s stuff. When Pisces is confused (happens quite often), he needs the support of a practical, pragmatic, thinking Virgo. And he offers unconditional and complete love in return. It is very easy to take advantage of a Pisces and Virgo has his back on this.

This Virgo-Pisces axis represents karmic balance, completion, realisation of the Ultimate Experience and dissolution of the self-ego. If you have your ascendant sign, moon sign as Virgo or Pisces, do understand that you are not made for the material life, your real life is in the astral, the spiritual, the subconscious. Your goal is Inner Reality. Both these signs are required to serve, one because it knows this logically and analytically through its mental processes, the other because of the genuine infinite kindness of its heart. For both, their material lives will be more happier if they work for others. If they get caught in worldly material pleasures, it will make them quite miserable. Doing spiritual practice for both is essential, solitude and personal space is necessary. Look deep into your nature and think of what qualities you can pick up from your mirror sign so that you can live a better adjusted life.

And for everyone, in your chart, whatever this axis means to you, which ever houses it controls depending on your ascendant, be very aware of its agents and the experience you will gain from these aspects of your life. Expect your karma to be linked to them in very deep and subtle ways. Together they represent the completion of karma and the understanding that it is complete. If there are benefics aspecting these signs it will positively affect the entire personality, while malefics here can cause deep-seated problems.


Virgo and Pisces, the most sensitive axis - Part 3

(I know a few Virgo personalities, all are into divination, astrologers, Cards readers, or tantriks/shamans. Most of them started very young, in their teens, have considerable psychic ability, help their clients very professionally and are very dedicated but detached. Are kind in their personal lives with their loved one, but in their professional manner and in the family are not. And I had a Pisces client, who despite all possible spiritual practice and stuff, was always drained and tired. ‘Looking’ at his back, I saw literally millions of tiny ‘hooks’, other beings were happily sucking up his energy. And the strangest part was that he was vaguely aware of this but was not too bothered about giving away his energy. He was like, ‘the Universe gives and takes away too, why should I bother!’. Had to get him cut all these cords and counsel him about boundaries and to stop being so free with himself.)

This was a summary of the Virgo and Pisces axis, the last part of this 3 post series.

4 responses to “Virgo and Pisces, the most sensitive axis – Part 3”

  1. rp Avatar

    Hi, strangely enough, my dad was a Pisces and my brother is a Virgo, and they had so much in common, both virtual geniuses in mathematics, would you believe. Yet my dad perhaps typified the archetypal meandering Pisces who ‘never amounted to much’, yet he was superintelligent. My brother, equally clever, did amount to something. I have to admit Pisces and Virgo, despite my years of involvement in astrology, are the two signs I relate to the least. Yet I agree, it is a very sensitive axis with all its mental and spiritual connotations.
    Great article though, wonderfully produced, I enjoyed it.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      Thank you for the feedback,
      I have seen that talking about the things related to the 6th and 12th houses and virgo/pisces axis tends to make my clients uncomfortable, there are just so many deep things linked to it.

  2. Lleweyln Cronjé, Cape Town, South Africa Avatar

    Eyes filled with tears. I thank you; yes I do so very much! Incredibly valuable 3 part article which I “just happened” to come across. Ascendant in Pisces and Moon in 7th house Virgo with lifesaver (because he keeps me on safely on track) Saturn in 12th house.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there, thank you for the beautiful comment, it feels very good that the post helped in some way.. 😊

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