Chakras and their conscious energies

Last Updated on May 29, 2022 by astrologerbydefault

Continuing the theme from my previous post and this post is quite long.

The top of the head is the energy of the Parabrahma and the energy of self-identification, popularly called Kundalini is locked at the bottom of the spine. The entire creation is now between these two energies also called Shiva and Shakti.

All our actions are created by vibrations. The energy required to create this action is first generated in the Sushumna and the naadi system. When we speak there are vibrations but even when we think, or move our hands there are vibrations. The source of all vibrations of every type is inside the Sushumna. I had written about the deity Matrika originating in the – central Bindu, Vama, Jeystha, Raudri complex – which gives rise to all the sounds of the Sanskrit language and thus creation. Now this Matrika energy actually has 7 aspects/Sapta-Matrika named Brahmi, Maheshwari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Indrani and Chamunda.

Chakras and their conscious energies

Braahmi –

This energy evolves in this topmost energy complex comes down till below the muladhar then again ascends till it is stabilised in the Sahasrara chakra. It has jurisdiction over and pervades throughout all the chakras of the body. Surya/Sun of Jyotish/astrology arises from her. The Vyhruti here is Satyam. (Vyhruti means a stage of vibrations or a defined world or a state of existence.)

She exercises her power called Yakini, i.e. she grants the experience of the ultimate truth to the aspirant and likewise during creation she closes this aspect of Yourself by limiting knowledge, your individual soul is confined to its own narrow self. She answers the question Yak? (Which?, Who?) and allows its experience. She allows you to experience your internal Sun.


This originates in the same topmost complex, spreads till the end of the Muladhar chakra, comes back up and is stable at the Ajnya chakra. She has jurisdiction from the Ajnya to Muladhar chakra. She thus does not extend from the Ajnya to Sahasrara area. She controls the subtle body/sukshma sharir. The Vyhruti here is Tapah. She give rise to the Moon/Chandra. Moon is the subconscious and the astral, the sum total of your Being in every level.

The Ajnya chakra is the one which commands (ajnya means command). It directs all movements, thoughts, everything as this is the place which allocates pran. Every action of yours, in whatever plane requires enregy/pran to power it. Maaheshwari uses her power called Hakini and directs everything. Now when the aspirant crosses this chakra on the way up he abandons (Hakini) all external activities. Now the pran is not allocated to the lower chakras, it moves upwards to open up the higher chakras and channels of the head. This Hakini is the Moon that is drawn on the forehead of every Vedic god. She illuminates the path of knowledge from the Ajnya to the Sahasrara.


Aakasha is the conscious space which evolves from Kaumaari. She originates at the topmost complex and similarly extends till below the Muladhar and comes back and is stable at the Vishuddhi chakra having jurisdiction from the Vishuddhi to the Muladhar chakra. The Vyhruti here is Janah. Mercury/Budha is created from her. Mercury is analytical intelligence and the boldness when you know intellectually that you are correct.

Daakini is the name of her power. She creates fear i.e. she creates ‘avidya’ during the process of creation. Avidya means unwisdom, unlearning, spiritual ignorance. She ties the individual soul in bindings of ignorance of its reality. For the spiritual aspirant however she destroys Avidya and the concepts of the organs of action and senses.


She manifests the Vayu/Air tattwa/element and is located at the Anahata chakra pervading from Anahata to the Muladhar chakra. The Vyhruti here is Mahah. She creates the planetary force called Shukra/Venus. Now her power is called Raakini. She grants happiness, illumination, prosperity and bliss. Now it is your choice which sort of happiness you are after, of the material or the spiritual? For the aspirant she grants you the quiver and the arrow to be used on your bow. Her tests will be the tests of Venus/Shukra the most pleasurable but the most difficult.

Now the bow, archer, quiver, arrow etc are oft repeated words and you will find them in every spiritual text. The Bhagwat Gita was narrated by Shri Krishna to his cousin Arjun who is an archer! In spiritual terms your spine is your bow, your kundalini/energy of self identity is your arrow and your mantra is the bowstring that you pull back on. You are aiming at your own real Self.

Chakras and their conscious energies


She manifests Agni the conscious energy of fire and is located at the Manipur, pervading from here till the Muladhar. The Vyhruti here is Swah. Mangal/Mars is derived from her energy. The energy of birth and also of death are linked here. Be careful of your navel area, if you ever get hit here (e.g. boxing) it will cause damage and will cause problems in spiritual growth.

