Magnified healing tweaked with Reiki

Last Updated on January 7, 2021 by astrologerbydefault

Reiki is a type of energy available from the Universe discovered by Mikao Usui in the last century. He linked the various aspects of this Reiki energy to different symbols. So when you get initiated into Reiki the teacher ‘puts’ these symbols into your sub-conscious. You then use these symbols to trigger their associated energies in your work. Reiki can be used for anything that requires a positive Intention and focus.

And even if you are not initiated to Reiki you can use the energy from the Universe. I have written about it in my earlier post here on trying to sense your Chakras. Reiki is rather a short-cut! Later there came up variants of Reiki, which add more symbols, like Karuna, Kundalini etc.

Magnified healing tweaked with Reiki

Today will write on ‘Magnified healing’, it is a registered energy process developed by Gisele King. There are all sorts of angels which are invoked and some summoning phrases, a mix of essential oils, and a tiny ritual which is required to be learnt by rote. She has classes and levels and payment structures. It is quite powerful but I get the same results using Reiki. You can ‘replace’ the energies of diseased organs of the body with the energies of fully functional normal organs using Reiki like Magnified healing. I once changed the energies of my mother-in-law’s food pipe (it was seriously damaged and she was ready to die!). This is how you do it.

  • Always remember your energy work will be more effective if you are Grateful. There should be some energy which inspires your faith, your favourite deity/the universe/your higher self/your Guru/reiki/anything. There should be something that you know Loves you and you take comfort in and are grateful to. This Gratefulness is the source of all your energy. (You can set up a small altar too, if there is image/moorthi/geometry that inspires your faith. You can also keep your energy tools on your altar).
  • There should be preferably a place which you call your own, actually your Asan. At its simplest, it is a piece of 1mX1m pure silk piece on which you will sit. It helps insulate you and all the energies you invoke will be directed into your work not grounded to the earth. No one else should put their feet on this silk, so store it carefully after you are done. Sit facing north or east as always. (If you cannot sit cross legged then sit on a stool, put a piece of silk on your stool and a piece of silk under your feet. You should be preferably insulated from the earth., If you don’t have silk, use pure wool.)
  • Keep a glass bowl of sea-salt or 1 lemon in a glass bowl in front of you.
  • I have found Tuesday and Saturday twilights good for these things, but of course everyone can have their own preferences.
  • Now close your eyes, focus on your third eye, breathe deeply and relax. Say ‘Om’ a few times, drag out the last ‘mmm’ part. Breathe some more, remember your abdomen should move in and out with your breathing not just your chest.
  • Fold your hands in the namaskar position, feel the energy of your palm chakras. If you know Reiki draw all the symbols you have been taught on your both palms first. (Drawing the symbols, means using the index and middle fingers of the right hand and draw the symbol with these 2 fingers on your left hand and vice versa).
  • When your palms get whirring/warm/hot/surging with energy, intend that you will be now removing the abnormal energy of the diseased organ, eg the food-pipe, and replacing it with the correct normal energy of that body part.
  • Request the Universe to help you and provide you the proper energy of that body part. Visualise that part, eg the new food-pipe, floating in front of you, filled with gold/silver energy. Feel its positive healthy energies.
  • Now, with your both hands visualise the sick body part and remove its energy, it will look/feel, red/black/grey/slimy/sticky/greasy/bad. Firmly grab it with your charged palms and pull it out, release this unhealthy energy immediately into the sea-salt bowl or the lemon in front of you.
  • Then pick up the floating new energy and set it into place in your body. Cup both your palms over it and charge it with energy for a few minutes. Visualise gold/silver energy from the Universe settling over it and it joining it to your body’s energy. Draw reiki symbols over this new part also.
  • Finish by visualising a pearl like silver/gold shield of energy all around you. Visualise this shield to be connected to the source of the Universal energy continuously and adding a layer of healing around you throughout the day. Relax for a few minutes and open your eyes.
  • When you finish, dispose the sea-salt carefully without touching it, wash it down the drain. If using a lemon, cut it carefully on a paper. Do not touch it or spread the juice everywhere. Dispose it carefully in a trash can outside your house. You can wash the knife and bowl carefully, no need to throw them too!

Now this new energy is a part of your astral body so will take a maximum 6 months for it to manifest in the physical body. So to make the healing faster you can do basic healing over this part for 5 minutes every day. You simply rub your palms a few times, draw reiki symbols on them and then cup them over the body part. Draw the reiki symbols on the part too. You can if you want make a healing crystal grid and leave it undisturbed for a few days to help the new energy heal.

This energy replacement will work 100% depending on the strength of your intention and the visualisation. I know because it has worked for me and my MIL and my MIL was a couple of thousand kilometres away from me.

Energy work is all about Intention! Not fancy invocations and and complicated rituals, though they might help sometimes. So power your intention by doing some spiritual practice for at least 5mins everyday. When your conscious mind stops thinking your sub-conscious becomes active and you get connected to the energies of the Universe. Energy work is a complete life-style where you try to increase the vibrational level of everything around you, your food, the water you drink, the thoughts you think, the words you speak, everything you do!

Magnified healing tweaked with Reiki

2 responses to “Magnified healing tweaked with Reiki”

  1. Sunny Avatar

    How is reiki done? What are the symbols?

    1. astrologerbydefault Avatar

      Hi there
      do contact a reiki teacher near you to get the initiation if you want
      the symbols are all over the internet if you search for them
      if you wish you can contact one of my sisters Nikita

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