Colors of the Aura

Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

The aura is such a beautiful part of our body, I wish everyone learns to see it. It is easy, you could see as a child, so you can remember it. It is like riding a bicycle, you never forget it. Just put some efforts into it and you will get your ability back in no time.Colors of the Aura

There are several ways you can re-learn. The easiest which worked for me was this. Sit in a normally lit room, during the daytime. Now take a plain white paper and using this as a background bring your two index fingers almost together. Keep a half a centimetre distance between them. If you pay attention to the sensations of your fingers, your fingertips will now seem to slightly repel, just like same pole magnets. Now unfocus your eyes and try to look into the space between the two fingers. You will see a slight bright whiteness, different from the whiteness of the background paper. Soon this whiteness will get a burst of color and expand. This color will be strongest near your skin and fade outwards. If you cant see it the first time don’t get frustrated or upset, it will make it more difficult. It is the most natural thing so relax and see. This is the aura of your fingers/hands. Keep practicing till you can see the aura easily. Everything has aura, human bodies, animals on the street, birds, even food and water will have its energy signature which you will see as its ‘color’!

It is also quite possible that over time, you will be able to sense the aura of people who are physically far away. If you think of this person suddenly a color will pop into your mind. This will be the color of the aura he is projecting at the moment. This works nicely when it is someone you know closely and care about (maybe your brother/ father /son/ close friend etc). Even cities, cars, houses and inanimate objects can have auras. These will be not ‘auras’ in the real sense, as these objects are not completely conscious. This aura will be more energy signatures of the people who are using them. E.g the cities Kashi or Hardwar and Rishikesh, the aura/energy signature of these places is a brilliant white, because of the energy of the river Ganga passing through them.

Now back to the human body, the color of your aura will be changing constantly depending on your emotions, thoughts, comfort levels and physical states. For example, ‘surprise’ is seen as a sharp constriction in size and brightness followed by an expansion in the size/brightness aura if the surprise was agreeable. In case of an unpleasant surprise the aura can shrink and turn brownish or murky in color. When the aura constricts like this the heart beats etc change in the physical body, so too much of a surprise is not good for both the physical and astral bodies. Then when a person is happy or in a serene mood, the aura becomes brighter overall and there is a wave like vibration seen rippling or bubbling in it. The size of the aura also varies, in meditative states and of enlightened Gurus it can stretch to kilometres and of those who are of a narrow, twisted mindsets it can be very small indeed.

Also the human aura is never steady, it is always in motion, it is as if tiny light ‘particles’ separate from your aura and interact with similar ‘particles’ from other people’s auras around you. It is like a mist of light, can be so extraordinarily beautiful to see. This interaction between 2 persons like like two different colors of watercolors which are mixing in slow motion, but there will be a distinct  boundary between the 2 auras. (I have seen only one couple whose auras actually merge into each other.) All known colours of the spectrum are seen in the aura and also so many more colors which have no word descriptions. Also the quality of the color also changes, especially with spiritual growth, they seem to be more delicate and luminous with higher spiritual levels. Then because the aura is a mixture of all your emotions, it is rarely of a pure color, it will be a base color with streaks of the emotions ‘colors’.

Colors of the Aura

Have put a list of the colors of the auras and the emotions/conditions that they represent. Overall if the aura is beautiful and bright its all well with that person and he is a delight to be with. But a dirty black/grey/brown aura can actually cause nausea to the one seeing it.

Black colors are quite bad. Black in in thick or thin clouds shows that hatred and malice are dominant emotions. Deep red flashes seen against a black ground indicates that anger is high. Generally scarlet streaks in a normal aura: irritation, not yet angry enough. Greyish streaks show fear and depression, it is very depressing to even see it. If there are cords created by psychic vampires and entities who are sucking your energy these cords are seen a grey/black actual cords, if you follow these cords you can locate that negative entity too. ‘Black magic’ is indicated by a sprinkling/outer layer of black/grey all along the body.

Brown colors are in general indicate negative emotions. Brown-grey is a solid color of selfishness. Brown-red to a dull rusty streaks indicates greed. Brown- green with reddish streaks shows jealousy.

A typical faintish reddish color, ‘rose red’? or the pleasant orangey-red color of the sunrise. This is a pleasant color: sensual feelings, love and affection. But a heavily red aura represents deep tiredness.

Orange colors indicate a need to assert and dominate, not negative, just a very assertive personality. Orangish streaks in an otherwise normally colored aura are pride and ambition.

Yellow and its shades: intelligence and use of the analytical power of the mind. Duller colors will be intelligence directed to lower issues of mundane life. Gold colors will indicate philosophy and spirituality. Generally yellow is a positive color to have in the aura.

Green and its various shades are again both positive and negative. If slimy streaks of grey on a green aura is selfish, cunning and deceitful intentions. A pleasing emerald green is adaptability, versatility and resourcefulness, generally not selfish.  A pale sea-green, is indicative of sympathy and attention. Bright pleasing green is vital and active behaviour.

Now the blues generally indicate spiritual and religious tendencies. Here even a clear dark blue, dark violet or dark purple is a good indicator of spirituality. It may be light-blue, green-blue, grey-blue, but if it feels clear it is quite good.

If there are golden sparkles in a background clear aura of a luminous lilac /blue /rainbow /white it indicates very high levels of spiritual progress. The halo around enlightened Gurus is this gold aura.

Pure white color is seen rarely, only in newborn babies and in individuals of high spirituality who are about the leave the body.

Colors of the Aura

Now there are other colors which have no names. You also sense auras as feelings of warmth, cool, slimy, rough etc. Sometimes you can smell the auras, especially negative auras ‘smell’ very bad. And on the other hand you can ‘smell’ pleasing auras especially of Gurus, may smell of flowers/lotus etc. And yes, taste too, sometime auras have a ‘taste’. So whenever you are meeting someone new, try to sense him using all your 5 senses, you will get a lot of cues related to his astral self.

So this was a bit on seeing others auras, of course you can see or sense your own aura in this way too. If you see any problems in yourself do fix them with spiritual practice, intention, reiki etc as soon as you see them else they will manifest as a physical illness within the next 6 months. If you see cords cut them with sea-salt. Another thing, the aura often will ‘crack’ or ‘leak’, this happens quite often, (for me maybe once a few months), when this happens there is a weakness in the body, negative entities can attack more easily etc, and you feel cold, so cold that you may shiver randomly. So if this happens, again close the aura with your intention and energy healing.

Keeping your aura steady and non-agitated helps in mental, emotional and physical health so do pay attention to it.




3 responses to “Colors of the Aura”

  1. Daniel Avatar

    Aahaa nice! So good to read something new from you!

  2. KP Avatar

    Hi- thank you very much for the simple exercise. I was able to see a light blue color (no streaks) with my index finger experiment.

    How do I start seeing auras for people/objects? Also, does the background need to be naturally bright?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there,
      i have written several posts on auras, bioelectricity etc. pl check the index page and read them, you can sense auras as colors/ smells/ feelings/tastes etc, now tht you can see them do practise some more.. there are more exercises which you can try .. this is just the beginning..
      if you do some spiritual practice where you focus on your 3rd eye ur progress will be faster

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