Now her power is called Laakini. She allows absorption of the energy allocated to the body. In the human physical body this Lakini allows the fires of the body to burn. This includes the digestive fire which allows the physical body to nourish itself. And it also means the spiritual fire which consumes the nectar dripping from center of the head (physically the pineal gland.). (Those yogis who can access this area through specific mudras can actively use it. It will then further the spiritual growth rather than just being burnt, it is quite fiery in nature.)


She manifests the Aap/water mahabhoot i.e. conscious energy of fluidity and has jurisdiction over the area from the Swadhisthan to the Muladhar. The Vyhruti here is Bhuvah. The energy of Jupiter/Bruhaspati is produced from her. Her power is called Kaakini. Kaa is the eternal Question, Who?, you will be made to understand the widest scope of this question here and then tested. When you cross this chakra, you will be granted steadfastness, protection, a long and healthy life for the physical body etc. She is benevolent, gentle all pervasive, but will not give her answers, will make you work hard for them till you understand her lessons. She also protects her manifested universe, so here your resolve in leaving her fun-fair will be tested to the limits.

This chakra is called swa- adhi-sthan. (abode/base/support of the self) Here your self is fixed in the energy sense. Between the Swadhisthan and the last Muladhar the 72000 naadi which energise your body are attached. For the aspirant however, here is where you, the warrior, will sit in your chariot, with the steadfast resolve of approaching the Supreme’s abode.


She manifests the Pruthvi/earth tattva/element and is located at the Muladhar chakra. The Vyhruti here is Bhu. The Shani/Saturn energy of astrology is manifested by her. She keeps track of the karmic record you have built up and when the time is right offers you a way out. She offers to teach you the lessons which will loosen your bindings to the manifested universe. But she is quite fearsome and not every one will take her up on her offer right away.

Her energy is called Saakini. Saakini binds the Serpent Kundalini to the hexagonal Kurma-shila. She is thus responsible for the created life. If the Kundalini is detached from the kurmashila it is physical death. This is the point where the subtle energies finally manifest as the gross physical, this is the joint. This is where the pran turns into the energy of the body, and vibrations are slowed down to seem ‘matter’. If Saakini is pleased with your resolve she will unfasten the locks of the Kundalini. Your limited physical existence will be terminated as you move towards your magnificent ultimate self.

This was a very brief about the energies of the 7 Chakras and their conscious energies.

Chakras and their conscious energies

Now a bit more.

The notes/Swar of the musical scale which are also connected to the Chakras and thus a well organised music, the Raaga has the capacity to elevate the human soul.

The tattva or the mahabhoot are the 5 elements which make up the universe. The Sanskrit words are translated into earth, water, fire, air and space but it is not the gross stuff that we see with our eyes. The Pruthvi, Aap, Tej ,Vayu and Akash are the subtle seeds and are conscious energy. You can manipulate them with your intention and mantras, e.g. if you know the mantra for the pruthvi tattva you can make your gross body weightless.

The seven graha are linked to the 7 chakras but where are Rahu and Ketu? These two are produced because of the desires/apathies of the Jivatma/individual soul. They are ‘unreal’ in a very deep way. These are the bonds of karma which push/pull the energy geometry out of its perfect shape. In the heavens too they move anticlockwise, opposite in direction to the other seven. Rahu/Ketu in perpetual retrograde motion replays the experiences of your life. They operate on the psychological and inner spiritual levels.

The powers of the Sapt Matrikas, from Yakani to Sakini always challenge the spiritual aspirant. They test the resolve and the intention in every way possible. Depending on which spiritual text you are following they will take that form, e.g. if you are following the Bhagwat Gita, you will have to take on these powers as the Kaurav army and warriors from the Kurukshetra war in your Dhyan. Only when you have defeated them, will they be satisfied and grant you their blessings and boons. So focus single-pointedly on your Mantra (Om/Soham/Hamsa), your third eye chakra point and your breath. These are your weapons.

The top Parabrahma is the pull of gravity (Gurutvakarshan – pull of the Guru). The 7 planets are the Naga at every chakra, the 7 mountains which block the route, the Rahu/Ketu are the karma which cause push/pull and the energy of self-identity is locked below this axis below the kundalini. So Moksh in Jyotish terms. If you can align these 7 mountains into the perfect alignments, nullify the effect of Rahu/ Ketu the route will be prefect, the Gurutvakrshan/attraction of the Parabrahma will be irresistible and your self- identity will rise perfectly in one smooth motion.

(The descriptions are from older texts, from the description from the Narayani stuti from the Devi Mahatmya and a bit from my very limited understanding and experience.)

