Education in the horoscope

Education in the horoscope

Last Updated on March 26, 2024 by astrologerbydefault

There are certain ways to analyse education and learning in a horoscope. And there is quite a lot of confusion about this in life. So you will get lots of clients asking about their educational prospects.

There are several types of training, skill development, apprenticeship, teaching, learning and studying activities and all of these are called generically termed ‘Education’. These are all very different activities, each with a different purpose so we need to distinguish between them.

The earliest brush you have with ‘education’ is in the 4th house. Here your ‘Moon’, your mother and maternal figures, transfer to you the cultural ethos of your society. These traditions and social mores that you will live your life by are the domain of the 4th house. Your mother is your first teacher, schooling you for meaningful social interactions within your parent culture. She is the foundation of the ‘education’ in your life. Thus a strong 4th house, Moon, Cancer sign are always an asset.

Then you have your school-going phase. This lower education is also a function of the 4th house. You are taught the basics of reading, writing, maths, geography and history. This is more a phase of getting literate than getting educated. The teachers are also more ‘maternal’ and supportive in nature. So lower education is also indicated by the 4th house.

Education in the horoscope

Then there is the practical aspect of ‘education’. Training and learning skills. These are the domain of Mercury and mainly the 3rd house of the horoscope. Here you are taught to use your body and mind. You are given skills. This is superficial but highly essential information, this gets you active and working. Here we get teamwork, workshops, seminars, presentations, group studies and discussions. Short term trainings. And the University courses which train you for taking up specific jobs in the professional arena. You get your diploma, licence to practice in the society. All of this is a function of the 3rd house. You are taught how to make money a very practical and essential skill. But you will not be taught the philosophy of money and its role in the society (and it is in fact not necessary here). Here you will get the practical hands-on ‘education’ which you can apply in your daily life and society.

Then we come to higher education. This is the 5th house. Here you are taught how to lead, to express yourself and your creativity. Performing arts, music, dance, theatre related stuff. To write and publish. Learning to lead in a political, military, spiritual etc scenario is a function of the 5th house. Universities, in the past, were places for scholarship and deep learning. But in the present times they are more often places which teach you how to express yourself to the maximum possible, to make money and to lead in the society. This is the power of the 5th house.

Now for some clients in the research field, the 8th house is all about research oriented stuff where the students explore the unknown. They are often secluded in their laboratories, isolated from the general society. They use arcane’ secret knowledge and are always searching, exploring. They are also looking for ways to use these newly discovered energies. So if you want to be a scientist, this 8th house will be in the spotlight.

Now Wisdom. Wisdom requires contemplation. This ‘education’ is a long time affair, it can even be for a life-time. It is immersive. Often one-one. The student is required to reflect, contemplate and think through what is being taught to him. Add his own experience and thought process so that he can deeply understand. This is the domain of the 9th house. The student learns philosophy and the deep theories about life and living. This is Jupiter’s domain. The 9th is not about practical applications but about understanding, it is pure academics. The Guru teaching his disciples is also the 9th house. Here the students inquire into the nature of the self, and the divine.

And a quick note on the ones who will be teaching. For being a good teacher of whichever type of ‘education’ as above, that specific house will have to be strong. For eg, a teacher of philosophy will need a strong 9th house. A teacher teaching garage work and mechanics will need a good 3rd house. But for all teachers a strong 3rd house is essential, this allows the activities of explaining, communicating and interacting which are essential components of the act of teaching.

Also for the student, he needs to have a level of intelligence, memory and understanding. This would be a function of the ascendant lord, the ‘airy’ signs and their power to give results, then of course Mercury, Jupiter, Mars, Moon etc depending on which type of education he is looking for.

Understanding the astrological combinations influencing education can help in choosing the optimum career path. Teachers can enhance their teaching skills, while students can gain awareness of their learning strengths and challenges. So in your practice, when you get a client asking about his ‘education’, ask first what kind of ‘education’ is he talking about. Each is a different aspect of the horoscope.

Education in the horoscope

I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

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