Of the Sun and the Moon

Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

I have always wondered why we Indians focus on the Moon sign more and the western civilisation is into Sun signs.

Personally when I get a horoscope chart, my order of preference is, first check out the birth Moon sign then the ascendant sign and its lord, then a quick analysis of the 4 triangles/ trikon. Analysing the Sun would be after this, sort of clubbed with all the other planetary forces. To counsel someone, I need to know first and foremost what sort of mind this client has. If I know his mind, then I know how to talk to him. Then the ascendant stuff gives me his personality, his environment and how he fits in into his environment. The 4 trikon are a sort of a summary report of the four aspects of life (foundation, meaning, desire and exit). Then the rest of the planets a quick once-over all of them. This takes about 5 mins and then I am ready for detailed Q & A with the client.

Finally realised that this basic Sun/Moon, India/West divide is real and it drives the thought process of an entire set of people. The Moon is more inclusive, mild, receptive, introspective and cooler. Sun is more heated-up, self-referential, genius, focussed outwards and always on the move.

Of the Sun and the Moon

The Sun is self-ego, your individuality. Your personal jivatma/soul is represented by the Sun, your personal spark of the Divine. We are all Parabrahma/Ultimate ourselves. Why are we here then, apparently separated from our Reality? It is because of the Sun! The Sun’s energy represents our first initial split from the Ultimate. The Sun is derived from the Matrika named Braahmi the ruler of the topmost Sahasrara chakra. This Sun of your horoscope is the closest you are to the Ultimate but because of the light of self-ego is so bright that it is impossible to look behind it and see the Ultimate.

Sun represents the father, and yes he represents the divine spark/soul that we recieve from the Ultimate Father/Parabrahma. He is the creative potential that we have within us.

Now Saturn is called Ravinandan/ Son of the Sun, but ‘nandan’ has a lot of interesting meanings, one of which is ‘intelligence’. (Ravi also means ‘churning’, it is also a reference to the Samudra manthan story, will write more on this later). So ‘Ego’ is the father/creator of karma. You do an action with the tag, ‘I did this’ and it gets registered as karma, good/bad, in your balance book. Saturn’s energy resides at the lowest Muladhar chakra, produced by the Matrika Chaamundaa. Your entire existence, your energy structure is thus between the Sun/ego and his son, Saturn/ karma.

(Ever wonder what is inside our star, the Sun? Our scientists have lot of data about the Sun’s surface but nothing definite about its interior. The interior of the ball of energy/Sun does not exist in the dimension we live in.)

Of the Sun and the Moon

Now the Moon, the other luminary, he is the sum total of all your lives, (past, present, future, parallel), all the experiences, everyone you have been, is the Moon. He is your mind, the deepest recesses. This ‘Moon’ energy is produced by the Ajnya chakra by the Matrika named Maaheshwari. The Moon decides how you function in this life. He allocates the vital energy/pran to your gross body when awake and to the subtle body when you are asleep. He ensures that you are on the job completing your karma even when you travel astrally.

In the Vedic stories/allegories he is the husband/’pati’ of the 27 lunar mansions/nakshatra. 33 types of energies bind the jivatma/individual soul thus create our ‘body’ in time and space. Now ‘pati’ in Sanskrit is not merely ‘husband’, it means – honor of, responsible to, going with, owner of, possessor of, protector of, ruler of, male spouse of etc. ‘Pati’, is the energy which ‘enters and causes change’. Thus the Moon’s energies are responsible for all the change that occurs in our existence. The Moon takes the potential/energy offered by the Sun/individual soul and puts it to use. He is the way we look at our world, thus he creates our world, he is our perception.

The Moon represents security, emotional comfort, nutrition and the things which protect you. Try to see these the keywords now in energy. Devi ensures that the construct created by her remains protected, the body remains manifested, pran is distributed to the lower chakras, the mind remains engrossed in the objects, mind finds security in the physical universe, the the lens of perception is not open, the true reality does not intrude, the veil remains in place. And when your soul wants to Know its reality, she again teaches through life events, experiences and deep knowledge till you are ready to enter the Brahmanadi and then she guides. The mind will stop its frantic work, of maintaining the construct. Finally the Moon will stop allocating pran to the lower chakras and energise only the upper chakras of the head, this state is called samadhi.

Moon in popular imagination represents the Mother which is quite true, he represents the Devi, the Mother of Creation. Moon reflects the light of the Sun, true! He is thus the reflected light of the Internal Sun. The sixteen phases of the Moon are the 16 Kala which give rise to the vibrations/seed sounds of the Sanskrit language i.e. the seeds of creation (have written about it in an earlier post).

Jyotish is the Science of Illumination so has these energy/spiritual aspects too. The ultimate objective of Jyotish is also to make you realise Yourself. You can do this only when your karmic balance is balanced. So from this point of view, in the chart, the Moon is more important than the Sun.

Only when you understand the Moon/the Creation in your chart, will the Sun/the Creator make any sense.


I didn’t t think this post would get technical all over again. But I hope it was intelligible. Will continue on the self-improvement posts again, as one of my readers pointed out writing about to-do things is better as it actually helps. Esoteric stuff is ok but just once in a while! 😉 


6 responses to “Of the Sun and the Moon”

  1. Shiyam Marooz Avatar

    Is it true that Ketu controls our Pingala Nadi connected to the right nostril. If so how it’s related to Sun being the owner of right hemisphere?

    Same way Rahu controls the Ida and connected to left nostril. Does this mean Rahu /Moon control left hemisphere ?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Rahu/Ketu dont control the ida/pingala nadis.. i haven’t read this anywhere and neither does it feel like that. ida/pingala are how you work with the pran you pull in from the universe.. will write more about them in my next post 🙂

  2. jagatsevak Avatar

    Wonderfully written. Thank you. Love the teaching about the Moon sign placement of the client to understand how to communicate with them. Can you write more on this for each rasi placement?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      i have written about the moon in sixsigns in a few posts, moon in the 3 earthy and 3 watery signs

      do use the index to locate them..

      1. jagatsevak Avatar

        Brilliant! The index is such a treasure house! Looking forward to the future 3 airy and fiery signs 🙂

  3. Sunny Avatar


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