Chakras and their conscious energies

(There was a request for a post on the individual chakras, it took some time to frame it in simple words, but I hope this post was of help to you.)

10 responses to “Chakras and their conscious energies”

  1. Shiyam Marooz Avatar
    Shiyam Marooz

    Very profound !!

  2. Shiyam Marooz Avatar
    Shiyam Marooz

    I am quite certain that this knowledge didn’t come from books or the scriptures. You are a gifted soul

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Thank you, but these are all there in several old texts, but they are in Sanskrit and literal word-word translation of Sanskrit gives no meanings.
      The biggest error we make is thinking of the spiritual in physical terms. These are energies. e.g. Shakti/Parvati is the daughter of the highest mountain, means the Kundalini is located at the highest energy point of the Muladhar chakra/earth tattva. The stories are for general average people to induce faith.
      Then again the 7 graha are mentioned in the texts but you see the zodiac signs is also aligned like that in sequence, start with leo and cancer at the pingala and ida nadi at the ajnya. The 2 eyes are the luminaries sun/moon. Then virgo/gemini mercury at vishuddhi, then libra/taurus venus at anahata. scorpio/aries Mars in manipur. Sagittarius/Pisces Jupiter – Swadhisthana and lowest Aquarius/Capricorn- Saturn at Muladhar.
      I have written in the post that the Sun is ruled by Braahmi, because this also refers to the internal Sun. This energy is called Agni or Kaalagni and this illuminates the route from your ajnya to the sahasrara.

  3. Shiyam Marooz Avatar
    Shiyam Marooz

    You have beautifully explained the sacred geometry. Number seven carries lot of mysteries. Jewish scripture ( Genesis)the explains that God created heaven and earth in 6 days and took rest on the 7th day. Same goes with Islam. While the Jews consider Saturday ( Sani) as the rest day , Muslim consider Friday ( Shukra) o be the rest day. So 7 heaven and 7 earth can be the 7 chakras.

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Faith is essential as it is the first step towards understanding your real self.
      However faith has to convert to practice, else it is of limited use. These stories are all good as they make us wonder. Wonder and curiosity are essential. Only then will you ask the right questions and search.
      Search in the externals by going on pilgrimages, doing rituals and prayers, is also a step. But turning inward is necessary.
      There is no God, You yourself are Divine. Only when you silence the running mind, control your breath thus your vital energy/pran will you glimpse it.
      But I have not seen these religions stressing on practice. Their schools seem to have stopped in junior levels itself with no options to go on further.
      However for academic interest these 7 chakras exist in humans not other life forms. Their energies are in different harmonics called Atala Vitala Sutala Talatala Mahatala Rasatala Patala. The demi-gods, actually other living beings also vibrate at other harmonics. Even stones are alive, you can make them conscious and they help. What is Life! is really a very deep question 🙂

  4. Surya MDL Avatar
    Surya MDL

    Good morning madam,
    I’ve gone through articles and I should say that your articles have cleared most of my doubts.. I have another doubt regarding evil eye. Please mention about it. How will it effect the growth of a person ?Should one person really be worried about it always ?Should the person feel insecure about everything ? How to counter act towards it ?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      I have written about ‘nazar’ or ‘evil eye’ in several posts, on ‘psychic attacks’ and how to remove the negativity and to protect oneself

      it definitely has an effect on the person, depending on its severity it can have physical symptoms like loss in weight or medical problems or mental problms like depression or astral problems like issues in dreams etc

      most Indians do use vibhuti or tilak or a thread to avoid nazar, but you can take extra precautions. its not being insecure, if you cross a road u have to be careful,
      just coz you cannot see negative energy doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.. these things exist and one should be careful

      etc , pl check the index or use the search bar

  5. Agni09 Putrika09 Avatar
    Agni09 Putrika09

    Good morning madam,
    I’ve gone through articles and I should say that your articles have cleared most of my doubts.. I have another doubt regarding evil eye. Please mention about it. How will it effect the growth of a person ?Should one person really be worried about it always ?Should the person feel insecure about everything ? How to counter act towards it ?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      I have written about ‘nazar’ or ‘evil eye’ in several posts, on ‘psychic attacks’ and how to remove the negativity and to protect oneself

      it definitely has an effect on the person, depending on its severity it can have physical symptoms like loss in weight or medical problems or mental problms like depression or astral problems like issues in dreams etc

      most Indians do use vibhuti or tilak or a thread to avoid nazar, but you can take extra precautions. its not being insecure, if you cross a road u have to be careful,
      just coz you cannot see negative energy doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.. these things exist and one should be careful

      etc , pl check the index or use the search bar

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