Last Updated on May 16, 2021 by astrologerbydefault

I have written quite a few posts where you can use simple techniques to manifest what you desire. However the main thing is your thought, the intention, the attraction, the desire.

Exercise your bio-electricity, practical experiments

Your soul is omnipotent, it can create anything that you desire. The entire universe has been created out of ‘Kama’ simply put ‘desire’. So if you desire something, your soul should be able to create it for you, and it does! You must have noticed this perhaps, you intensely feel like eating something and at home your mom has prepared that same exact dish for dinner.

Suppose you and your favourite cousin live in different towns and you really like him and you often think of him, so does he. One day you randomly feel concerned and call him up to find that he has fallen ill that day. Am sure you must have experienced this with your loved ones. What has happened is this.. You think of him regularly i.e. you have his image in your mind. If the bond is weak then the image fades, but if the affection is strong, his image is vivid in your minds eye. Over time, the strong bond activates the hidden occult powers of your mind and the image gets linked to the real person. So your mind subconsciously starts sensing things about him without any conscious effort. These are reflected as your feelings of concern when he is unwell. If you are aware of this bond you can clearly concentrate and make it more intense. This will lead to actual telepathy where you can actually send him coherent messages and receive his in return.

The power of your mind created a telepathic link because of ‘desire’. Now can you imagine the amount of work your mind did? When you desired, your soul and mind created a force/fire (atma-tej), which eventually became so strong that it broke through all barriers to bring you news of your cousin.

Physical scientists say that a very little amount of the brain is active in the human body. This is a faulty conclusion. Just because there are no physically observable actions does not mean that the brain is not working. The brain is a tool of the mind which is a tool of the soul. A significant proportion of its potential is used in creating this construct called ‘reality’. We have trained our brains to persistently think of this ‘reality’ around us. So can you un-train it and train it to think of what you really desire?

Exercise your bio-electricity, practical experiments

If you persistently desire something you will get it. Telepathy, distant vision, seeing the past/future etc are all quite easy. So here are some fun things to try consciously with your atma-tej/internal energy.

Take two glasses of water. Leave one of them as a ‘control’. Do a small experiment with the second one, dip the tips of your fingers in it. Consciously visualise energy from your finger-tips entering the water and changing its taste, e.g making it salty. Do this for 5 minutes. Then give both the glasses to someone who has not been watching you do this and ask him to taste. See which one now tastes different?

Another simple experiment would be to keep a flower fresh. When you get vegetables from the market they are technically ‘dead’, but because pran leaks slowly from the body you can still eat them and make use of their energy. So back to the flowers, get 2 flowers, keep one of them on your table where you can see it and keep the other somewhere where it wont be visible to anyone. Look intently but gently at the flower on your table every couple of hours with the intention that your energy is sustaining it. It will remain fresh longer than the other flower which was away from your sight.

Telekinesis? Here is an easy demonstration which you can try out. Take a needle and thread. Tie the thread to some solid support so that the needle dangles down, sort of a pendulum. There should be no wind in the room. Look intently at the needle and tell it to move clockwise, after a few minutes it will move. If you have 3-4 friends then you can also try together to move heavier objects like this.

Try making an energy barrier around a caterpillar or something. With your finger tips, draw a circle on the ground around the insect. Visualise your energy powering the circle and imagine it as a barrier which the insect cannot cross. It will not be able to cross it, and even if it does it will seem like it is very difficult and the insect is trying very hard. (Remember the ‘Laxman Rekha’ from the Ramayan? It was a similar energy barrier around the house made by Laxman.)

Shock someone? Your friend is doing some work, engrossed. You stare at the exposed part of his neck with the intention of disturbing him. He won’t be able to concentrate on his work, the back of his neck will start itching. Am sure you have done this in school! You didn’t know it then, but you were using your internal energy.

So do something with your internal energy, practice something as silly as changing the taste of water if you want. Feel your powers, experience this seemingly tiny thing. Butterfly wings! Once you see your own tiny ‘miracle’, you will start your own spiritual practice with conviction. You have to convince yourself. Recognise that you are tremendous, your energy is unlimited and you are the Ultimate Reality yourself!


Exercise your bio-electricity, practical experiments

5 responses to “Exercise your bio-electricity, practical experiments”

  1. Saikat Banerjee Avatar

    Superb and outstanding—-

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there, thanks for the feedback 😀

  2. Deepak Kumar Avatar
    Deepak Kumar

    Hi Mam,

    insightful and helpful article, thank you.

    1) Can we use this visualization to charge ourselves? Sometimes we feel low and mind is blasting thoughts. In such cases can we with closed eyes imagine our own image and try to give power to it?

    2) Is there a way to extract energy from random thoughts powered by the mind and use it to energize self?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there

      1) yes you can do this.
      also visualise urself within a shimmery golden silver colored shield.
      Read my posts on psychic attacks recovery etc fr more on this

      2) No ..
      the mind is working non stop to create thoughts . This is the real reason fr stress and loss of energy..
      only way is to consciously entrain the mind with a mantra.. om soham or hamsa .. are the only 3 options available

  3. Deepak Kumar Avatar
    Deepak Kumar

    Thank you Mam, grateful for your guidance.

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