Addictions astrologically and spiritually

Last Updated on July 30, 2020 by astrologerbydefault

Recently I was doing Reiki initiation for a client and in the middle of it her phone buzzed. I almost froze with the shock! I had told her to switch it off and keep it in her purse, but she had put it on silent mode. So here I was with her open aura, putting reiki symbols inside her brain and that inferal buzzing in the background! Her Reiki initiation became a test for my concentration (facepalm!). We are all so addicted to our phones, it is distracting us from our true purpose in life. We have limited our lives to likes and forwards!

Rahu the trickster

So, what is it that you are searching for? At the root of it, you are searching for Happiness. And strangely enough you find it! You find happiness in a cute forward, new dress, a car, the house you live in, in your lover, the parents, reading a book and so on. But the nature of this happiness is just temporary, it lasts while it lasts. And you are addicted to finding happiness. And that thing which gives you this joy, you repeat it again and again till either you get bored or you are sure that the ecstasy is now permanent. If you get bored you will repeat this behaviour with some other object of desire and repeat this cycle all over again. Or if aspects exist, this behaviour can then also lead to depression or psychiatric issues.

But for the extremely few, if you have achieved permanent ecstasy, you have attained Nirvana and will not be attracted to any other object of desire ever again. This state of Bliss is the object of life as per Sanatan Dharm (hinduism). Moksh!

Back to astrology now, for some, this search for happiness goes wrong and then they indulge in habits and substances which cause irreparable physical, mental and spiritual harm. There are astrological combinations which can predict such self destructive tendencies. Check out the following when you are faced with such addictive behaviour. Mental instability is also an addiction. As always look at the strength of the house-sign, the placement of the owner planet of the house-sign, the planets placed in the house and also aspecting it. Also look out for the position of Mercury as he represents the thinking process. The malefic and benefic influences, if any debilitated, retrograde, combust planet is involved etc. eg. a well placed Jupiter can limit the harm to a great degree, and even a Saturn with his strict, restrictive influence can limit amoral behaviour.

The sixth house from the ascendant – this is the house of disease, debts, arguments, enemies. Your tendency to take drugs and substances is determined here. Addictions ultimately lead to debt, disease and shame, the realm of the 6th. Also check out the status of the Virgo sign in your birth horoscope, and the aspects on it. Especially Rahu, Ketu linked with Venus or Moon and this house.

The sixth house from the birth moon – this is the house which determines your emotional need and response to exploitative self medication – addiction. Any behaviour can become a habit which gives short term ecstasy which can later turn to emotional exploitation. If you find satisfaction in heroin you will take it again and again ultimately leading to disaster. This is the domain of the mind, the birth moon, look out if Rahu, Ketu and Venus influence it or the moon itself (eg if cancer sign is placed here).

Venus and the sixth house from Venus – this is the house which actually determines if there is scope for addictive behaviour. If there are malefic influences there will be greater scope for dangerous addictions.

Venus, the teacher of the esoteric, is also your taste for passion and your take on morality. Venus, or Daityaguru Shukracharya is the agent for indulgence and passion. Venus is also the smartest karmic teacher, he is the one with the highest esoteric knowledge but when you go to him, he gives you distractions, beauty, relationships, sex, wine, addictions. If you get caught in them, you fail his test and he withholds his valuable deep wisdom. Venus if influenced by the nodes Rahu or Ketu is a potentially amoral combination. Rahu/north node, amplifies desires and Ketu/south node, dissolves boundaries. These two can cause havoc with your moral compass as predatory and amoral influences become powerful. Your vital energies are lost and and you allow your indulgent addictive pleasure-seeking behaviour to dominate.

As you know your body is composed of three tendencies, Vaat, Kapha and Pitta, as per Ayurved. If you are suffering from Vaat dosh, ie imbalance of the Vaat component, addictions can result.

So what can be done? If you have such tendencies in your chart, divert them to something useful and less dangerous before they erupt on their own and explode into addictions. Do not dam it up. Addict yourself to something constructive or spiritual or some activity for the benefit of the society. Get your high from being useful and productive. Develop a hobby. Create something, learn a new skill, feel happy from the inside. Spend some time with yourself or with the Great Mother, nature. Go for walks in the sea-shore, forests or parks. There are so many ways to divert energy. Try them and see what resonates with you.

All said and done, the mind is so susceptible to pressures and influences that it easily leads us astray. But also remember this, You are the Consciousness and the mind is like a tool in your hands, train your mind, exert your Will. It is just like keeping a pet dog, if you train it well it will be an asset but if not trained then is an embarrassment and a liability. To train your mind, do some small 5-min a day spiritual exercises which will keep your Conscious Will in control. I have written a lot about such exercises in my several past posts. Check them out if you are drawn to something.

And finally, we are all in search of permanent happiness, a happiness which will not be changed by comparisons, time and emotions. A happiness which is from within your own self and not dependant on anything outside your own self.


Addictions astrologically and spiritually


I’m Tejaswini

I write on all things Consciousness.

I am a Jyotishi, an Astrologer.

I follow Sanatan Dharma and practice Tantra, Shri Vidya on the foundations of the Vedant.

Sharing my experiences, on the way, through this Blog.

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