Kundalini, the chakras and creation

Last Updated on May 16, 2021 by astrologerbydefault

I have written about the energy vertices/chakras and the energy lines/nadi running along the spine in this previous post. Six chakras from Muladhar to the Ajnya in the spine are said to be the lower ones and six more exist in the head and in the astral self above the skull, making 12 major chakras in total. There are several smaller chakras/vertices in the body, eg in your palms and soles of the feet. You can feel the whirring in your palms when you use Reiki or make a chi ball. Now a bit about some of the chakras and naadis of the head.

The Sushumna nadi/central high tension channel carries the thinner Vajrini inside it. Inside this is the even subtler Chitrini. Inside this is the subtlest Brahmanadi. When it reaches the head the Sushumna bifurcates. At the back of your skull where your neck ends, there is a small hollow, at this point the Sushumna divides into 2.

  • One portion of the Brahmanadi/highest tension channel, now continues straight to the top of the head till the top bindu and the brahmarandhra.
  • The other portion continues horizontally through the pineal gland till the third eye chakra. This third eye chakra point is called the Kuthastha and represents the meeting point of the 3 naadis, Sushumna, Ida and Pingala (the 3 high energy channels).
  • Now from the Kuthastha, the Brahmanadi alone continues through your forehead till it reaches the Brahmarandhra. 
  • These 2 sections of the Brahmanadi, one from along the back of the head and one from along the forehead, now meet at the Brahmarandhra.
  • The top bindu, brahmarandhra and sahasrara chakras are interconnected one above the other at the top of your skull.

When the pran, followed by the energy of self identification, ie Kundalini, runs in these sections of the Brahmanadi and completes the circuit at the top bindu, the brahmarandhra will be accessible. The soul can then exit through it with full awareness and you get videha-mukti (death of the physical body + Moksha). If your soul does not want to exit and continue as an enlightened Guru for the benefit of others, the soul can continue in the body with full awareness in a state called Jivan-mukti. (Moksh while continuing in the body).

There are 3 chakras surrounding the top bindu located in an equilateral triangle around it. These are also locks and the pran first and the energy of self-awareness has to navigate these locks and open them. These are Vama, Jeyshtha and Raudri.

Kundalini, the chakras and creation

Let’s digress a bit now and see how creation occurs. Creation basically means the creation of the individual soul. When each individual soul gets created it then uses its own limited power of creation to further create its own personal Universe. The Creative Force of the Ultimate, basically creates the Soul/ Jivatma.

The origin of Creation is Vibrations. The Parabrahma creates Devi. The Parabrahma can be thought of as a Lamp and the Devi its Illumination. You cannot separate the two. If there is a lamp there will be its light and conversely. However the Lamp remains the source of the Light. But when the Parabrahma creates the Light (also called Prakruti) we will call the Source (Purush, as here duality has been created from the Eternal Singularity). So next, Devi creates the subtle resonance, Naada (There are 2 aspects of Naada each with specific attributes – Naadanta and Nirodhini ). Next created is Om, the pranava mantra, the ‘unstruck’ sound (sound was created but nothing was struck to create it), the primal vibration. You can perceive this subtle sound with your entire being. If you have had the fortune of sitting near a real enlightened Guru, the vibrations and the power from his aura is this.

Now the sequence is this Parabrahma – (Purush with) Devi – Naada – Om – to the next Bindu. Bindu is a ‘dot’, of compressed unimaginable potential energies. This would be the location of the topmost Bindu of your skull. This Bindu then divides into 3 energy points or chakras called Vama, Jeyshtha and Raudri. This triangle and the central bindu is responsible for our existence and all our actions.

  • Raudri represents the Kriya shakti, the energy of movement and helps the spiritual aspirant by destroying his karma balance sheet. However in the process of creation here is where your karmic balance sheet is created.
  • Jyeshta is linked to jnyana shakti and for the aspirant represents the subtle desire to seek knowledge of the self. At every point in the energy channel there are two possible directions for evolution, the inward moving/nivrutti and the outward moving/pravrutti. If you wish to seek the material you will move along the pravrutti direction and if you wish to seek the self you move in the nivrutti direction.
  • Vama represents the Iccha shakti, if the aspirant wishes to cross this chakra he has to terminate the seeds of the desire of seeking worldly pleasures. Or the other direction, when you are being created, this is where the desire for worldly experiences are linked into your Jivatma/individual soul. Whatever binds you also has the power to release you, the choice is always available to you.

Now at this level, the vibrations are still in the subtle planes, high in energy, not yet sufficiently lowered to be felt as the manifested gross. They are the subtle seeds. This portion in the Shriyantra geometry is the central dot and its surrounding equilateral triangle.

Next these 3 bindus together downshift their energy of subtle sound and create the Matrika/the deity considered as the creator of the sounds of the Sanskrit language (Devbhasha Samskrutam). Matrika produces her creations, the 16 Kala/’atom’, seeds of matter. The first fifteen kalas are the 15 vowels of Sanskrit (a, aa, e, ee, u, uu, rhu, rhuu, lhru, lhruu, ae, ai, o, au, am). The sixteenth kala is called the visarg  अ:/’aha’. The : sign is called a Visarg. This sixteenth kala is the source of all the consonants of Sanskrit.

When the Matrika produces her creations, the sounds, the original energy of creation moves further down as the energy structures of the Shatchakras, the six lower Chakras Ajnya, Vishuddhi, Anahata, Manipur, Swadhisthana and Muladhar are created. The consonants are now linked to the ‘lotus’ ‘petals’ of each of these chakras as beej mantras. These are still subtle seeds of creation not manifested.

The energy of vibrations is brought lower and lower and becomes more and more differentiated. Finally this subtle energy of self-identification is locked with the locks of the Kundalini and the entire structure of sound fixed into the Kurma-shila below the lowest Muladhar chakra. Thus the physical body is created out of vibrations. Now the 33 types of energies/33 koti devata, are used to lock the physical structure in all the possible dimensions of space/time etc.

Kundalini, the chakras and creation

Thus self awareness is brought down from the Parabrahma to the limited consciousness of the human soul. To go back to your original state of consciousness i.e. to experience Parabrahma again you have to reverse this entire process. The energy of self-identification has to be released from its kundalini locks and systematically brought up.

If the naadi route is perfectly harmonious with the original vibration that created it, the energy will just shoot up in an instant. You want to experience yourself, this desire is always there! The perfect structure looks like the Shrichakra in 2D or the Mahameru in 3D when seen from the top. The kundalini lock is at the very bottom, when the energy is released it has to navigate this maze like geometry in all possible dimensions. Each vertex of this yantra/energy diagram represents a complicated locking mechanism and the straight lines are extremely fine subtle energy lines millions of times thinner than your hair. Such a huge quantum of Kundalini energy has to be brought through these thinnest naadis and manoeuvred through each of those locks. Can you imagine the type of control you need to have on yourself? ‘Yourself’ here means your energy of self identification, Kundalini.

But as we have taken on karmas, their subtle influences have distorted our internal energy structure. It does not look like the perfect geometry anymore. So the best possible you can do is to focus on your practice and set your geometry right. The instant your energy geometry gets perfect the energy locked by the kundalini will rise in one smooth motion perfectly.

This was on how we are formed of Vibrations and are energy which is slowed down so much that it looks like matter.



I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

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